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FridayMusings since 2003

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 

Friday, July 5, 2024 

Helping define Livonia's Quality of Life

20 years publishing FridayMusings without bias but not without opinion

Archive--Bill Joyner's FridayMusings

As we embark on a four-day weekend filled with fireworks, parades, and barbecues, let's also dedicate time to reflect on the origins of these celebrations. In doing so, we honor the efforts and intentions of our founding fathers and contemplate, "What actions are we taking today to safeguard the democratic process initiated with the drafting of the Declaration of Independence?"

This edition of Musings merges the July 3rd and 5th issues. Contemplate our independence, then partake in the festivities with due observance.

The inaugural annual celebration of July 4th took place in Philadelphia in 1777. Various towns across the nation marked the occasion in their unique ways, with most festivities featuring bonfires, parades, cannon or musket salutes, and numerous public speeches.

The custom of setting off fireworks on the 4th of July originated from the 1777 Philadelphia celebration. A ship honored the 13 colonies with a 13-gun salute, while the Sons of Liberty ignited fireworks over Boston Common.

While many cities observed Independence Day, Massachusetts was the first state to formally recognize the 4th of July as a holiday in 1781. Later, in 1870, the 4th of July was declared a federal holiday by the United States Congress.

To all reading Musings today the Bodyguard and Typewriter wish you a happy, safe, and contemplative Independence Day.

Preservation of our Declaration of Independence

The condition of the parchment Declaration of Independence is a sign of the place it has held in the hearts of many Americans. Years of public display have faded and worn this treasured document. Today it is maintained under the most exacting archival conditions possible.

In 1820, the Declaration of Independence was already showing signs of age. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams commissioned printer William J. Stone to make a full-size copperplate engraving. This plate was used to print copies of the Declaration. The 1823 Stone engraving is the most frequently reproduced version of the Declaration.

Let's take a look back on the writing of the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence stands as the initial formal proclamation by a nation's people declaring their right to select their own government.

When skirmishes between groups of American colonists and British soldiers commenced in April 1775, the Americans were ostensibly contending solely for their rights as subjects of the British crown. By the subsequent summer, amidst the escalating Revolutionary War, the call for independence from Britain had intensified, and the Continental Congress's delegates were poised to vote on the matter.

In mid-June 1776, a five-man committee comprising Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Robert R. Livingston of New York was appointed to compose a formal declaration justifying the severance from Great Britain.

Jefferson, recognized as a persuasive advocate for the patriotic cause following his 1774 publication of "A Summary View of the Rights of British America," was tasked with drafting what would become the Declaration of Independence.

The artist Henry Wolf, born Alsace Eckwersheim prepared this art of Jefferson's writing is preserved by the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

As he recounted in 1823, the other committee members "unanimously pressed on myself alone to undertake the draft. I agreed; I drafted it; and before I presented it to the committee, I sought the amendments of Dr. Franklin and Mr. Adams... I then prepared a clean copy, submitted it to the committee, and thence, without alterations, to the Congress."

The Congress formally ratified the Declaration of Independence, primarily authored by Jefferson, in Philadelphia on July 4th, a day now commemorated as the birth of American independence.

After 4 decades of leadership while putting smiles on the faces

of the visually impaired community Debra Bonde has

announced her well deserved retirement

Exceptional individuals remind us that kindness and compassion truly define greatness. In the past two decades, one person has exemplified to me this principle. Deb Bonde, founder 40 years ago of Seedlings Braille Books for Children, is just that person.

Today, she informed me that she would be resigning as the Executive Director of Seedlings and handing over the reins to Amanda Hercula. My emotions ranged from joy for her to sorrow at the change, which, while expected, still unsettled the familiar.

Deb Bonde embodies Seedlings, which began with her father constructing a braille machine in their Livonia basement. Seedlings has since expanded, distributing books across all states in the nation and to over 70 countries globally.

So, what's the point? Deb Bonde has rightfully earned her retirement, leaving an organization with committed volunteers, a remarkable and professional team, and a legacy that has enriched the lives of millions of children who love to read, all originating from the vision of one individual with a single idea and a solitary dollar.

On Wednesday, October 2nd, friends and supporters of Seedlings, along with Deb Bonde, will convene at the Vista Tech Center at Schoolcraft College to express their gratitude for her commitment to transforming Seedlings into a national treasure for the visually impaired community.

Livonia's Chief Robert Jennison was honored by

Commission on Professional Credentialing

The Commission on Professional Credentialing® has just awarded Chief Robert Jennison the professional designation of Chief Fire Officer on June 15, 2024. Following an extensive peer review process, this designation recognizes demonstrated excellence in seven measured components: experience, education, professional development, professional contributions, association membership, community involvement, and technical competence. In receiving this designation, Chief Jennison becomes one of only 1892 CFOs worldwide.

Meeting these stringent requirements will allow Chief Jennison to bring a higher level of professionalism and service to Livonia Fire & Rescue.

Thank You for Attending

the Livonia Spree!

The folks from our hometown Livonia Spree send out this note to our community with the thought that Spree is not over yet:

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who joined us at the Livonia Spree! Your enthusiasm and support made this event truly special.

From thrilling rides and live entertainment to delicious food and fun activities, we hope you had an unforgettable time with family and friends.

We're also excited to share that the Livonia Spree isn't just about fun—it's about giving back to our community. If you're part of a local organization or know of one that could benefit, we encourage you to apply for the Livonia Spree Grants. These grants are designed to support community initiatives and make a positive impact in Livonia.

Grant Application Period: 2024 deadline is July 31

How to Apply:

Thank you once again for making the Livonia Spree a fantastic celebration. We look forward to seeing you next year!

Dan Maciver reminds us of Horse racing and fireworks. At one time Livonia had them both.

As Northville closes Northville Downs in preparation for a new housing development and Plymouth Township struggles with making a decision to allow the race course to move into their community let's remember the DRC that once graced the corner of Middlebelt and Schoolcraft and was one of the driving forces in the creation of a city in 1950.

At one time the DRC was also home to 4th of July fireworks with thousands of Livonia residents filling the stands for an evening of Independence Celebration.

When Ed McNamara formed a community committee to create a birthday celebration Spree became the go-to event for fireworks.

Stephanie Young hosts a community conversation on Michigan outdoor opportunities

Wayne County Community College District, Schoolcraft College Announce Culinary Arts Agreement

Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD) and Schoolcraft College are excited to announce a new collaboration in the field of culinary arts. A new agreement between the colleges provides students with a unique opportunity to access a seamless career pathway that includes multiple stackable credentials, catering to the high-demand employment needs of the culinary arts industry.

Under the agreement, students can complete foundational culinary arts courses at WCCCD, earning for-credit certificates in preparation for transferring to Schoolcraft College to build additional credentials that culminate in a Bachelor of Science Degree in Culinary and Dietary Operations Management from Schoolcraft. The program also offers accelerated options that combine industry-aligned classroom instruction with hands-on training. 

 “This agreement is a win-win for both of our institutions. Working together to better our students’ education is every college’s mission, and having agreements in place such as this one only helps to serve the students both our schools serve,” said Dr. Glenn Cerny, president of Schoolcraft College. “We’re excited to welcome students from WCCCD to our campus to continue their studies and hope this agreement leads to other similar arrangements that benefit all our students.”

“Our mission has always been to offer our students pathways to better lives through higher education,” said WCCCD Chancellor Dr. Curtis Ivery. “We are proud to partner with Schoolcraft College to mark a significant step forward in culinary arts education, offering students a robust and comprehensive pathway to success in a thriving industry.”

This agreement will take effect later this fall with 15 students.

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The typewriter is not available for phone calls or emails Saturday and Sunday. Mental health and rehabilitation time. Out and about enjoying life.

What motivates FridayMusings:

We can't only define Livonia as taking small steps toward maintaining the way things were. That will give us mediocre outcomes. Our goal needs to be innovative and transformative.

Musings continues with a new format for election news. On Friday, excluding breaking news, Musings will highlight candidate stories, endorsements, and updates below the fold.

Larkin picks up additional support

John Larkin says that his pride is bolstered by the support and endorsements of many women in leadership positions throughout Western Wayne County.

Notable supporters include Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan, Councilwoman Laura Toy, Livonia Public Schools Board of Trustees members Karen Bradford and Crystal Frank, and Wayne County Commissioner Terry Marecki.

Koleszar receives

Fire Fighters endorsement

Thank you to the brave men and women of the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters for this endorsement!

These heroes are essential to our communities and always answer the call to help our families when we are under the worst possible circumstances. It is an honor to have their support.