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Archive--Bill Joyner's FridayMusings

FridayMusings since 2003

Wednesday,July 10, 2024 

Helping define Livonia's Quality of Life

20 years publishing FridayMusings without bias but not without opinion

City Council President McCullough says Mayor Brosnan has the plan and he is supportive of moving Vision 21 forward

Brandon McCullough agrees that the redesign of the City Hall Campus at Five and Farmington is what Livonia needs for a transformation positioning Livonia for the future

The following statement was released for publication exclusively in FridayMusings

on behalf of Councilman Brandon McCullough:

Last year, when our neighbors went to the polls to determine the future course of Livonia, I deliberately supported a mayoral candidate who had a definitive plan and vision. It was crucial to choose someone prepared to implement these plans, thereby securing advancement for our generation and making Livonia a place our children, and possibly even our grandchildren, would remember fondly and return to.

I supported Maureen Miller Brosnan in part because she pledged to revive Vision 21 and offer the collaborative leadership needed to transform Livonia. I grew up in this city, and Kacie and I are now raising our daughter, Harper. My mother lives across the street from us. It is our hometown.

The stretch of Five Mile Road from Farmington to Hubbard and Farmington Road from Five Mile South to Ford Field has always been the heart of any central downtown Livonia discussion. This area under the Vision 21 Plan as outlined by Mayor Brosnan, and which I support, will be home to efficient government buildings—city hall, police, fire, library, recreation, and senior center—as well as upscale retail and townhomes, all reflecting a progressive and inventive leadership team.

As Livonia embarks on this transformative journey, preparing for what lies ahead, we must adhere to several guiding principles in our decision-making. Firstly, the creative redesign of a community does not occur in isolation. The actions taken in Livonia today will undoubtedly shape and influence the decisions of the next decade.

Secondly, the past informs the present. The history of Livonia is significant. The financial and infrastructural needs that have arisen from the building and construction decisions of past administrations, along with design considerations and the necessity for repair and rebuilding, should be brought to the forefront of current discussions. Lastly, public misconceptions regarding priorities, both past and present, can often evolve into a fear of what the future holds.

Indeed, as a community, we can endorse the Mayor's vision, which I am prepared to support. My reservation is focused on ensuring adequate financing and oversight with Plante Moran throughout the design process, while also recognizing the significance of repair and maintenance in any transformation of our hometown.

We have evolved from 'Footpaths to Freeways' by the historian and Livonia teacher Dominic Paris to 'Freeways to the Future', prompting us to ponder Livonia's future. Let's ensure that everyone is included in the creative redesign, that we learn from the past to avoid repeating mistakes, and that we engage our neighbors so we can progress together as one city, all 36 square miles, caring for all.

What Bentley High School Graduating Class will have the highest percent of alumni at the Historical Marker dedication September 15?

Don LaMay,1952 Class President, shared this group photo with the Livonia Historical Society, and are looking forward to having the highest percentage of Bentley grads at the Bentley Marker dedication. These alumni are inviting their 1950s friends to join them on September 15th.

The group meets monthly for lunch and hopes to be out in full force at the dedication of the Michigan Historical Marker for their alma mater.  Alumni gathering tables will be located along Hubbard Road north of the Kirksey Recreation Center parking lot.  Individuals are encouraged to join at their table (1950s/1960s/1970s/and 1980s beginning at 1:00 p.m.

The Clarenceville High School Band will arrive at 1:30 to provide musical entertainment prior to the 2:00 p.m. Marker Dedication ceremony. Refreshments will be provided by the Schoolcraft College Culinary Arts Dept. following the program.

The event chaired by former Wayne County Commissioner and Franklin High School Class of 1967, is hosted by the Livonia Historical Society, Jim McConnell President, which was founded in the Bentley High School Library in 1956.

The Society is now helping to plan programs and other activities to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the City of Livonia on May 23, 1950. 

For membership details and other information about the Livonia Historical Society, visit the Facebook page and webpage  or email.

Livonia Civic Chorus Announces the Celebration of Its Sixtieth Anniversary

along with introducing its New Music Team 

Livonia Civic Chorus President Kathleen Chichester is pleased to announce the Sixtieth Anniversary Season, 2024-2025, and the hiring of a new Music Director and Accompanist. 

The Livonia Civic Chorus was founded in 1965 by the City of Livonia Department of Parks and Recreation. While most members are from Livonia, 15 other communities are alsoo represented. The Livonia Civic Chorus has been sponsored in part by the Livonia Department of Parks and Recreation, as well as the Hardies Family Trust, FIP Financial, Alpha USA, Livonia AM Rotary Club, and Livonia Town Hall plus many Chorus friends and families. The Chorus is also a member of the new Friends of Livonia Arts. 

During this year of celebration, the Chorus will continue with a Holiday Concert in December 2024 and a Spring Concert in May 2025. In addition, there will be performances for various Community Events and its Musical Interlude for Seniors. These community programs are funded by the Livonia Community Foundation. 

One of the highlights of this Anniversary Year is welcoming a new Music Team (Music Director and Accompa nist). Ryan Lakanen will be our Music Director and Sara Jakubiec will be our Accompanist. They are both experienced musicians who have worked for many years with community choruses.

President Chichester asks that our many audiences join us in welcoming them to Livonia and to working with a group of avocational singers who “Love to Sing.” 

Ryan Lakanen, pictured on the left, our new Livonia Civic Chorus Music Director, graduated from the University of Michigan in 2003 with a degree in Choral Music Education. She has spent the last 20 years teaching music in the classroom and private lessons, singing both professionally and recreationally, and directing adult community choruses or helping lead them from behind the scenes.  

Ryan has accompanied, by invitation, choral groups who performed at Carnegie Hall, as well as tours to both Italy and Greece. In 2022, she stepped onto the stage at Carnegie Hall once again to lead members of the Ger Germantown Community Chorus, which she was directing at the time, and members of Memphis Choral Arts for a performance in the esteemed Hall. 


As a soprano soloist, Ryan has won several awards and performed with Opera Memphis and the Germantown Symphony Orchestra. She teaches voice and piano lessons out of her home studio and sings professionally with several metro Detroit choirs. 


Ryan currently resides in Wixom, MI, with her husband and two dogs, Johnny and Isabelle. In her free time, she enjoys cooking and playing video and tabletop games, as well as spoiling her dogs and nieces and nephews. 

Sara Jakubiec, pictured on the right, is a professional pianist and performer with over 30 years of experience as an accompanist. She has a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance from Cornerstone University. She spent 25 years teach ing piano lessons in the metro Detroit area before moving into accompanying full-time, both privately and for the Dearborn Public Schools. 

As an accompanist, Sara loves the process of making good music with skilled artistry and technical excellence and is thrilled to join the Livonia Civic Chorus! In addition, she is the Taylor Community Chorus accompanist. It is her great joy to also be the director of music at Grace Church of Taylor where she has served since 1994. 

Sara and her husband, Dan, have been married for 30 years and live in Dearborn. They have 6 children and 3 grandchildren.  


Those interested in joining the Chorus may consult our website ( for mem bership information for the Fall Session which begins on September 3, 2024. 

When candidates provide information directly to FridayMusings relating to fundraising efforts we will gladly provide them to our readers, regardless of who we are supporting in the primary or general election. Today we have two upcoming fundraisers:

John and Soraya Larkin are looking forward to seeing friends and supporters Thursday, July 18, 4:30-6:30, at George's Senate Coney Island, Northville.

The event is proudly hosted by Commissioners Terry Marecki, and Glenn Anderson, former Commissioner Laura Cox, Mayors Maureen Brosnan and Kevin Coleman, Councilman Brandon McCullough, Councilwoman Laura Toy, Schoolcraft Trustee Brian Broderick, Attorney Alan Helmkamp.

Honorary Corn Roasters set for Livonia's

Good Old Fashioned Neighborhood Corn Roast

Honorary Chairwoman

Good Old Fashioned Neighborhood Corn Roast

Carrie Budzinski

In formation with more to follow:

Lori Miller

Jim Jolly

Brandon McCullough

Susan Nash

Madeline Acosta

Karen Bradford

Liz Jarvis

Crystal Frank

Stephanie Young

Mary Cavanagh


The Livonia Historical Society, a rapidly expanding non-profit in Livonia, began efforts over a year ago to secure a historic marker for the site of Bentley High School.

Over the past year, they have raised $8,000 for the marker and conducted extensive research into the history and importance of Bentley High School.

With the dedication ceremony scheduled for September 15th, they wish to acknowledge the pivotal individuals who spearheaded this initiative and offered crucial assistance in preparing the application for the Michigan Historical Commission.

Where available we have included high school and graduation year.

Kathy Bilger

George Calder, Bentley Grad 1955

Rose Dillon, Bentley Grad

George Friess, Bentley Grad 1953

Stacy Jenkins

Bill Joyner, Franklin Grad, 1967

Marlene Katafias, Bentley Grad 1966

Gene Kramer, Bentley Grad 1955

Marilyn Kramer

Annette and Jim McConnell,

Wyandotte Roosevelt 1956 and 1957

Terry Marecki, Bentley Grad 1974

Susan Nash

Jim Osborne, Bentley Grad

Paige Plante

Laurie Pohutsky

Tom Shipley, Bentley Grad

Steve Spitzer, Bentley Grad 1974

Emily Tchorz-Fielder,

Greenmead Historical Park

Laura Toy, Bentley Grad 1970

Kathy Ventittelli, St. Stanislaus Grad 1964

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19514 Bainbridge 48152

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The typewriter is not available for phone calls or emails Saturday and Sunday. Mental health and rehabilitation time. Out and about enjoying life.

What motivates FridayMusings:

We can't only define Livonia as taking small steps toward maintaining the way things were. That will give us mediocre outcomes. Our goal needs to be innovative and transformative.

Absentee ballots are on their way, and as the national focus shifts to the presidential race, let's examine your inclinations in the contests for President and the United States Senate. The results will be released on July 8. It has been arranged so that only one vote per person will be counted in each race.

Which United States Senate candidate would you vote for in the Democratic race?
Hill Harper
Elissa Slotkin
Which United States Senate candidate would you vote for in the Republican race?
Justin Amash
Sherry O'Donnell
Sandy Pensler
Mike Rogers
If the election for President were today which candidate of these 4 would you support?
Joe Biden
Donald Trump
Robert Kennedy
Jill Stein
If the election were to include these candidates for President who would you vote for?
Kamela Harris
Donald Trump
Robert Kennedy
Jill Stein