Welcome to our newsletter, Digital Transatlantic Dialogue. If you haven't joined us yet, w e are offering webinars every week on a specific public policy or cultural topic with experts from our inspiring community!

Today's Newsletter
  1. Young Leaders Webinar: "The World After Covid-19"
  2. Black Lives Matter Movements in France
  3. Pride Month
  4. NYC Pride Special Broadcast Event
  5. Previous Webinars
Young Leaders Webinar
We’re pleased to invite you to join us for our fourth  Young Leader-led webinar in partnership with our sister organization, the  French-American Foundation - France. The event is free and open to the public.

Young Leaders Perspectives
CEO and Founder of Blue Like an Orange Sustainable Capital
& French Young Leader ’02
President and co-founder of Vae Solis Communications & French Young Leader ’94

  • Topic: Global topic
  • Date & Time: Thursday, June 25 at 12:30 pm ET
  • RSVP: Click HERE to sign up. Registered guests will receive a link to join in the days leading up to the event.
Black Lives Matter Movements in France
# BlackLivesMatter
  • "For four years, Assa Traoré has been fighting to establish the true circumstances surrounding the death of her brother, Adama Traoré, on July 19, 2016, on the premises of the gendarmerie of the village of Persan, forty miles north of Paris. (...)"

  • "France has long sought social justice through a commitment to universal ideals. But a younger generation is demanding recognition of racism — and remedies for it. (...)"

  • "The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis resonated around the world. But it had a particular echo in France, one of the most ethnically diverse countries in Europe, where discussing race is still a challenge. (...)"

  • "Racialisation, « privilège blanc », militantisme décolonial, revendications identitaires… La vague d’indignation née en France du meurtre de George Floyd par un policier à Minneapolis (Etats-Unis) et les manifestations contre les violences policières et le racisme dans le sillage de l’affaire Adama Traoré suscitent à leur tour un flot d’inquiétude, voire d’indignation. (...)"
Pride Month
Pride Month  occurs in the United States to commemorate the Stonewall riots , which occurred at the end of  June   1969 . As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact that LGBTQ  communities have had in the world.
-- Here is a list of events offered by NYC Pride.

How the Pride March Made History, The New York Times
  • "This month marks the 50th anniversary of the first Pride march, which was held in New York City on June 28, 1970. The event — officially known as the Christopher Street Liberation Day March — was spearheaded by a group of activists that included Craig Rodwell, Fred Sargeant, Ellen Broidy, Linda Rhodes and Brenda Howard, for the first anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. (...)"

  • "With the Covid-19 pandemic still ongoing, hundreds of pride events have been cancelled across America. But the celebrations will continue online. There will be digital parties but also a range of online exhibitions that trace the history of pride, beyond the parade and rainbow flags. (...)"

  • "During a Pride Month many feared would bring diminished attention to LGBT issues, recent days have put a spotlight on efforts to advocate transgender Americans’ rights. (...)"

"Every summer in the United States, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community comes together for a monthlong celebration of love, diversity, acceptance and unashamed self-pride. (...)"
NYC Pride Special Broadcast Event
On Sunday, June 28 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, NYC Pride will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first Pride March held in 1970.

"The first March was held in 1970 and has since become an annual civil rights demonstration. Over the years, its purpose has broadened to include recognition of the fight against AIDS and to remember those we have lost to illness, violence and neglect.

In this unique year, NYC Pride is committed to saluting front-line workers alongside several leaders in the community being honored as Grand Marshals: Dan Levy, The Ali Forney Center, Yanzi Peng, and Victoria Cruz. (...)". Read more .
Previous Webinars
Check out here the full recordings of our previous webinars!
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