Bi-Weekly Brief news & updates

December 20, 2023

Presbytery of Lake Huron

"The mission of the Presbytery of Lake Huron is to partner with congregations, helping people to know, grow, share and serve as disciples of Jesus Christ." 

We Lift Up In Prayer

Wendy Shugert, wife of the Rev. Dr. Steve Shugert, Honorably Retired, who is recovering from recent surgery.

Elsie Krane, adopted mother of Elder Kathleen Rowe, who was severely injured in a auto accident last month. Kathleen recently retired as the Commissioned Ruling Elder of Tawas. She also served the presbytery in many roles, most recently as the Vice Moderator of Presbytery. She also served many years on the Commission on Ministry and Ministry Preparation (COMMP).

The family and loved ones of the Rev. Ken Hetzel, who passed to the larger life last month. Ken served the presbytery for nearly 20 years as the Pastor of Croswell-First and also served on several committees during that time. Click here to view his obituary.

Chelsea Divo, daughter of the Rev. Ken Parker (Honorably Retired) and his wife, Laurie. Chelsea was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer. She has undergone radiation and chemotherapy but those have not helped as hoped. She is also experiencing significant side effects from the treatments. We lift up Chelsea, her husband Adam, their daughter Avery and all of Chelsea's loved ones. Ken served the presbytery for over 25 years as the Pastor of Marlette-First, Marlette-Second and Saginaw-Countryside Trinity.

Upcoming Ordination and Commissioning Anniversaries:

Rev. Brant Piper (12/15) - Honorably Retired

Rev. Rich Lawther (1/4) - Honorably Retired

Rev. Scott Kroener (1/19) - Pastor of Birch Run-Taymouth

Rev. Elizabeth Stillwell (1/22) - 40 Years - Member-At-Large

Rev. Chris Thomas (1/29) - Member-At-Large

Our Mission Co-Worker:

Cathy Chang and family serving in the Philippines.

Additional contact information for anyone on this list may be obtained

by calling the presbytery office at 989-799-7481 or replying to this email.

December Presbytery Meeting Follow Up Info

At the December presbytery meeting, we addressed the need for more Ruling Elders to fill spots at the presbytery level. There are two spots in particular that we need to fill as soon as possible: Vice Moderator of Presbytery for 2024 and Ruling Elder Commissioner to General Assembly in 2024.

The denomination has a lot of great resources available for Ruling Elders and their latest podcast talks about getting involved at the Middle Governing Body level (presbytery and Synod). We encourage you to listen to this episode and then prayerfully consider filling one of these important roles for the life of the church.

For more information, please contact the chair of the Nominating Committee, the Rev. Linda Graham at

Ruling Elder Podcast

The Synod of the Covenant is delighted to announce that it has awarded $50,000 in Matthew 25 grants to 17 congregations and ministries in 9 presbyteries. These awards ranged from $600 to $5,000.

The focus of the grants is to support ministries to build congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism, and/or eradicate systemic poverty. These goals stem from the denomination’s Matthew 25 movement. Of 38 grant applications 17 were awarded.

We are excited to share that as part of this program, Grand Blanc-Kirkridge was awarded $2,000 for My Little Free Food Pantry.

More Information on the Synod Matthew 25 Grants

Presbytery Office Holiday Hours And Change In Office Hours

The Presbytery Office will be closed on the following days:

December 22-January 2

The staff wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Please note that our office hours will be changing slightly beginning in 2024. The office will be physically closed on Tuesdays, but staff will work remotely. The other days remain the same.

New Office Hours as of January:

Mondays 9am-4:30pm

Tuesdays Office in physically closed, staff will work remotely

Wednesdays 9am-4:30pm

Thursdays 9am-4:30pm

Fridays Office Closed

Just a reminder since it is that time of year...the Presbytery Office will be closed when the Saginaw Township Schools are closed due to the weather. Our main voice mail and Facebook page will also indicate when we are closed.

From The Synod of the Covenant

New Year's Eve Service

Advent is one of the most meaningful times of Christian worship throughout the year. We celebrate the coming of Christ with Christmas pageants, cantatas, creative worship, Advent teas, wreath-making workshops, additional worship services, and so much more. This means that Advent is also one of the busiest times of the year for church leaders, especially those who coordinate worship.

Again this year the Synod is offering a virtual worship service to thank preachers, musicians, tech leaders, and others who have worked so hard in December. It is designed for use on New Year’s Eve morning, 12/31/23.  This service, led by people throughout the Synod and including a reflection by Synod Exec Chip Hardwick, will be a meaningful opportunity to worship while providing a Sabbath to worship leaders.

The New Year’s Eve service will be available for download or streaming via YouTube after 12/20/23.

In the past, congregations have joined together to watch the service in the sanctuary as well as encouraging those traveling or preferring a service at home to tune in. Last year’s service was viewed more than 1500 times; we hope that your congregation and members will take advantage of this offering this year as well.

PS Many thanks to all of you who let the Synod know whether a 12/24 or 12/31 service would be more helpful. The vote was close, but the New Year’s Eve morning service received more votes.

You will see some familiar faces leading the worship service.

Synod's YouTube Channel
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