Volume 1

Bishop Harvey welcomes you to the AC2023 newsletter

Welcome to Delegate Dispatch crafted especially for you, the TAC delegates. This short newsletter will replace past emails you have received to recap basic information you need to know for Annual Conference 2023 (AC2023).

Delegates, 24 hours after you receive this, you will be able to find this on line at www.txcumc.org/tac2023 our team is adding more information here daily.

This year’s theme is Revive, Renew, Reinvigorate and Reimagine and I will be unveiling more about our theme in videos right here in Delegate Dispatch, which will come to you by email every two weeks.

At this year’s Annual Conference, everyone will have a seat at the table, literally! To bring a little warmth and fellowship to this year’s session, everyone will be sitting at tables. This will also allow lay and clergy delegates from other churches to connect with one another during the session.

I can’t wait to see you face-to-face to celebrate the sacred surprises that are happening across our Conference, and of course to do a little bit of business as well.

Grace & Peace,

Bishop Harvey

We want you to have a place at the table

At Annual Conference 2023 we will be celebrating the life of the churches in the Texas Annual Conference -- our strength, renewal, new life, and even reimagining our future together. You don’t want to miss this time together.

Reserve your place at the table today...


While you are at it, grab a hotel so you have a place to sleep and hang out with friends in the lobby.


Do you have children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12? Let’s get them registered too so they can have some fun while you are attending AC2023.


1. Wear your nametag – red name tags are for pastors; green name tags are for

church members (laity). If you see a purple nametag, say hello to Bishop Harvey

or another visiting bishop!

2. Go to the Pre-Conference Meeting – this is where you will get all of the insider information on what will be presented at the session in May, helping you to

understand how to vote and ask questions.

3. Wear comfortable shoes – you will do a lot of walking (and talking) at

Conference. Keep those feet comfy.

4. Download Guidebook – download this handy app a few days before AC2023. It has everything in it at the snap of a finger; the schedule, resolutions, even photos that delegates will post from the session. We will have information loaded into Guidebook in a few weeks. Stay tuned!

5. Explore the great restaurants – Some of the best restaurants in Houston are

just a short drive from where we are having Annual Conference. Annual

Conference Foodies will be sharing their favorite restaurants in the next few



“I’m so glad I attended last year’s Pre-Annual Conference – it was so easy to go to the session on Zoom. It helped me understand everything I would be voting on at the upcoming session and I even got to practice voting.”

Pre-Annual Conference is an online meeting for delegates so you can understand what you will be voting on before you get to Annual Conference, then ask questions. You will even get to practice voting. Don’t miss out on this important time of learning!

April 23 | 6:30 pm

Virtual Pre-Conference Meeting for Central South, East and West Districts held via Zoom. 

Join by clicking here.

April 24 | 6:30 pm

Virtual Pre-Conference Meeting for Northwest, South, and Southwest District held via Zoom.

Join by clicking here.

April 25 | 3:00 pm

Virtual Pre-Conference Meeting for Central North, North, & Southeast

Districts at 3 pm via Zoom. 

Join by clicking here.

Bishop talks about Revive

Bishop Harvey shares with AC2023 delegates Revive, Day 1 of AC2023
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