Presbytery of Blackhawk


May 3, 2024

May 14 Presbytery Assembly

Blackhawk Presbytery is called to assemble on May 14, beginning at 9:30 am at Oswego Presbyterian church and on zoom. Everyone is asked to register, whether attending in person or online. Click the button below.

A docket and meeting reports can be found on our website (please contact the office if you need login credentials) where you will also find information for those who might be attending for the first time.

In addition to the usual reports, we will welcome several new pastors, commission a new Commissioned Pastor, and our General Assembly delegates, hear from the Administrative Commission for Belvidere, and get an update from the Permanent Judicial Commission. 

All are welcome!


The Land and Name Acknowledgement Task Force (LANA)

of Blackhawk Presbytery

 has some exciting news to share

First, we are hosting a Field Trip on Wednesday, June 5 to visit various sites in the Northwest corner of the Presbytery. See below for details – all are welcome to join us for the full day or a portion of the day.

And, we are also sharing a “Discovery Guide” of places to visit that will increase our knowledge of the Indigenous people who lived in Illinois before European settlement. We hope that by learning the history of “our” land (before “us”) we can expand our thinking, honor the past, and create a peaceful and just future. Won’t you join us? 


All About Photos (in the church world) – Photo Storage, Collaboration & Organization - great article

from Worship Times

"The House Next Door"

inspirational video from Presbyterian Foundation

Open Searches for Pastoral Leadership in Blackhawk

Head of Staff (Head of Staff/Senior Pastor,)

First Presbyterian,Joliet

Solo Pastor: Installed

Second Cong./First Pres.


Solo Pastor: Installed

First Presbyterian, Fairbury

Solo Pastor: Installed

First Presbyterian, Mendota

See the CLC for more info - anyone can do an opportunity search

The Current

Blackhawk Prayer Calendar

can be found on our website.

Field Trip with LANA

Please Join Us

Wednesday, June 5, 10 am

The Land and Name Acknowledgement Task Force (LANA) of Blackhawk Presbytery invites you to join us for a visit to the Apple River Fort State Historic Site, followed by a picnic lunch and discussion at Schapville Zion Presbyterian

Church. Optional afternoon activities include visits to Casper Bluff Reserve, Casper Creek Natural Cemetery, First Presbyterian Church of Galena and dinner at DeSoto Hotel, Galena.


  • Meet at the Fort (311 E Myrtle St, Elizabeth, IL 61028) for a guided tour and visit the interpretive center.
  • Re-gather at Schapville Zion for a provided picnic lunch of grilled bratwursts, chips, cookies and beverage (donations accepted) or BYO
  • Join a discussion around our Blackhawk name, land acknowledgement statements, and related topics – bring a lawn chair!
  • Optional activities: the Effigy Mound site at Casper Bluff (30 minute drive), Casper Creek Natural Cemetery, tour of First Pres. Galena (est. 1831), dine as a group (dutch treat) at DeSoto House Green Street Tavern
  • Overnight lodging is your preference, but there are plenty of activities for a second day in Galena
  • Please RSVP:

Join us for any or all of the day’s activities! See an approximate schedule here.


of the

Discovery Guide

for your

Summer Travels!

Join us on May 14 to find out our Award Winners for 2023 and make plans

to be "Six for Six" in 2024

This year’s conference will be live in Portland, Oregon September 23-25, with an online virtual registration option as well. In-person attendees will choose from dozens of workshops in addition to plenary sessions and worship experiences. Virtual attendees can join us for live-streamed and recorded plenaries and worship, and will have access to 8 recorded workshops, 4 of which can be live-streamed. This year we have an unprecedented number of new presenters and workshop topics, so if you’ve attended a past conference, there will be plenty of new material available for you. 


Animating Antiracist Ways of Being

The Presbytery of Great Rivers is hosting an antiracism training event this spring, and they'd love to have you join them! The training will be led by Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training, with Jessica Vazquez Torres as the main facilitator. It's on the evening of May 31st and morning of June 1st, at Stronghold Camp in Oregon. Read more and SHARE THE FLYER!

Click for registration link

Jim Atwood Institute for

Congregational Courage

Gun Violence Prevention Retreat

August 22 - 25, 2024

at Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM

The GVP Atwood Institute aims to train clergy and lay leaders/teams in various Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) skills for congregational use, including preaching and discussing GVP, managing conflict and trauma, fostering courage and resilience, and engaging congregations and communities in practical GVP education and action. The institute also offers hands-on training for Gun to Gardens events and other projects. More Information........Brochure.


Save the Dates and Share

Stronghold Fall Breakaway

November 1-2-3, 2024

Middle School/High School Retreat

Upbeat worship, small group conversations, plenty of free time, outdoor recreation

Registration materials will be available in September. 

Contact: Stephen Bowie 815-962-7889


February 2025    

Confirmation Event at Stronghold


Presbyterian Youth Triennium

July 28-31, 2025

Louisville, KY

3,000 young people and leaders deepening their faith in Jesus Christ.

Registration will happen in the

first months of 2025

General Assembly is for you.

General Assembly IS you!

Follow along with these updates.

Or find ALL the business before the assembly at

Support the


for the Future of the Church

Congregational Vitality Spotlight

Dixon First Presbyterian Invites Community Pray-ers

The Mission/Witness Committee, together with lots of help, constructed and erected the wall.

Our intent is to invite church and community members to pause, say a prayer and tie a ribbon

on the wall. Sarah Bingaman brought this idea to the Session after she saw a similar one near

the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. 

We dedicated our "Prayer Wall" during Easter worship this morning.  We hope that community members will feel welcome to pause, choose a ribbon from the mailbox and say a prayer as they tie their ribbon to the wall.  Many thanks to Bonnie and Allen Cumberland, Leslie Beran, Phil Vella, Sam Vilardo, Evelyn Thomas, Phil Devers, Cheyanna Losey and all who helped with this project.


Presbytery Meeting

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

9:30 am

Hybrid - on zoom and in person

Oswego Presbyterian


The per capita assessment for:

2024 is $43.00

Church payments are posted monthly on the website

Visit our website:

Presbytery of Blackhawk

Our Vision and Values

     Grounded in the biblical image for human community, as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, we challenge and support congregations to be thriving faith communities by facilitating competent leadership and resourcing to energize ministry and mission.

     As Christians, guided by the principles of love, trust, open communication, and genuine relationships, we value each other as sisters and brothers in faith in all our varied theological understandings. Therefore, we relish respectful discussions of differing opinions as a necessary part of discerning the will of God.

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