At The Well Ministries 2012
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                    The Fall Tour begins
September 2012




What a way to begin the Fall Campus Tour. Right next to Yuba College to greet us was "Divine Cupcakes."


How biblical is that?


After receiving some extra inspiration we were ready to take on the world.

Right away students approached the banners and had lots of questions. 
Our team was ready for the challenge as we handed out 1,700 brochures to those seeking or debating truth. 
For many on campus, these were the first photos they had ever seen of an aborted baby.   

"You have given a banner to those who fear you, that it may be displayed because of the truth."  Psalm 20:5

Objective truth is difficult to argue with as the students found out.
Many realized that their professors were misleading them on the important issue of human life.

The light was going on in the hearts of the students.


Diana brought her newest living prop that only drove home the point for those passing by.

Our team is blessed with those stepping out of their comfort zone to change the minds of the college culture.  
Bernard continues to join us and effectively present the Gospel to many students around the campus.
There were many Muslims and Sikhs willing to listen to our message and read our material.
We also set up our banners at American River College and our senior member, Bud, was surrounded  with inquiring students.  



One student talked with me for a while and I presented the Gospel to her in a simple, clear way. 


She then said that for the past two weeks she has been asking her mom and friends "Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?"


None of her friends could give her an answer.  She then told me that this was the first time someone explained it all to her, and thanked me for giving her the answer.  


I asked if I could pray for her as she hopefully makes the decision to become a Christian and also gave her "One Heartbeat Away." 


It is our responsibility to lead people to Jesus and then they must decide to repent and follow Him.

We handed out 2,500 brochures  at American River College in one day and were busy all day "tearing down the strongholds" that have these young people in bondage to the world.


Minutes after setting up at American River College I was met by several students wanting to dialogue.


Also, several folks from Sacramento joined our team and helped us accomplish so much. We thank those unnamed laborers...God knows who you are.

Angie joined us again this year and looks for campus corridors on the perimeter of our display to catch the students trying to avoid the reality of our message. In her sweet way she persuades the students to face the reality of our message.



Art has found out that age is not a barrier when presenting the truth to young people.  The Holy Spirit is at work because we are willing to "go into the world."

Next week we venture into the belly of the beast...Oakland. In the past we have faced strong opposition and arrest. Pray we have boldness and that our light shines in the city of Oakland...two colleges over four days. 
Aug 27 & 28..................Yuba College...................................Yuba City

Sep 4 & 5......................American River College................Sacramento  

Sep 10 & 11...................Laney College..................................Oakland
Sep 12 & 13..................Alameda College...............................Alameda
Sep 17 & 18..................Las Positas College........................Livermore
Sep 24 & 25................Hancock College..............................Santa Maria

Sep 26 & 27................Cuesta College.................................San Luis Obispo


Oct 1-5 Week Off


Oct 9 & 10...................Diablo College.................................Walnut Creek
Oct 15 & 16.................University of Oregon...................Eugene, Oregon
Oct 17 & 18.................Oregon State..................................Corvallis, Oregon
Oct 23 & 24................Shasta College................................Redding

In His Steps,


                             Thank you for standing with me.




I am Don Blythe of At the Well Ministries. This ministry of 28 years uses the the abortion issue as a springboard for sharing the Gospel.


My mission field comprises three main areas of outreach:  the abortion mills, high schools, and college campuses.


The email newsletters you receive give a hands-on look at what this ministry is all about.


I do not use the content of the letters to talk about financial support, and for 28 years the Lord has supplied my needs through the prayers and financial support of a small number of churches and individuals who believe in what I do and have seen the fruit of this labor.


If you desire to support my ministry, you can do so through regular mail or through the CashLinq donation link provided. CashLinq is a Christian direct-giving program that allows you to follow your giving history, and the cost to At the Well Ministries is minimal.


Thank you for standing with me.


At The Well is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


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Mail donation: At the Well Ministries

                        P.O. Box 78025

                        Stockton, CA. 95267


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