During this week, management has had people in the facility to discuss and sign-up JNESO members for the new health benefits package.  

The Union has filed a grievance because management has presented a medical benefits package that DOES NOT follow the contract language. “The plan coverage is to be "the same or comparable to the current level of benefits".”  

Even though the premiums are staying as they were similar to last year, the plan benefits cost you more under this plan. As this process is ongoing, you need to look at the plan and your individual situation before making a decision to sign-up for the medical benefits. Under your JNESO contract, you can choose to receive an additional $2 more per hour in lieu of benefits from Bishop McCarthy.

It is very important to our JNESO members that management follows the contract and provide a benefit to the employees that is not lesser than the benefit you currently have. We will continue to update you on our findings and the grievance and arbitration process.

For questions or concerns, please contact your

Labor Rep. Ellena Osborne:

(732) 745-2776 x116 |

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