Big Plans for Summer Giveaway
Look what arrived in the mail today. An advance copy of An Amish Christmas Kitchen. Three novellas to warm your heart. Oh, yum, that cover makes me hungry!

Yesterday, the window washers came to clean off the debris left from taking down our giant oak tree. As the owner/boss prepared to leave, he asked me if I wanted them back in the fall. Huh? It's beginning to feel like autumn already. And even more so today as the temperatures dip!

Once again, I consider the many things I didn't accomplish over the summer. Especially reading enough. Can you relate?

Have you entered my Giveaway? I totally love this jumbo tote bag, perfect for carrying books! 20" X 15" X 5". Plus a signed copy of one of my books!

An Amish Christmas Kitchen won't be available until next month, so it's not included.

Good luck to all who enter the giveaway!

Click here to enter on my blog!

Warm Wishes,


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A Letter from Lancaster County

" This is definitely a book that will stay on my shelf for future re-reads.
- Lisa O, Amazon 5-star review


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