Benton County removed from Governor Brown's COVID-19 watch list

On October 23, 2020, Governor Kate Brown announced that Benton County has been removed from the County Watch List due to improved metrics.

Counties are placed on the Watch List when COVID-19 is spreading quickly and public health officials cannot trace that spread to specific sources. Benton had been on the Watch List since October 2, 2020.

Governor Brown emphasized that “We cannot let down our guard. We must continue to be vigilant in protecting ourselves, our families, and our neighbors from the spread of this disease.” That means continuing to take these important precautions:
  • practice physical distancing
  • wear face coverings
  • wash your hands often
  • stay home when sick
  • limit travel 
  • limit family and social get-togethers.

Ranked Choice Voting and the November 3, 2020 General Election

Benton County voters will see a new way to elect their County Commissioners on the November ballot. To access a practice RCV contest instructional video and additional information, go to:

Ballots are due by 8:00 p.m. on November 3, 2020. Postmarks do NOT count.

Talk to a real‐live person to get your questions answered: 541‐766‐6756 or email: Follow @BentonCoGov on FacebookInstagram and Twitter

County addresses climate change in partnership with the State of Oregon

A report outlining Benton County’s progress regarding natural hazard mitigation and response is available for public review.

The Benton County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan progress report summarizes progress made toward completing goals to improve functionality during a hazard event.

The Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP), adopted by a resolution of the Benton County Board of Commissioners in July 2016, is the product of a community effort that included steering committee discussions and examining potential natural hazards and ways to mitigate them. The 2016 Benton County NHMP was prepared in accordance with 44 Code of Federal Regulations Part 201, and was approved by both the State Hazard Mitigation Officer and FEMA Region X. Topics include multi-hazard response, earthquakes, flooding, landslides, winter storms, wind storms, wildfire and drought.

Daily COVID-19 videos

Since March, the Joint Information Center has produced over 162 daily videos—and 37 of them in Spanish—to provide timely COVID-19 and wildfire information updates to our community.

Visit and subscribe today!
Property values continue to rise in Benton County

According to the annual study to establish real market values, 2019 home sales showed an upward trend in real market values in Benton County. That increase will be reflected in tax statements for property owners this fall.

The increase in real market value does not directly affect a property’s taxable value. Property is taxed on its assessed value. A property’s assessed value is the lower of its real market value and its maximum assessed value. The maximum assessed value is the taxable value limit established for each property and is limited to a 3% annual increase unless there is a change or addition to the property.

99 Express transit service resumes

The 99 Express returned to service in mid-September and will remain fareless through the end of 2020.

The 99 Express service follows a new route and schedule, adding new stops in Adair Village and Corvallis. It operates five days-a-week with four daily runs between Corvallis and Adair Village.   //  541-766-6800 //
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