December, 2020
Volume 16, Issue 5
Director's Letter

For us at the BTER Foundation, every day is a thanksgiving day - a day during which we are grateful for our staff, volunteers, and donors; a day during which we are grateful for the opportunity to bring information, hope, and health to so many.

Just before sitting down to begin this letter, I read today's mail. The first letter that I opened was a grant request on behalf of a young man who's mobility, communication skills, and patience have all been helped by riding a specially trained horse ("hippotherapy"). His care is not covered by medical insurance, so his therapists requested a BTER Foundation Assistance Grant to be able to continue therapy. What a privilege it is to be able to improve someone's life by facilitating care in this way.

The second letter I opened contained a check from a long time supporter . . . . a check which perfectly covered the funds required by this young man.

How could I ask for more? I can't. But I can and will share my gratitude by telling you about some of the exciting work we have done this year, despite loosing what few staff and volunteers we had due to COVID-19.

Recent publications with BTER Collaboration:

1) Clinical study of Maggot therapy for Fournier's gangrene. Fonseca-Muñoz A, Sarmiento-Jiménez HE, Pérez-Pacheco R, Thyssen PJ, Sherman RA. Int Wound J. 2020. PMID: 32691532

3) Advantages of Maggot Debridement Therapy for Chronic Wounds: A Bibliographic Review. Moya-López J, Costela-Ruiz V, García-Recio E, Sherman RA, De Luna-Bertos E. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2020.PMID: 32941225

4) The Awesome World of Blow Flies, 2020. Author: Abbas Mirabzadeh (Forward by RA Sherman). Available on

BTER Lectures featuring Biotherapy included:

1) Leeches and Maggots and Bees - Oh, My! What is Biotherapy? Integrative Healthcare Symposium. New York; February 20-22, 2020.

2) Maggot Therapy takes us Back to the Future of Medicine. BugFest
sponsored by North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. September 14-19, 2020 (Recording can be found HERE).

3) Principles and Practice of Leech Therapy. Wild on Wounds, September 24, 2020.

4) Principles and Practice of Maggot Therapy. Wild on Wounds, September 27, 2020.

5) Larvae in the Time of COVID: How Telehealth Guided Home-Based Debridement Is the Ultimate Locavore Movement. DFCon (=Diabetic Foot Conference), October 9, 2020.

6) The Metamorphosis of Medical Entomology into Entomological Medicine. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 23, 2020.

How can the BTER Foundation help you? Just let us know. The BTER Foundation regularly provides personal assistance and group courses in biotherapy. If you have any questions about biotherapy, you can reach our therapists for assistance via e-mail ( or phone (949-246-1156). 
Would you like to help us help others? There are so many ways that you can help, too. If you are a health care provider, you can join our faculty, provide counseling, or provide an in-service to some of the clinicians around the country that want to learn more about biotherapy. If you are/were a biotherapy "care-receiver," you may be able to counsel individuals who are now considering a similar treatment course. They probably have as many questions and concerns as you did.

Perhaps you have special skills - clerical, social media, writing, marketing . . . . If you have the desire and time too help, we have needs to match any skill level. And if you have the desire but no time, then you could help fund our Patient-Assistance Grants, our teaching programs, or our research.

Contact us if you want help.
Contact us if you want to help.

With best wishes for a BeTER 2021,
R Sherman (signature)
Publication Credits

THE BeTER LeTTER is published by: 
BioTherapeutics, Education & Research (BTER) Foundation
36 Urey Court, Irvine, CA 92617
Phone: 949-246-1156 / Fax: 949-679-3001 

Ronald A. Sherman

Assistant Editors:
Your Name Could Be Here!

Contributing Writers:
Dr. Sagiv Ben-Yakir, Dr. Jose Contreras-Ruiz, Sheri Rosen,
Dr. Pascal Steenvoorde, Dr. Tarek Tantawi,
Your name could be here! 

Foundation Consultants:
Eve Iversen, Dr. Alana Jolley, Amy Mendez, Joanne Preston,
Dr. Aletha Tippett

Foundation Board:
Ronald A Sherman (Chair); Sagiv Ben-Yakir;
Chris Kleronomos; Samuel G Kohn (Treasurer); Sheri Cameron.

Past Board Members:
Donna Beales; Sharon Mendez; Pamela Mitchell; Randall Sullivan

Administrative Assistants: 
Sameera Rangwala, Albert Nguyen