
A Note From April

Hello Friends,

I wanted to drop a note to say how thankful I am (tis the season) for all of you. I appreciate all the kind emails you send and respond to as many as possible. If you don't get a response please know that I do appreciate your time and words.

To go off of what Raymon wrote below... I completely agree about lifting up others and it will in turn lift us up. I know we all have bad days and maybe grumpier than we would like.... but anytime possible try and be kind to others and yourself. Make sure you remember yourself.

To clarify what he says about not using the words "I'm Sorry" becuase that tends to confuse people from time to time.

There are in fact times that call for apologizing. If you do something wrong to someone or maybe you bump into someone at the grocery store...If you just look at them and walk away that may not bring the best results. You could of course use words like "Please excuse me", "I was wrong to do ..." or "I apologize for...".

The point is not to apologize for everything all the time, We all know someone who does that... they can say "I'm sorry" 10 times in a minute.

Own up to your mistakes and apologize when it's needed. Otherwise never say you're sorry for your choices, your feelings or who you are.

If you celebrate Thanksgiving where you are I hope it is wonderful. Even if you don't celebrate the holiday.... there is always a reason to be thankful! We don't need a special day for that. Every day is a day to be thankful!


A Note From Raymon

Howdy Folks,
This is a continuation of last month’s short newsletter. 
 Since most of the world is going into the Holiday Season, was thinking of ways to make it easier for you.
This is normally a stressful time for a lot of people and the insanity and lockdowns haven’t helped. 
There is a lot of negativity in the world and ENERGY IS CONTAGIOUS. 
Maybe the best thing I could tell you is that YOU HAVE CHOICES. You can choose to be affected by the energy or choose to be immune to it. YOU have to make the choice. 
Seems people fall into the trap they HAVE to do certain things such as attending events they would rather not attend and associating with people they don’t like. 
Have developed the attitude that I only have to do 2 things~~ breathe~~ and some day~~ die. Everything else is a choice. 
When asked why I did something, there are 3 answers. It needed to be done ~~ I could ~I wanted to. There are no further answers.
You might consider changing the way you say things. instead of saying, "I have to do this," try saying “I choose to do this" It gives you the feeling of having a choice.
The way we think affects the way we talk~~ which affects the way people treat us. 
Would suggest you stop apologizing for things that aren’t your fault. Remove ‘I’M SORRY’ from your vocabulary. Muscle testing has shown this to weaken your body.
You may say this is a politically correct thing to say and you are right ~~but it doesn’t empower you. 
Remember, your body listens while your mouth is talking. It also listens while other people are talking ~~so avoid people who whine and complain. No reason to let them bring you down to their level.
I have observed a law of Nature. ‘ When unequal conditions are brought together, the higher quality will not raise the lower quality but the lower quality will lower the higher quality.’ 
Example ~~I once was a construction foreman with a good crew of men. If I hired a lazy man, the good men would not cause him to work harder but he would cause them to work slower. 
If I put a good apple in a box of rotten apples, the good apple would not purify the rotten ones. 
It I put a rotten apple in a box of good apples, the rotten one would spoil all the good apples.
Choose high quality people to associate with. Your life will get better.
Make the same choices with entertainment. Am amazed that people watch sad and depressing TV shows and movies. 
Look for things in your life to be THANKFUL for and express your gratitude for these things. Do or say something that will make someone else feel better. THANK them for being your Friend. Tell them you APPRECIATE them. It doesn’t take much time or cost anything and will make both of you feel better. 
I talk to a LOT of people and can usually help them feel better. This makes me feel better. When we pick up others we also pick up ourselves. 
When responding to emails thanking me for helping a person, I respond with "AM THANKFUL TO BE ABLE TO HELP YOU.
April and I THANK all you folks who support the Energy Clearing Project. and wishing all of you a Pleasant and Peaceful Holiday Season.


Raymon's Website
Energy Clearing Project


-Two little girls we are thankful for-

Class Calendar

  • No current classes scheduled. Check out Raymon's YouTube for videos.
Raymon's YouTube
One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 
If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com