Being Fruitful and Effective
Discipleship Training School (DTS)
Our five month Discipleship Training School lecture phase is finished. The students are now in the practical phase of sharing their faith in Jesus through their testimonies. Those who hear are coming to believe in Jesus.

We are discipling nine young lives through our DTS. One of them accepted Christ and three of them got baptized. God provided all the needs and supplies for this training. Through outreach of these nine, more than seven hundred people heard the Gospel with two of them accepting Christ as their personal savior.
CCI Classes
Faces blurred and names/places changed to protect identities of participants
We currently have CCI training in 3 different locations with a total of 34 students: north central Nepal, central Nepal and western Nepal. We visited the western class to see that the participates' responses are very positive and encouraging. They were sharing that it is very good training for them to become disciple-making and effective ministers for their church and congregation.
We are very committed to equipping local pastors and leaders to be fruitful and effective in ministering to their church and community through the mobile Bible College. During the past two and half years, we visited remote communities in five different locations. So far, one hundred and sixty five pastors and church leaders benefited from these teachings, fulfilling Jesus’ command to “go and teach the Gospel…”

Pastor Ram is a student from western CCI class, he says: "It is a very effective class for me, I am now a fruitful and effective pastor. Although I had many classes before this, the CCI training is very different in every aspect from the class to the environment of the class, which is created by the teacher. It feels more like a family environment. The CCI curriculum is very good and I am also glad to have the books so I can learn by myself outside of class."
After his beloved wife’s death, this man lived by himself for the last 25 years in his small hut, which lacked water and was at risk of collapsing at anytime. The Holy Spirit directed us to give this small house as a Christmas gift to him. Giving is great joy in His kingdom, as He gave to us His only begotten son, Jesus for all men.
Prayer Requests & Praises

Thank you very much for all of your help and support. All these things happened because you choose to obey God in supporting the work here. We love being in partnership with your for His kingdom here in Nepal.


The last 2 months, we received many inquiries from different churches around Nepal about the Godly Financial Principles (GFP) seminar. Since then, we were able to conduct nine seminars in nine different churches.

We have many inquiries for Bible training for pastors and leaders, within three months the number of classes in different locations have expanded from five to nine with one hundred and sixty five people.

God has had supplied all the resources that we need to help needy and poor people through various programs, like goat farming, house building, and relief projects.

Please Pray For:

We are praying and planning to start a drinking water project in the north central region for twenty two households. Please pray and stand with us for all the needed resources and knowledge to complete this.

Our Discipleship Training School students graduated April 15, 2022. Pray for the graduates to be fruitful and that they will find the path God has chosen for them to grow in Him and thereby serve Christ for the rest of their lives.

Pray for our upcoming CCI class for pastors and leaders in western and central Nepal, that it will be fruitful and guided by His Spirit.
Your support will not be misused or wasted because we are responsible to the Holy Spirit on how we use His resources. We are investing in the lives of men and women to establish His kingdom. Souls find eternal life and are transformed to live like Christ. Your earthly investment will benefit your eternal life. So let’s partner together to share the Good News in this Hindu nation.

How you can become involved:

  • You can be prayer warrior on behalf of us.
  • You can come and work with us as a short term or long term missionary. Reach out to us here.
  • You can invest in our mission work financially:
Thank you,
CCI Country Coordinator for Nepal
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