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FridayMusings since 2003

Wednesday, June 5, 2024  

Helping define Livonia's Quality of Life

Archive – Bill Joyner's Friday Musings

20 years publishing FridayMusings without bias but not without opinion

Turning over the Sod Ceremony

Friday, December 8, 1946

This historic photograph, provided to Musings by Stacey Jenkins, shows the property at Five Mile and Hubbard as it looked in 1946 at what was then called the Turning Over the Sod Ceremony. The property was shovel ready for the construction of Bentley High School.

78 years later the Livonia community will join together once again at this site to dedicate the Bentley High School Historic Marker prepared by the Livonia Historical Society and presented by the State of Michigan.

Distinguished Bentley alumni, Laura Toy, Terry Marecki, Steve Spreitzer will join Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan, Superintendent Andrea Oquist, Schoolcraft President Glenn Cerny, and members of the legislature in unveiling the marker.

The marker dedication will showcase the important role education played in developing our hometown

Hope to see you all on September 15.

Jim Jolly has earned the respect of Livonia residents making him an excellent choice for District Judge

When casting your ballots, you may observe numerous judicial positions. While most are unopposed, a few have competitors. It begs the question: how does one decide whom to vote for?

Every six years, incumbent judges must run for re-election, and any licensed attorney can challenge them. However, even well-informed voters may find themselves puzzled when faced with the list of judicial candidates.

Currently, it's challenging for voters to feel they have a significant say in judicial appointments due to a lack of information.

Last week Musings endorsed John Larkin for an open seat on the Wayne County Circuit Court. This week Musings is making an endorsement for Livonia District Judge to replace retiring Judge Kathleen McCann.

Judges are mandated to retire at 70, often resulting in vacancies, such as the one this year due to McCann's retirement.

Livonia is fortunate to have two capable, qualified candidates seeking this open position, Jim Jolly and Robin Persiconi. As the District Judge is the closest position to residents, a hometown Judge is one that we often see at neighborhood gatherings, perhaps is a parent at our children's school or one we run into at the local grocery store.

They know us and are a part of the fabric of our hometown. Jim Jolly reflects our hometown values as he has spent most of his adult life working for Livonia on behalf of Livonia residents. This sets Jolly apart in this highly competitive race and is a significant reason why Livonia would be best served with Jolly as our hometown District Judge.

With that in mind Musings is endorsing City Councilman Jim Jolly for Livonia District Judge, who has proven himself as one who puts Livonia first, with experience, both in our hometown court system and in the community he takes pride in.

Jim is the only candidate with judicial experience having served 7 years as Livonia District Court Magistrate. He is a 9-year member of the Livonia City Council, two of which he was President of the Council.

Jim is an assistant prosecuting attorney for the City of Westland, is a former President of the Livonia Bar Association and has served as a volunteer attorney helping Seedlings and Livonia Civic Chorus.

Jim knows our hometown having created and sponsored the Livonia Neighborhood Grant Program, spearheaded the creation of the Tatigian Trail, and implemented while raising over $250,000 for the all-access playground at Bicentennial Park.

He has served 7 years as a volunteer coach with the Livonia Junior Athletic League and is a volunteer with the Livonia Goodfellows, Seedlings, Livonia Community Swim Club, Livonia Falcons, and Burton Hollow Swim Club.

His endorsements are reflective of the work he has done to help define Livonia's quality of life including those received from the Livonia Police Officers Association, Livonia Police Command Officers Association, Wayne County Association of Police Chiefs, and Police Officers Association of Michigan.

Local civic leader endorsements include Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan, Council President Brandon McCullough, Councilwoman Laura Toy, Treasurer Susan Nash, Past President Livonia Council Jim McCann, County Commissioner Glenn Anderson, Schoolcraft Trustee Bret Gierak, School Trustee Karen Bradford.

Livonia will be well served in filling the shoes of current retiring Judge Kathleen McCann, who through her years of service to Livonia will be inducted in the 1835 Livonia City Hall of Fame this October, with whomever is elected this November.

In looking at the role of a District Judge Musings believes that Jim Jolly, having dedicated his legal and personal life to helping define Livonia's quality of life, through actions not just words, will bring distinction and fairness to the position. Jim Jolly has earned our respect and will be an excellent choice for Livonia District Judge.

Councilwoman Budzinski takes her monthly road trip

through Livonia to the Wilson Barn

Hitting the road again, Councilwoman Carrie Budzinski, this time will be engaging with locals at the historic Wilson Barn.

Budzinski has announced that Parks Superintendent Ted Davis will be available to address any lingering questions from May's Coffee Hour about the new Senior Center, and Nicholas Pickard will provide updates on the Wilson Barn's plans for the 2024 season.

"As usual, feel free to ask about various topics, enjoy some light refreshments, and remember, kids are welcome," she adds.

Regrettably, Councilwoman, this typewriter will have to forgo the delightful sweet tea you always offer, as I'll also be traveling once more. My itinerary includes the Biltmore Estate, the Moravian Village, and a visit to my parents in Farmville, and Charleston. The sweet tea I'll savor will be of the freshly brewed variety.

Thank you for this month's Wilson Barn update. Always educational. Always of value. Always opening the door to community conversations.

Don't miss Livonia's 2nd Annual PRIDE! Celebration!

This free family-friendly event includes educational and support services, refreshments, and activities for all ages.

Pride Celebration is jointly sponsored by the Livonia Human Relations Commission, the Republican Club of Livonia and the Livonia Democratic Club on June 15th, 11:00 - 3:00.

Guests are welcome to bring personal items to donate to the Ruth Ellis Center. 

Koleszar endorsed by the

Michigan League of Conservation Voters

State Representative Matt Koleszar has always been a staunch advocate for protecting our state’s most valuable natural resource: our water. That’s why he has fought so hard to make sure Arbor Hills Landfill adjacent to Northville Township follows the rules and is punished when they don’t.

Since Rep. Koleszar was elected, the Arbor Hills Landfill and its operators have settled multiple state and federal lawsuits and paid millions in fines with legal requirements to mitigate air pollution.

He also opposes the continued oil transfer underneath the Mackinac Bridge saying that Michigan can't afford another Enbridge catastrophe.

The last Enbridge oil spill was near Kalamazoo, MI in 2010. It took 5 years to clean up and was the second-largest inland oil spill in US History. That pipeline is 16 years younger and 800 miles shorter than Line 5.

Koleszar advocates while saying that Michigan can’t afford another Enbridge catastrophe.

Livonia 75 Logo Competition deadline passed with interest high from hometown designers

It looks like there were 25 logo designs submitted for the Livonia 75 design competition. The judging committee is in the process of evaluating the designs with the expectation that an announcement will be made on the winning Livonia 75 Logo soon..

Thanks to Jim McConnell for originating the idea, Friends of Livonia Arts for serving as co-sponsors along with FridayMusings.

Can't wait for the review and the announcement. Stay tuned.

Jonathon Wennstrom, President of Livonia Rotary Noon Club, from Livonia to Singapore to Gilligan's Island.

Jonathon Wennstrom With Louisa Lee, cohost of the 2024 Rotary International Conference in Singapore.

Is this not a perfect casting with Jonathon Wennstrom as the Captain in Gilligans Island? He is performing June 21-July 7 at the Inspire Theatre, 33455 Warren Rd, Westland.

Find a Blood Drive and help build the blood supply

Help build the blood supply, donation by donation! Come to give May 20-June 9 and score an exclusive Tetris + Red Cross T-shirt, while they last.

All blood types are needed now! Book an appointment today:

Livonia Birthday Celebration

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19514 Bainbridge 48152

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The typewriter is not available for phone calls or emails Saturday and Sunday. Mental health and rehabilitation time. Out and about enjoying life.

What motivates FridayMusings:

We can't only define Livonia as taking small steps toward maintaining the way things were. That will give us mediocre outcomes. Our goal needs to be innovative and transformative.