Presbyterian Women in the
Presbytery of Blackhawk (PWP) News
Congratulations to four women who received scholarship funds to help with expenses for the Presbyterian Women Churchwide Gathering in August in St. Louis, MO. Jill Sunday will be representing Blackhawk Presbytery at the business meeting portion of the event. It will be five exciting fully packed days with lots of activities.
All congregations are encouraged to assemble Church World Service Kits again this year. The need for them is great in many areas of the world. Even a financial contribution would be helpful. Please have whoever is coordinating this program contact Jill Sunday with their goal.
Earlier, PWP had announced that they would be disbanding or shutting down this summer, due to the need for leadership. If and when there is interest in starting up again, the current officers will be glad to help get the Presbyterian Women in Blackhawk active again.
In the meantime, Mission funds are being distributed to the Birthday Offering and Thank Offering. PWP records are being gathered and organized and will be sent to the national archives when complete. The checking account will be closed after the expenses for storing the records is finished. The PWP Coordinating Team is planning to meet one more time after the Churchwide Gathering to finalize details, so stay tuned.