A second work day for volunteer Lay Weeders to plant flowers and spread mulch is scheduled for this Saturday, May 11th from

10:30 to noon. Please stop by and lend a hand for a few hours.

Parish Life Committee

The Parish Life Committee is looking for additional members who would like to help with the planning of parish events like picnics, Rally Day, and other celebrations. Please contact Jay (jburkardt@stpaulsec.org) if you’re interested in helping the congregation join in fellowship!

A Summer of Favorite Hymns

From June 16th through Labor Day, we will do our best to incorporate some parish favorites in our worship. Click HERE to make your suggestions

Altar Flowers

Chantry Flower donations are needed for May 19th and 26th. If you'd like to donate flowers, please contact Nancy at nandrus002@rochester.rr.com.


Adult Christian Education

St. Paul’s offers a robust Adult Christian Education program with a variety of options covering a range of topics. As we plan for the next program year, we want to hear your opinion about this important part of our parish life! Please take a few minutes to share your feedback — there are 5 required questions, optional open-ended feedback questions, and a participant evaluation section. This form will remain open until May 21st. 




12:00 pm

Noonday Eucharist

in the Norton Chapel


8:00 am

Holy Communion

in the Chantry


10:15 am

Holy Communion

Sunday School: 10:00 am

Available at 10:15 am

Nursery Care


ASL Interpretation


We entrust into your unfailing care, Merciful God...

Those for whom our prayers have been requested: Bobbie Parsons, Jeannie Scott, Jim, Wanda, Pat Culver, Jan Metcalf, Jason, Joyce Crofton, John, Hank Couch, Ned Atwater, Bertha Simpkins, Donna Bayley, Barbara, Paula Zanhizer, Amelia Smith, Louis, Scott Stiefvater, Ella Richard-Dyson, Dean Arvan, and Bill Dewart.     

Our nation and the world: the President, Congress, and Supreme Court; our Governor, Mayor, and the leaders of the communities from which we come; members of our military at home and abroad; for all those elected or appointed to positions of public trust, and, for peace throughout our world, especially, in Israel and Palestine.

The Church throughout the world, especially for Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; for Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church; Stephen Lane, Bishop Provisional of Rochester; for the clergy and staff of St. Paul's and for our partners in ministry.

With thanksgiving: our health care professionals, first responders, essential workers, and farmworkers.

Those who have died, especially those whom we love but see no longer.

Almighty and eternal God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth: Mercifully accept the prayers of your people, and strengthen us to do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


O God, our heavenly Father, make the door of St. Paul's Church wide enough to receive all who need love and fellowship and loving care, and narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and uncharitableness. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, but strong enough to turn back the tempter's power. 

O heavenly Father, make the door of St. Paul's a gateway to your eternal kingdom; bless every member and worker; may all that we do and say be done and said to your honor and glory and the spreading of your kingdom. May we continue to be forever yours and daily increase through the Holy Spirit in love and service to others; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Parish Committees & Ministries

The two buttons below have links to our Parish Committees and ministries and who to contact if you'd like more information.

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