The Bentley High School Marker Dedication continues to influence the community positively as we welcome another supporter to the Marker Dedication Program. Jim McConnell, President of the Livonia Historical Society will continue in each issue of Musings share the community feelings about Bentley High School.
Today, he extends his gratitude to Councilwoman Laura Toy, for his support of the Livonia Historical Society Marker Dedication Program, scheduled for September 15th at 2:00 PM, with the celebrations starting at 1:00 PM, the program beginning at 2:00 PM, at the former site of Bentley High School, presently the Kirksey Recreation Center.
Other supporters of the marker dedication include Brandon McCullough, John Larkin, Bill Brown Ford, Ben Tiseo, Jim Jolly, Laura Toy, Terry Marecki, Stephanie Young, AlphaUSA, Drew Buatti, Don Cortez-GPI Printing, Dan MacIver-F&PA, Mary Cavanagh, Alan Helmkamp, Karen Bradford/Madeline Acosta/Dave McFarland/Crystal Frank, FridayMusings.
Jim announces that there is still room for 1 more ad and if you are interested drop a dime on the typewriter. The program goes to press August 12.