The Pastor’s Bible Study returns on Tuesday, Sept 3 @ 10:30am. All are welcome. If you have been thinking about checking it out, this week would be a great time to come by as we gear up for the year ahead. We are following the calendar for the Narrative Lectionary Year 3 and you can find a copy of it here: WP-Narrative-Lectionary-2024-25-Luke.pdf (workingpreacher.org).
Westminster’s Fall Festival event is happening! Please plan to come to Boulder Hall after worship service on September 8 to enjoy the fun. The tables will be organized by our Core Ministry Areas:
Outward Mission; Worship and Music; Community Life; Next Generation; Administrative Ministry; Building Operations. Each table will showcase the ministries, activities, and partnerships of our many committees and programs and give the congregation ways to find connections to the life of the church.
If your committee or group would like a spot at a core ministry table and you haven't already done so, please contact Katie Nelson (nelsonkatieallstar@gmail.com) before September 4.
Don't forget the yummiest part of the Fall Festival (Sept 8)--the All-Church Picnic! Mains and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side, salad, or dessert to share if possible.
Women's Night Out is next Monday, September 9, at 6 pm at The Olive Garden at 1302 Lancaster Dr NE. Please RSVP to Michele at 408-402-2396.
Presbyterian Beliefs Class - This is a six week class that will be led by Pastor Kelly. It is designed as an inquiry class that will cover the foundations of theology and church. Anyone is welcome to sign up who wants to delve deeper into what it means to be Presbyterian, whether you are already a church member or not. It is designed also as Part 1 to joining membership in the spring of 2025. Please mark your calendars for September 22-October 27; time and location: 11:30-1:00 in Russell Hall (Library)—bring your own lunch. There are signup lists in Boulder Hall, or contact the church office to add your name to the list.
The Stephen Ministry Team is gearing up to teach classes for those wanting to become Stephen Ministers. The training involves 50 hours of class time, spread over 20 weeks of 2 and 1/2 hour sessions. Classes will be held here at the church from 9:30 to 12:00 on Mondays. Start date and place will be announced later. If you are interested in finding out more about what a Stephen Minister does, or are considering becoming a Stephen Minister, please talk with any of the Stephen Ministry Team. We will also be available at the Fall Festival on Sept. 8. Congregational members are invited to attend any of the classes that are of interest to them on a drop-in basis. Classes are listed on the yellow poster on the bulletin board in Boulder Hall.