Parshat Bereshit
Candle Lighting 6:35 p.m.
Havdalah 7:35 p.m.
This week Rabbi Silvestri changes things up and treats us to a parsha video! He delves into the story of Cain and Abel and explores the dynamics of sibling rivalry within families. Rabbi Silvestri discussed the choices we have when faced with challenges and the importance of self-reflection and personal growth.
Click here to watch his thoughtful video.
Hakarat HaTov - Recognizing the Good
We are so grateful for all our volunteers this week! A huge shoutout and thank you goes out to:
Amsalem Family, Linda Azulay, Brown Family, Tali Bublil, Talia Engelsman, Feigenblatt Family, , Fromowitz Family, Gilad Family, Kolodny Family, Levenstein Family, Ohayon Family, Shavitzky Family, Silberman Family, Sprung Family, Tessler Family, Yanowitz Family, Zimetbaum Family
If you would like to volunteer at RMBA please click here to view our opportunities.
Please keep the our alumni and staff who are currently serving in the IDF/ have been called to defend our country in your tefillot.
Throughout the week at school, the spirit of achdut and support for Israel was palpable as our students, faculty, staff, and community came together for a wide range of initiatives. Students and families who were in Israel volunteered by delivering essential supplies to our courageous chayalim, running day camps, and even baking cookies to distribute. Many from our RMBA community attended both Federation's Solidarity event and Young Israel's Tehillim evening, where we davened for safety and strength. A heartwarming moment took place when the entire school united with the Sing for Israel movement taking place globally, to sing Hatikvah simultaneously. We continue to say Tehillim daily, and our students have written heartfelt cards and letters which have been sent to communities in Israel and soldiers on the front lines. Our students and broader community continue to take initiative and plan meaningful ways to show our unwavering support for our brothers and sisters during this challenging and devastating time.
Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass is the newest podcast from the RMBA Podcast Studios. This podcast explores the roles of the RMBA leadership and what it takes to make the secret sauce that we call the Robert M. Beren Academy. Each week we will go behind the scenes to explore the roles of the Head of School, Leadership Team and Educational Leaders and more.
Get ready for special guests, surprises and some whacky moments along the way. Join us as we step Through the Looking Glass.
RMBA Proud
We are thrilled to share that RMBA has been named to the College Board's 2023 AP School Honor Roll as a Platinum Member! RMBA scored well above the requirements needed to meet the highest level of excellence status. The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose AP programs are delivering results and broadening access for students.
In the Beginning
Morah Aviva’s EC4A class began their Parsha portion of the curriculum with the very first story in the Torah - Bereishit. Morah Aviva explained that Bereishit means “In the beginning". The children worked on a special globe mobile of the six days of creation and Shabbat, the day we rest. Morah also taught her friends some special creation songs in English and Hebrew. Additionally, the class resumed their Alphabet curriculum with the letter “C”, and practiced writing the letter on mini dry erase boards during circle time. The children were also thrilled to resume Share and Tell and brought some interesting objects and foods that begin with letter “C”. The class has also moved forward with their Alef Bet curriculum and are working on the letter Gimel.
Voice Vibrations
This week Fourth grade students in Ms. Morrison's class experimented with how sound travels. They used a balloon to measure if voice makes vibrations in the air. They found that the balloon moved more if they used a low voice than compared to a high voice. The students were very interested in trying other sounds besides just their voice, so they extended it by testing it with instruments. The class found that the instruments only made the balloon vibrate a little.
This week Dr. Arnold’s 8th grade students learned all about states of matter and created Oobleck to understand non-Newtonian fluid.
Western Music
In Mr. Dvorin's high school elective The History of Western Music class students chose a composer from the Baroque or Classical periods, and created a presentation about their lives and contribution to music of their era. Of course, the students also curated and sampled their favorite pieces by that composer.
Finally Fall (sort of)
This week students in Morah Hanna’s EC4B class spent the week learning about Parsha Bereishit. They learned what Hashem created each day and made their very own creation books! The class also discussed the autumn season and what happens to the trees. They enjoyed painting their own autumn portraits on the easel.
Project Presentations
This week Mrs. Schneider's Fifth grade class completed a unit on Native Americans. Each group researched a different region and presented their project to the class. The presentations included information about the foods they ate, shelters built, weapons used, and mode of transportation.
Algebraic Expressions
This week 7th grade students in Mrs. Rosenzweig's math class practiced how to simplify algebraic expressions by working on different stations which included mazes, puzzles, and drill sheets.
This week our juniors and seniors had the opportunity to meet with Gabe Ivker from the international nonprofit Israel education organization, StandWithUs, to discuss how to navigate difficult conversations on social media in relation to the conflict in Israel.
Days of Creation
This week students in Morah Tsippi's EC2B class experienced Parshat Bereishit by decorating individual Six Days of Creation books to illustrate what Hashem created each day of the week. The children had a great time stamping their handprints, gluing, dotting, sticking, and getting to use lots of art mediums and various fine motor skills.
Colonial Eras
Mr. Cell's 9th-10th grade on-level U.S. History students are writing an essay on a subject of each student’s choosing within the pre-colonial and colonial eras. Afterwards, they will turn this essay into a presentation that will be shared with the class.
Egg Cradles
In light of recent events in Israel, middle schoolers in Mr. Duke's Engineering Explo were challenged with designing and constructing vessels to protect fragile life. Two teams succeeded in building egg cradles that withstood 15-foot drops onto concrete.
This week Morah Sandy's EC3A class started at ”the beginning“ with Parshat Bereishit. The class made their own booklets representing the 6 days of creation and the 7th day of Shabbat rest. They also learned that bet is the first letter of Bereishit and sang a new song describing creation.
Sefer Bamidbar
Seventh grade students in Moreh Ido's honors Chumash class worked on group projects depicting how the 12 tribes of Bnei Yisrael camped during their desert journey.
Harmonious Spelling
This week students in Ms. Morrison's 2nd grade class combined music and spelling. The students took turns playing the xylophone as they spelled their spelling words. The students paid close attention to if the word had just an A, AI or AY combination in the word. They loved making music while studying!
Helping the Homeless
This week, the high school's Better to Serve lunch and learn session was honored to host Mr. Jay Hamburger, a dedicated advocate for the homeless in Houston. During the session, students gained insight into the complex issue of poverty, explored actionable ways to support homeless individuals, and delved into the various levels of tzedaka.
Puzzle Mosaic
Last week, the entire First grade worked together. They talked about how they are one community working together. Each student decorated a puzzle piece which represented themselves. They connected the puzzle pieces to create a wonderful mosaic of first graders.
A Delicious Torah Treat
Last week Morah Rachel's 4th grade Hebrew class came together to celebrate Simchat Torah with excitement and creativity! The students crafted special flags and even constructed mini Torah scrolls from pretzels and fruit-roll ups, adding a delicious spin to the festivities. The class had a great time preparing for the hakafot they would hear in shul listening and dancing to songs.
Join RMBA, NCSY, and UOS this evening for a night of
Tefillah and Learning
as we stand together with Israel
October, 12, 2023
7:15 PM at RMBA
Age appropriate learning packets will be distributed to all participants. Kindly RSVP here
We are proud to be participating in the
Yeshiva Day School Students
Unite in Tefillah
for the safety of Eretz Yisrael
October 13, 2023
9:00 AM EST on Zoom
RMBA Tzitzis Project in support of our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael
Commit to wearing tzitzis and we will provide them to you!
See flyer for additional details
Yom Kachol V'Lavan
We invite the RMBA community (students and staff included) to dress in Blue and White on
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
October 16, 2023
in support of our brethren in Israel.
Students/staff must abide by our dress code policies, but are not required to wear uniform.
RMBA's PTO Enchanting Movie Night
Sunday, October, 29, 2023
4:00 PM
RMBA's Ulam
Join RMBA's family friendly event featuring Shrek! bring blankets and enjoy the fun! Tickets include popcorn and soda. Children attending should have at least one parent present; this is not a drop-off event.
Click here to purchase your tickets
Socktober is Here!
Sockober is a fun collaborative event for RMBA, The Medallion, and NCSY.
We are collecting new socks to be distributed by Jay Hamburger to Houston's homeless.
Please drop off new socks in the collection bin located in RMBA's lobby
October 1st - October 20th
Please see the Beren Academy Calendar as your most up to date source for information. The Week at a Glance is a snapshot, but does not reflect any changes made after that date.
Middle School Volleyball
The MS girls volleyball team will play away next Thursday at British International at 5:00.
All basketball team tryouts and practices are posted here. MS and HS boys will be on October 23 and MS girls will be on October 24.
Bnei Akiva Snif this Shabbat
October 14, 2023
5:00 - 6:20 PM
at UOS
For grades 1-9
Walk and Roll for SCI
Sunday, October 22, 2023
3:00 - 6:00 PM
Evelyn's Park Conservancy
Use promo code BEREN to get 10% off registration!
Click here for additional details and to register
HKA and Royal Wine Presents
Kosher Food & Wine Experience Houston
November 29, 2023
7:00 PM
Beth Yeshurun Social Hall
$100/person early bird