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FridayMusings since 2003

Wednesday, May 29, 2024  

Helping define Livonia's Quality of Life

Archive – Bill Joyner's Friday Musings

20 years publishing FridayMusings without bias but not without opinion

June 7 is the date. Anastasia and Katie's is the Place.

Livonia's newest Friday afternoon entertainment venue is looking for you to share your musical skillset and be a part of another hometown tradition.

Anastasia and Katie's is gearing up to provide summertime entertainment. Starting June 7th, and on Fridays throughout the summer, A&K will stay open until 6:00 PM, offering refreshing beverages and food items for your enjoyment, accompanied by live entertainment sometime between 3:00-6:00 in the open-air courtyard adjacent to the cafe.

In anticipation of this summer delight at Livonia's beloved Coffee Shop and Cafe, the team at A&K is reaching out to local talent or those nearby who would like to showcase their entertainment skills. Whether you're a guitarist, part of a duet, or a trio member who loves to perform for an audience, we're looking for you.

If you have a speaker, amplifier, and musical instrument, contact Jane at

This is an excellent chance to join Anastasia and Katie's expanding circle of friends and supporters. Plus, it's an opportunity to invite your loved ones to see you perform, whether a novice or a seasoned artist. Although there is no pay there is an opportunity to network and yes, to put out a tip jar where attendees can share their enjoyment of music with you.

The 2024 elections are vital. It is time to become engaged.

Endorsing candidates early in the election cycle might seem premature, but American citizens need to participate actively. Now is the time to select a candidate and engage with the grassroots movement that fuels democracy.

The power ultimately lies with you, the voter. Demonstrating your support is crucial, be it through donations, yard signs, or discussions with neighbors. Democracy demands active involvement, not passive observation; it's about rallying together, choosing a side, and being an informed, active voter.

The most significant endorsement occurs in the voting booth. I've made my choice, and now is the moment for engagement. My typewriter is poised, and I hope you are too.

A strong team is representing Livonia in Lansing.

Laura Pohutsky, Matt Koleszar, Stephanie Young

FridayMusings is proud to endorse Laurie Pohutsky, Matt Koleszar and Stephanie Young who have joined together to provide our hometown with as strong a leadership team as we have had in Lansing in years. Individually and collectively Livonia will benefit with their return to the legislature.

Laurie Pohutsky emerged as Livonia's Representative after starting her career as a microbiologist. Her pragmatic approach has propelled her to the role of Speaker Pro-tem, the second most influential position in the State House.

She dedicates a significant portion of her time to Livonia, rather than spending all her time in Lansing. Every day, she engages with the community, whether it's through meeting residents, contributing to projects, or preparing to take over as President of the Livonia Rotary Noon Club. Her consistent presence and deep interest in local matters make her the ideal candidate to retain this seat.

Musings appreciates her commitment to environmental conservation, advocacy for women's reproductive rights, and efforts to strengthen our public school system. Laurie Pohutsky has established herself as a leader in Lansing and Livonia.

Matt Koleszar, a distinguished advocate for our public school systems in Lansing, persists as chairman of the education committee. His pivotal contributions ensured a significant increase in foundational grants for schools, funding for school safety initiatives, and environmental protection. He is passionate about working to protect our vast water resources for future Michiganders and has shown that he will stand by his constituents and work to protect and preserve our environment for years to come

Serving Plymouth, Northville, and Livonia areas, he maintains a strong presence and support across his district. He is consistently available and approachable for discussions on state matters and to address local concerns that fall within state jurisdiction.

With a proven history of championing the rights of all Michiganders, Matt is prepared to persist in his advocacy for laws that safeguard and bolster the citizens of Michigan.

Stephanie Young is one of our Livonia supporters who makes it a point to be available and accessible to her constituents in Livonia. One only has to look up during community events and there will be Stephanie Young. This visibility and accessibility make her a key part of the Livonia team in Lansing. Before becoming one of the team representing Livonia in Lansing Young worked for former state representatives, mayoral administrations, and community advocacy organizations. She was also the first executive director of Detroit’s Community Education Commission. She has sponsored or co-sponsored over 200 bills.

Young’s priorities include ensuring Michiganders have quality public education, including affordable child care and access to trade schools. She advocates for expanded mental health resources, and clean water and air. Young is a fighter for affordable housing, resources for seniors, and criminal justice reform.

With her history of working with residents and community organizations, Stephanie is ready to continue the work representing Livonia in Lansing.

John Larkin for

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge

John Larkin brings extensive experience and a commitment to justice, impartiality, and fairness to his campaign. When taking a look at his background and seeing him across Livonia at many of our hometown events there are many reasons to endorse John Larkin for Wayne County Circuit Court Judge.

John Larkin a lifelong resident of Wayne County with core values of justice, fairness, and empathy.

With 33 years of legal practice, John has focused on helping people during their most challenging times. Whether dealing with legal, financial, injury, or employment issues, he has been an advocate for those in need.

Beyond the legal realm, John has been an active contributor to the community. He has offered legal services at the Most Holy Trinity Legal Clinic for over 20 years and held leadership positions on the Livonia Bar Association. Additionally, he has volunteered at a myriad of organizations, including the Ark Food Bank, Trumbull Soup Kitchen, and Livonia Rotary.

Dillon Breen, Angela Jaafar, Candy R. Little for Schoolcraft Trustee 

Schoolcraft College has provided a cornerstone of leadership not only for education but for the communities in Western Wayne County. Part of that leadership has been the Trustees elected to represent our community college district.

Since its founding, the Schoolcraft College Board of Trustees has functioned as a team. Today, that team has unanimously endorsed these three candidates, Dillon Breen, Angela Jaafar and Candy Little.

Candy Little works for Merck as both a Senior Clinical Research Specialist and Institution Lead Clinical Research Associate. She has been active as a volunteer in the Livonia community for over 16 years. She was an active volunteer on various committees until her daughter graduated from the Math, Science, and Computers (MSC) program at Churchill High School in 2022. She stood out in the application process and we will benefit from her community and professional skillset when elected to a full term.

Angela Jaafar previously served on the Northville Board of Education, has served as a commissioner for Parks and Recreation, Advisor for the Senior Advisory Board (Northville), and serves as a member of the Detroit Zoological Authority for Wayne County. She brings a background of community leadership from which Schoolcraft will continue to benefit.

Dillon Breen has served on numerous Livonia commissions including serving on the Livonia Human Relations Commission, the Livonia Local Officers Compensation Commission, and the Livonia Brownfield Redevelopment Authority. Dillon was a 2019 Fellow in the Michigan Political Leadership Program (MPLP) at Michigan State University. He understands the connection with citizen engagement, as a member of the Livonia Rotary Club, and brings the kind of citizen ownership that will continue to benefit Schoolcraft College.

Karen Bradford, Madeline Acosta for Livonia Board of Education

Historically, Livonia's school board members have been actively involved in their community, running for Trustee positions out of a firm belief that the schools and community jointly contribute to the high quality of life. Typically, any list of Trustees would be filled with engaged and visible members. 

However, in recent years, although the school board is replete with likable and dedicated Trustees, this sense of community cooperation has diminished. Therefore, this year, it is crucial for Livonia to scrutinize the candidates running for office to identify those who aim to forge connections with the broader community, not solely the school sector.

Two Trustees, Karen Bradford and Madeline Acosta, have announced their intentions to seek re-election. Both are prominent and approachable figures whose continued service would reinforce the notion that our schools are pivotal in shaping the quality of life for all residents, serving the entire hometown, not just the educational community.

Karen Bradford joined the Board in November 2016 and was re-elected in 2020. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana, and a Master of Arts in Reading from Eastern Michigan University. Bradford has experience as a substitute teacher and is a proud parent of four graduates from Livonia Public Schools.

Madeline Acosta was elected to the Board in November 2020. She possesses a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Michigan, another Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from Wayne State University, and has pursued a Master of Arts in Teaching.

Acosta's previous roles include working as a Bilingual Educational Technician, Special Education Teacher, and Homeless and Community Liaison in Southwest Detroit. She and her husband, Nico, are raising two sons who are currently enrolled in LPS.

In November, four Trustees will be elected. Once the filing deadline passes and the complete list of candidates is known, two additional candidates will be endorsed. For Musings we will look for these two final endorsements to share a philosophical stance similar to that of Bradford and Acosta.

Glenn Anderson for Wayne County Commissioner

For more than ten years, Livonia has been competently served by Glenn Anderson, initially as a Michigan State Senator and later as Wayne County Commissioner. Anderson remains active and approachable in the community, always ready to lend an ear and respond when needed.

With extensive experience in both local and state government, Anderson has served as a State Senator for eight years (2007-14), a State Representative for six years (2001-06), a Westland City Council member for nine years (1991-2000), and a member of the Wayne County Ethics Board.

His legislative efforts were dedicated to ending bullying in schools, child protection, redistricting reform, and enhancing consumer protection and government transparency. His service earned him recognition from various organizations, including being named Legislator of the Year by the Michigan Chiefs of Police and the Police Officers Association of Michigan. He also participated in the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators and the Council of State Governments Great Lakes Caucus.

Beyond his elected roles, Commissioner Anderson has been actively engaged in the community, participating in numerous civic groups, including the Westland Goodfellows, Western Wayne NAACP, Churchill High School PTA, and other charitable organizations.

Before entering elective office, Anderson worked for Ford Motor Co. and has been a United Auto Workers member since 1972.

Livonia continues to be represented by individuals who cherish the community, volunteer proactively, and embody the spirit of a citizen servant, and that is a definition of Glenn Anderson.

Re-elect Joe Biden for

United States President

Ringo Starr wrote the lyrics that fit this election perfectly."It don't come easy. You know it don't come easy." Anytime a decision to endorse is made it should not be easy, it should require thought and contemplation. But once a decision is made it is time for engagement and active support.

Joe Biden has committed to being a president for all Americans, including those who did not vote for him. The idea that the president should serve the interests of the entire nation is almost a revolutionary concept.

The country has grown weaker, more irate, less hopeful, and increasingly divided due to the bitterness infused into the political sphere since the 2020 election. Mr. Biden is well-prepared and has shown this to be true as he has offered the nation a plan, proposing an agenda with comprehensive strategies for its execution.

In the face of unyielding chaos spawned by division, the lack of a constructive agenda, and incessant attacks rooted in fallacious, sophomoric reasoning, Mr. Biden continues to present the nation with an alternative that transcends policy or ideology. His campaign is built on stability, experience, empathy, and integrity.

President Biden is dedicated to upholding the rule of law and reinstating public confidence in democratic institutions. He respects science and has in many areas appointed capable, qualified, and ethical individuals to public service.

He aligns with America's allies and confronts foes that threaten our democracy.

He has unveiled an ambitious plan to tackle some of America's most pressing challenges.

Mr. Biden is not an ideologue or an agitator, unlike Mr. Trump, whose campaign and leadership style have shown such characteristics. While some may see this as a shortcoming or overly optimistic, I disagree.

Mr. Biden acknowledges the complexity of the issues at hand. Nevertheless, he needs a Congress that is ready to work with him toward a constructive American agenda. The fact that this Congress has enacted only 1% of the proposed bills suggests that obstructionism is more significant to the Republicans in the House than pursuing a brighter, more hopeful future.

As Livonia goes to the polls this year, voters are deciding not just on a leader, but on the direction of America. They are determining their support for the rule of law and the type of government they wish to have.

Re-elect Rashida Tlaib for

United States Congress

On national news, we frequently observe our members of Congress expressing their views on national and international matters.

Meanwhile, as we journey through Livonia, we encounter concerns that resonate with our neighbors, emphasizing the need for availability, transparency, and sincerity regarding the issues that impact them directly.

Rashida Tlaib is deeply committed to constituent service, surpassing any Congress member representing Livonia since the days of Bill Ford and Carl Pursell. She diligently fosters strong connections within the communities she serves, viewing the outreach and impact on her constituents' lives as part of her enduring mission to assist others.

The new 12th District, which elected Tlaib in 2022, presented her with the challenge of winning over those she had not previously represented. However, Tlaib is recognized as one of Michigan's most adept retail politicians, consistently showing an ability to find common ground with all constituents, including those who may not share her views.

Tlaib emphasizes availability and accessibility, frequently meeting with Livonia residents upon request and actively volunteering in community projects.

During her tenure, she has concentrated on assisting her constituents with daily struggles. As a courageous and transformative leader, Rashida has been an advocate for families from diverse backgrounds, with a special focus on those who have been marginalized.

Rashida Tlaib and her team have set up Neighborhood Service Centers across the district, offering support with college debt, veterans' services, immigration issues, and Social Security benefits. They are also committed to ensuring access to healthcare and tackling housing issues. Rashida understands that helping constituents overcome everyday obstacles is as important as achieving legislative victories.

Her approach to representation blends fervor with practicality, and her ongoing engagement in Livonia positions her as a figure our hometown can proudly support.

Livonia 75 Logo Competition deadline May 31

Three days left as the Livonia Democrat Club is working to help end Period Poverty. Please join them by fighting this good fight and donating period products today!

Here’s how to donate to the cause!

Purchase and donate period products and drop them in the collection box located at the Livonia Senior Center!

Please contact the project coordinator, Mitsy Morris, at 248-420-6653 

with any questions, to donate money, or to assist with the Gift List.

St. Colette's Car Show

Livonia's Pride Celebration

Livonia Birthday Celebration

Historic Marker Dedication

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19514 Bainbridge 48152

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The typewriter is not available for phone calls or emails Saturday and Sunday. Mental health and rehabilitation time. Out and about enjoying life.

What motivates FridayMusings:

We can't only define Livonia as taking small steps toward maintaining the way things were. That will give us mediocre outcomes. Our goal needs to be innovative and transformative.