May 22, 2023

Hello Rick and Maria,

Welcome to Day 12 of Bijou's Be Well Bundle video series!

If you want to sing out, sing out, and if you want to be free, be free, cause there's a million ways to be, you know that there are.” ― Cat Stevens

"It is never too late to be who you might have been.” — George Eliot

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” — George Bernard Shaw

Bijou loves a good "come out of your shell" story. In the Zentangle community we see it more as an unveiling of the artist within. We have witnessed so many beautiful stories of people discovering and revealing an artist that had been hidden inside them for years or in some cases their entire lives. One might assume when you see a mosaic full of tangled artwork that each artist has been creating for years, but the truth is some of those artists have just recently come into their own.

Discovering or rediscovering the artist within takes courage and strength, but once you have that support and confidence you will want to come out of your shell and share it with others ... and believe us, you will Inspire others to come out of their shells too.

Be well, be you,


Bijou's Be Well Bundle - Day 12

The videos in the Bijou's Be Well Bundle series will be released every day through May 31, 2023. You can view all of the videos in this series here (after their release).

Tangle Step-Out: marasu

Blog: Everyone is an Artist

During the series, we will focus on one of Bijou's wise Bijouisms each day. In the archives of the Zentangle blogs, we have many thoughts and stories about these philosophies. We will be sharing some of them during this series.


Bijou's Be Well Bundles

Bijou's Be Well Bundle - White Bijou tiles and tools
Bijou's Be Well Bundle - Black Bijou tiles and tools

Zentangle Events

Join Molly Hollibaugh and Martha Huggins as they guide you through process behind deconstructing and creating "seed tangles".

Zentangle Garden: Seed and Organic Tangles

June 9-11, 2023

Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Learn more and register here.

Become a Certified Zentangle Teacher
United States

CZT 41: September 22-24, 2023
English Only

please email with any questions about seminars in the US

CZT Asia 22: August 17-20, 2023
Mandarin Only.

please email with any questions about seminars in Asia


CZT-EU 7: October 19-22, 2023
German, English, Spanish and French options available.

please email with any questions about seminars in Europe

We will see you tomorrow for Day 13 of Bijou's Be Well Bundle!

With Gratitude and Appreciation,

Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha, Bijou and everyone at Zentangle HQ!

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