January 2021 Newsletter - Issue #66
Hi there,

Well, that was an interesting year!  

While 2020 was full of challenges, I also feel very blessed.  I look forward to brighter days ahead in the upcoming year.  Happy New Year!

I'm quite excited about the recent podcast episodes and looking forward to sharing them with you below.

I'm also happy to share that you can now find my work on MeWe if you "do social" on that platform.
Be well and be safe... 

In Better Health, 
In Honor of My Friend and Mentor
I would like to share this recent post on the passing of my friend and mentor, Gudrun.
Recovering from Chronic Lyme Interview with Palmer Kippola

I had the opportunity recently to be interviewed by Palmer Kippola - a prior podcast guest, author of the book "Beat Autoimmune", and founder of PalmerKippola.com.

We talked about my emerging model of health recovery and approaches to regaining optimal health.

While this is an ever-evolving approach, I hope you enjoy our talk!

Sleep Optimization
Over the past two years, I have experienced difficulty getting the same restorative sleep that I have been fortunate to have for most of my life.

I have tried many different things.  Some were helpful; others not.

Recently, I found a supplement that, combined with other tools, has been a game changer for my sleep.

While I'm not done optimizing my sleep further, I've definitely made good progress!  

You can find the details in my recent blog.

Vital Plan Herbal Supplements
I have had the honor to interview Dr. Bill Rawls, MD twice on the podcast to date in episode 4 and episode 107.

I'm a fan of many of the Vital Plan products including:
They also have put together the Restore Kit which includes the core products formulated by Dr. Rawls.  

The Restore Kit is a programmatic plan that comes with a guided email series and top customer support. This plan is excellent for people who are looking for a robust solution that has been simplified. 4 bottles, 3 capsules, 2 times daily.

Use code BETTERHEALTH15 for 15% off your order; one coupon per customer.

Diving Deeper Into Lyme & Co-Infections with Dr. Jaban Moore

I recently had the opportunity to join Dr. Jaban Moore on his ongoing Facebook Live Guest series to talk about my journey recovering from Lyme disease and mold illness.

I hope that you will find our talk informative and helpful in your own health recovery.

Upcoming Online Summits
One of the things I have enjoyed about 2020 is all of the online events and opportunities to learn from some amazing experts.  

There are several online summits coming up that I'm excited about.  These are listed below.  

To save your seat, click on the graphic, and you will be taken to the site to register.

RealTime Labs: Mold Testing and Treatment 2020

In November, I attended the "Mold Treatment and Testing 2020" Health Workshop hosted by RealTime Labs.  It was a highly informative event on a critical area to explore to regain health and wellness; namely mold illness.

Speakers included: Jill Carnahan, Al Johnson, Jill Crista, Joseph Brewer, John Bohde, Neil Nathan, and more.

I hope you enjoy my takeaways from this online event.

Recent "BetterHealthGuy Blogcasts" Podcast Episodes
I've recently had the opportunity to interview several more amazing experts!  Select the image below, and you will be taken to a page on my website with all of the listening options available.  

If you are enjoying the podcast, please subscribe and rate the show on your listening platform of choice.  The more subscribes and ratings the show gets, the more we can reach a broader audience with important information.  


BetterHealthGuy Now on MeWe
Earlier in 2020 and at the urging of my amazing community of followers, I created a presence on Instagram.

More recently and with the ongoing censorship on the Facebook platform, I expanded my social media presence to MeWe.

I will continue for now to share mostly on Facebook, but with many natural health pages being removed on the platform, it may only be a matter of time before that comes to an end.

If you enjoy what I share on Facebook and want to stay in touch, please follow me on MeWe so that we can stay connected.

The Forum for Integrative Medicine 2021
The Forum for Integrative Medicine will be hosting their 6th annual event for practitioners on March 5-7, 2021.  TFIM 2021 will be an ONLINE EVENT.  

Tickets are on sale now.

Speakers include: 
  • Eboni Cornish, MD
  • Ann Corson, MD
  • Suzanne K. Gazda, MD
  • Russell M. Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN
  • Brian Karr, CMI, CIE, WELL AP™
  • Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc
  • Dietrich Klinghart, MD, PhD
  • Corey Levy, CMI, CIE, WELL AP™
  • Deanna Minich, PhD
  • Neil Nathan, MD
  • Beth O'Hara, FN
  • Stephen Porges, PhD
  • Frank Shallenberger, MD
  • Theo Theoharides, PhD, MD
  • Ty Vincent, MD
  • Nasha Winters, ND

Sunlighten Sauna
If you are considering getting a Sunlighten sauna, now may be the perfect time.

Readers of my newsletter will get $200 off a sauna + FREE shipping (normally up to $598).

I've had mine since 2008, it still works as well today as it did then.  

I've been getting a lot of use out of it this year.

Detoxification is key in regaining health, and Sunlighten provides a number of tools that may be helpful in this arena.

Learn More

Information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided is for informational purposes only and represents the personal experiences and information encountered to date by its author. While BetterHealthGuy.com employs reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, no warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy, validity, or reliability of any information which may be presented. 

No responsibility is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this newsletter. BetterHealthGuy.com suggests that you to do your own research and consult directly with your personal medical professional. Information is not intended to serve as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your licensed healthcare provider before making any treatment decisions.

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