A weekly e-newsletter of
Bethesda Lutheran Church
Ames, Iowa
July 19, 2024
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SPLASH Children's Church is Changing! | |
SPLASH Children's Church is transitioning to Wednesday nights! Starting September 11th, kids pre-k to 5th grade get to explore Bible stories through the Spark Rotation Curriculum's eight different workshops, all with hands-on activities!
Come for dinner at 5pm, worship at 6pm and programming starting at 6:45pm! Our Wednesday night programming will replace the Saturday and Sunday Children's Church during worship.
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Register for SPLASH Children's Church by August 1st, 2024, to ensure t-shirts are available for our kick-off! | |
ELCA National Gathering First Look | |
Support our youth, consider helping us close the gap on the National Youth Gathering trip expenses, and hear about Bethesda youth's experience in Louisiana next Tuesday, July 23rd at 6 p.m. in the Commons. Arrive ready for a New Orleans-style meal. Click the button below to register. | |
Attend Denver Bierman and the CJC Big Band in Concert | |
Denver Bierman, of Denver and The Mile High Orchestra, and the CJC Big Band will be in concert at Bethesda on Sunday, July 28 at 4 pm, in the Sanctuary!
Denver is an energetic, Big Band leader whose music praises the Lord and will have you singing and dancing along. High energy, big band arrangements of hymns and gospel tunes you know, and love will be included in this fantastic afternoon concert. There is NO ADMISSION charge, but a free will offering will be collected. Mark your calendars and plan to attend this amazing event!
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Upcoming Prelude Hymn Sings | |
Next weekend, July 28, is a prelude hymn sing! Come ready to request a hymn or two before worship! If you can't make it on the 28th, there's another hymn sing on August 25th!
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REGISTER to Compete or Eat at the BBQ Cook-off! | |
Be sure to register for our annual Bethesda BBQ cook-off! We'd like to hear from contestants AND attendees -- click the button below to register.
This year, the cook-off will also function as a fundraiser for Mary Greeley Medical Center's Compassion Fund. When you donate cash for your favorite dish, the money received will help afford patients with prescriptions, medical and safety equipment, lodging, and limited transportation. In addition, this fund supports Mary Greeley’s Compassion Closet, providing items such as clothing, shoes, coats, hearing aid batteries, bed linens, car seats meal vouchers and more.
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Volunteer Once a Month at The Clothing Closet | |
There's an opening in The Clothing Closet for a volunteer on the second Wednesday of every month from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. This is a great opportunity to get involved and help make a difference in the lives of others! You can contact Kathy Harris at 515-290-8205 if interested or reach out via email to kmh1951@msn.com.
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Bethesda women's Gather Bible study | |
Bethesda women's Gather Bible study group will meet at its regular time on Thursday, July 25 in the church conference room. Fellowship time is at 9:30 am followed by the study from 10 -11 am. We'll be doing After Certainty: Session 2 in the July/August Gather magazine. Copies of the magazine are available near the Welcome Center. | |
Gauging Interest in In-Home Supper Club | |
Do you want to build connections with other Bethesda members? The purposed in-home Supper Club could be for you! Bethesda adults would meet monthly at 5:30 p.m. at the home of an attendee for a potluck-style meal for open conversation. If enough people are interested, this program would start the end of August. Locations and meals would be decided monthly. If you're interested in this endeavor, contact Sandi Philips at 515-290-9157 or sandi1707@aol.com.
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Please bring your empty cans to the parking lot August 17th! We'll have more information coming soon! |
The next book discussion book will be
The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin on August 21, 7:00 pm, in the Crossroads. Everyone is welcome!
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Don't carry cash or checks? You can set up a recurring or one-time gift to Bethesda online, so you never miss an offering opportunity! | |
Refresher to log onto Shelbynext:
On your laptop or Desk Top Computer - https://bethesdanet.shelbynextchms.com
On your cell phone go to the App Store or Google Play Store
search for ShelbyNeXt Membership - download the free app;
On first screen replace the word domain with Bethesdanet
Enter username and password.
You should be ready to go! If you have any questions or concerns please contact Linda Fevold on Monday's 12 noon till 2:00 pm.
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What's The Difference Between The Current and The Living Current?
The Current is a double-sided sheet consisting of four or more announcements that may widely affect the congregation with a schedule of Sunday-to-Sunday activities and order of worship.
The current, the physical copy members pick up each weekend, is limited to a certain number of announcements and is determined by what events will largely affect the congregation as a whole, often on a first come-first serve basis.
The Living Current, an e-newsletter sent every Friday at 9 am, consists of the larger announcements that make The Current as well as other announcements and events that may not affect the majority of the congregation. Such things may include:
An announcement for an event more than a month away. (As the event nears, it will be placed in The Current while holding its place in The Living Current.)
- Ongoing support and prayers
If you have an event that you would like advertised in The Current for weekend services, submit your announcement event via email to Tess Hanson and Lynn Anderson no later than the Tuesday before you would like it advertised. Please specify where you want it to be published. If submitted after the stated deadline, it will be integrated into The Living Current e-newsletter and The Current for weekend services the following week.
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Healing Prayers: Andrea Blythe; Philip Coney; Charlene Doyle; Rod Fischer; Nancy Karr; Shirley Stromer; Dana Woolery
Grieving: Tom Walsh Sr. passed away Saturday, July 13th; Sharon Forssman passed away Thursday, July 18th.
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We invite you to join our community, which is committed to inclusion, racial equity and anti-racism. We share in God’s abundant grace knowing that we cannot be separated from the love of God by our age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, physical or mental abilities or faith background. | |
Worship Schedule:
SATURDAY (a modern service with praise band) . . . 5:30 pm
SUNDAY (a traditional service with choirs, organ) . . . 9:30 am
This weekend . . . MESSAGE: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Holy Communion served at both services, every week.
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Contact Information:
Chelsey Aisenbrey, Council President . . . ccaisenbrey@yahoo.com
Bryan Simmons, Lead Pastor. . . bsimmons@BethesdaAmes.org
All other inquires. . . . contact@BethesdaAmes.org
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Address: 1517 Northwestern Ave.
Ames, IA 50010-5299
Phone: (515) 232-6256
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