This couple had a great conversation with me that I will be posting on my website soon. Both of them were very pro-abortion and were surprised when I told them
there are good laws that restrict what we can do with our bodies. The woman student at that point said, "What laws are there telling us what we can or can't do with our bodies?"
These students really believe the rhetoric they proclaim. One of the most popular sound bites from the abortion-on-demand crowd is,
"It's my body and people can't tell us what to do with our bodies."
I told her, "There are many laws and there is a great law that does not allow you to get drunk and drive down the street drunk, even though it is your body and your car."
She replied,
"But that law is not about your body."
I said, "Of course it is. It's your body and it's your car. Why shouldn't I be able to do what I want?"
She then said, "Because you might kill somebody?"
Many of our laws are designed to protect the innocent and restrict what we can do with our bodies if the act
harms someone else.
At that point I pointed to the sacrificed womb baby photos on our display and said "Exactly ... Does that make sense?"
She reluctantly said, "Yes."
Soon I will post our video conversation on my website: