Weekly eBulletin - June 7th, 2020
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Normally this time of year is full of celebrations of graduations from elementary school, high school, universities and other transitions. I have often preached about how exciting these milestones moments are for their families. Read more...

Please join us live at 9:30 am for Sunday Mass. I look for to celebrating Mass virtually this weekend.

God Bless,

Fr. Brendan
Prayers and Devotions
from USCCB
What is meditation?  
Meditation is a Christian practice of prayer dating back to the early Church. As the Catechism states: "Meditation is above all a quest. The mind seeks to understand the why and how of the Christian life, in order to adhere and respond to what the Lord is asking." Read more ...
Climbing the Second Mountain Together
Whether you’re “in the valley”, at the base of the mountain, or already on your way up, this seven-week prayer series starting on June 23rd will help you journey up the Second Mountain. Read more...
Prayer Exercises for Everyday Life
Join us weekly for 7 weeks, starting June 25th in a small group setting, to build the good habits that will help you work through whatever is limiting your prayer.  Read more...
Class of 2020

Congratulations to the class of 2020! Many prayers and blessings to the young men and women as they take this next step in their journey. Read more...

The Hebrew word “Ruach” is defined as “wind” or “breath.” In our faith, it is an important word. Ruach is the wind that God breathes on us. When God breathed life into Adam, it was the ruach that God breathed…the life-giving breath that gives all of us life. Read more...

Last Sunday, we had a wonderful tribute to honor or senior class. It was touching to hear the amazing reflections and stories throughout their time in the ministry. The 3sixty community is a special one and these seniors will be missed.

3sixty will be on a short break but will be back for our Summer Series! Stay tuned for more information.

We had a great year amidst the unforeseen changes but it was a joy ministering to these youth.
Spiritual Support for Family or Friends (Part 3 of 3)

People who are very ill or experiencing anxiety often ask spiritual questions, in seeking comfort, meaning and hope. While clergy and pastoral care ministers may play an important role in spiritual care, family and friends can offer important spiritual support too. Read more...
Sacred Heart Volunteer Opportunities Now Available!
If you or members of your family are looking for a way to reach out and give back to our community, Sacred Heart is looking for you!
As a Sacred Heart volunteer you'll be sorting and bagging produce, and filling boxes with food items for families in need. Read more...
The goal of this event is to raise awareness for Vocations while practicing social distancing!

Join us (virtually) for our Second Annual Fun Run for Vocations! Read more ...
Despite the Covid-19 Shelter in Place order the call to serve the needy remains, possibly now more than ever as together we people of God chart these untested waters. We are connected to all people from every walk of life as together we pray for an end to the coronavirus. 

Recently a number of parishioners have been inquiring as to how they might reach out to our sisters and brothers living in the margins. Presently there are several local service providers, not affiliated with Holy Spirit Parish Social Ministries in need of immediate help. Read more...
Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony updates:  
(05.10.2020) As of the present, while shelter-in-place still being upheld, the Rites of the Sacrament of Baptism and Matrimony are postponed until further notice.

Nevertheless. we still are offering Baptismal Preparation Class and Marriage Preparation via Zoom. For more information and for any questions about the Sacraments, please contact Father Edgar at edgar.elamparo@DSJ.org or through his office phone (408) 997-5107. 
What does it mean for you right now to be bread for others as Jesus was?
Holy Spirit Parish
1200 Redmond Avenue
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-5101