September 2020 Volume 3 Issue 9
September 2020 Newsletter
As we are celebrating two successful months of swimming and fitness room use since our reopening on July 6, Welcome to September. It was so great to get back to programming this summer...lots of fitness, swim stroke development and stress relief that comes with participating in a class.

  • Divided for lane use
  • Single person use
  • Swim down the middle
  • 40 feet long
  • 83 degree water temperature
  • Great spot for cross training

  • September 1 - New exercise time blocks started
  • September 7 - CLOSED for Labor Day
  • September 8 - Beede member survey will be emailed
  • September 10 - CCHS in-person academic year begins
  • September 10 - Parking lot gates put back in use
  • September 14 - Beede Fall Programming start week

As mentioned in previous communications, your Monthly Recurring membership will remain on a $1.00 per month membership hold, if no one on your membership has used the Beede Center or its services since the temporary closure on March 13.

For those who have not returned yet, we will be extending the $1.00 per month membership hold into October, and we will keep you updated as to when normal billing will resume.
If you sign up for a class using the member discount or use the facility/services, your membership automatically reactivated with normal billing. We continue to be excited to see our members return and look forward to seeing the rest of you soon.
The new lockers are working well for all of your belongings - keys, phone, towel, even your mask!
On the pool deck, such a nice dry spot to work with. The plastic bins are sterilized after each use.

85-minute and 55-minute exercise time blocks are the theme. All include 5 minute breaks in between. Deep cleaning happens daily from 1:00pm to 1:25pm, and at the end of the day. We continue to exceed guidelines with the difference being more members can exercise each day.

5:30am - 6:55am





1:00pm-1:25pm CLOSED 






Saturday & Sunday





1:00pm-1:25pm CLOSED 



Start your MyRec registration by finding your exercise location.
Some lap lanes will accommodate two swimmers at once, and others will accommodate a single swimmer. The three lanes closest to the shallow end, beginning with the ladder lane, and lanes 1 and 2, are designated for single swimmers. The remaining lanes, 3-8, are either devoted to programs or lane sharing. 
Here are the requirements for Lap Pool lanes:

  • Each will enter the lane on his/her left and will keep to that side of the middle blue line for the workout’s duration.
  • Split swimming only. No circle swimming.
  •  Swimmers sharing a lane must exhale in the water. No backstroke, side stroke, water jogging or any stroke or drill that requires exhaling out of the water. 
  • Both swimmers must be able to comfortably swim for 50 yards without stopping. (A medical emergency overrides this requirement, of course.) 
  • At no time can both swimmers be stopped on the same side at the same time - even if they are sharing the same household - as the six-feet distance is compromised to swimmers in the abutting lanes.
  • If a double lane converts to a single lane because one swimmer left early or did not show up AND there is not another swimming within 6ft, the remaining swimmer may enjoy the benefits of a single lane and enjoy some backstroke and other techniques that require exhaling above water. However, the swimmer may only stop on the left side where he/she started. 

All members must reserve their exercise time and location. Reservations are made at Your username is your email on file with us - unless you changed it. Then enter the password you created. Please call the front desk, 978-287-1000, for MyRec account assistance.

Members get one reservation per day in either the Cardio Room, Strength Room or a Pool. We have added an upright bike to the Cardio Room for those who like a 10-minute warm-up before hitting the weights. We have also added an Arc Trainer to the Cardio Room mix. 

If you need to reschedule or cancel your reservation, we request that you kindly email us at or call the front desk at 978-287-1000 as soon as you know you are unable to use it. This nicely allows us to free up a slot for another member.

Your swim workout will be more efficient and energetic when you learn to breathe correctly. One method is to inhale with your mouth and exhale underwater through your nose. This may take some practice but once perfected, will simplify your swim stroke and free up more energy for more laps. 

Practice at your starting point. Inhaling -above water, naturally - through your mouth, then submerge your head and exhale slowly through your nose. You may get water up your nose the first few tries, but eventually this system will become second nature and you will be glad you took the time to figure it out. 

Next, practice while swimming. Inhale, put your face in the water, swim three to five strokes of crawl all the while slowly exhaling through your nose. When you have finished exhaling, slowly turn your head to the side and lift it out of the water enough to catch some air. Then return your face to the water and repeat exhaling and swimming strokes. Like riding a bike, it may feel a little wobbly at first, but you will find your rhythm. Go for that improved body line in the water!

The Beede Center is honored to host the annual Nick Ressler Blood Drive on Saturday, October 17 from 8:00am to 1:00pm. The Drive is in memory of Nick Ressler, son of members Pam and Paul Ressler. Nick was 14 in 2001 when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Pam, Paul and their two daughters were grateful for the many blood transfusions that extended his short life, so they could have more time as a family. In gratitude, the Resslers have organized a Blood Drive with Massachusetts General Hospital every year since Nick’s passing, allowing other families and patients the precious gift of time.

The Blood Drive was originally scheduled for April to coincide with Nick’s birthday, but has been moved because of the Pandemic. MGH will send two Blood Mobiles to the Beede Center to ensure social distancing. Appointments are required. No Walk Ins. Your half hour and pint of blood will provide life and happiness to a very sick person and their loved ones.

Make a reservation here You must be 16 to donate or have your parent’s or caregiver’s permission. Please call 617-726-8177 with questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your generous contribution. And thank you to the Ressler Family for entrusting us with this precious memorial. 

Well friends, this is all for September. We’ll forward any updates and changes as they come. It’s a pleasure to see so many of you. We extend a warm welcome back to those who took the summer off, and we welcome our new members. See you in October!

As part of our September 14 program week Maureen Cownie, Otters Coach extraordinaire, is offering a creative and healthy break from remote learning. Water P.E., is a fun and social class for middle schoolers, ages 11-14. Class meets in the Dive Well every Wednesday from September 16 through December 16 from 1:45pm to 2:45pm. This is not a learn-to-swim class or lap swimming. Come learn about water running, aqua aerobics, and more! Come and have some fun, get some exercise with some good music and your friends! Sign up online or by calling the Beede Center at 978-287-1000. Costs are $112 for members and $154 for non-members.
Enjoy Fall 2020!
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