Great things are coming! 
We are excited to announce that our exciting new website is nearly complete.  Stay tuned to our Facebook page for the official launch date!
An Interview with Soarin' Hawk!
Check out this awesome and informative interview between 
Soarin' Hawk and Animal Care & Control. 

It provides a great overview of our history & mission,  not to mention a few of our most famous ambassadors! For example:
What do you and who do you contact if you find a wild bird?
How does a wild bird become one of our educational ambassadors?
How can you request a presentation for your class or birthday party?
Follow the link to answer these and other questions!
Three Birds, Three Outcomes,
Earlier this summer, we received three orphaned American Kestrels. A gentleman found them all in the same vicinity. One by one, they appeared on his barn floor but he was unable to locate their nest. Unfortunately, as a result of the long fall, one nestling suffered a broken leg and internal injuries that were too severe to survive.  The remaining two nestlings, however, were healthy and so the adventure of rearing them began.
Raising a baby bird is no easy task. They grow quickly and as a result their feeding schedules can run as frequently as four times an hour, all day long.  But in addition to keeping them alive and growing, we had an added challenge. In order to successfully rehabilitate and release these babies, the utmost care had to be taken to ensure they were not acclimated to the presence of humans. That meant that every meal had to be done in silence and without us being seen. Any association between us and their care could teach these birds to be more trusting which meant they would be more vulnerable back in the wild.
We were finally able to release one of the kestrels back into the wild.
Unfortunately, the other nestling had injured his front middle toe. It ultimately had to be amputated and he could no longer successfully hunt once he was back in the wild. This meant he was not releasable and would need to find a home somewhere in captivity. As such we are in the process of getting permits that will allow us to keep and train him to become a future ambassador at Soarin' Hawk! 
Upcoming Public Presentations 
with our Education Raptors
11/08/15 1:00 pm
Chief Richardsville House

5705 Bluffton Rd Ft Wayne
11/09/15 6:30 pm Family Funday Hessen Cassel 3030 E Pauling Rd Ft Wayne
7:00 pm 
Owls LRWP Engle Rd Ft Wayne
Check our website for the latest schedule. 

Arguably one of the most important roles of a volunteer at Soarin' Hawk surrounds presenting educational programs. 
Two major impacts result from their hard work. Presentations are the main link between our ambassador birds and the community. Without them, very few people would be reading this newsletter, and fewer yet would know about Soarin' Hawk.  They make it look easy, but don't let that fool you. Presenting to an audience with a wild animal perched on your arm is an acquired skill. 
A great deal of time is spent just learning the facts and information that is necessary to speak for the birds and their role in our ecosystem. In addition to book smarts, these volunteers develop relationships with the birds themselves to ensure a safe environment. They learn to read the birds' subtle behaviors monitor them simultaneously to speaking and interacting with their audience. 
These masters of multi-tasking provide the safe environment and rare opportunity for people to come close to and learn about raptors. 
Stories from the Medical Clinic
A few months ago we received a very wet and unhappy Great Horned Owl. He had a severe mouth infection that stemmed from bacteria, fungus and parasites! Not surprisingly, it prevented him from eating. As a result, when he was rescued he was very weak and thin.

This also prevented him from doing one of the most bird-like things:  preening his feathers.
When a bird preens, they bring oil from their preen gland at the base of their tail and coat their feathers, thus, waterproofing the themselves.

This is essential to their survival. Without the ability to preen, the feathers easily become wet and soggy in the rain, lose their ability to insulate and retain heat, ward off parasites, and essentially maintain healthy bird hygiene.

This bird's treatment began with the removal of all the necrotic flesh in his mouth.

It took three different kinds of medications to treat him, one of which had to be swabbed all over his mouth. Danni SeCheverell, a registered veterinary technician, and her husband dedicated their time to his intense daily treatment over the course of several weeks!

When he was no longer in critical condition, he was moved to a mew where our daily animal care teams gave him medicine in his food for an additional three weeks.

His infection finally cleared up and he was left to the creance crew to get back into flying condition. After being out of commission for so many weeks, he needed to exercise and rebuild stamina before he was ready to make it on his own in the wild.
We try to return an adult raptor to the area it came from. A bird is most likely to know the hunting area and might even have a mate waiting for it!

Soarin' Hawk 2016 Calendars are now for sale! 
A great gift for yourself, family & friends.
Only $10 + $5 shipping.
Did you know...
You can help raise money for Soarin' Hawk simply by signing up?
Just log in to your Kroger or Amazon account and select us as your charity of choice!
Every time you shop a portion of the proceeds will automatically be donated to us!
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