

February 2024

Mark your calendars

Join us on Sunday, March 10, at 113 Main for our FIRST PUBLIC OUTING.

Have a drink and meal on us. Meet our Lead & Launch Team.

We will break bread together.

We will share all about the exciting things happening at Becoming.

We invite you to join us anytime between 4 - 6 p.m.

Becoming steps up in BIG WAY to serve the least of these

Two crises occurred in the past month that needed community collaboration and attention.

Becoming rolled up our sleeves and joined the collaborative efforts to serve our local & global siblings.

Read here for more.

Our Team is ON THE MOVE

From the beginning of the 2024 calendar year, our lead and launch team has been at work in our community.

Read about a few of the highlights from our leadership team.

Celebrating BHM

At Becoming, we aren't performative when it comes to our commitment to empowering and affirming black lives.

This month, we celebrate Black History Month.

We remember and lift up the black men, women and children who have made a difference in our world.

Read more.

Making Connections

Throughout the past month Becoming has been investing in community partners.

In addition, we have made tons of new connections with the following community agencies.

If you are interested in making a difference but don't know how.

See the partnerships we have and let us know if you'd like to learn more, volunteer or give.

People often say, "It takes a village."

At Becoming, we say, "it takes a community."

Read more about our community partnerships.

LvCares Event

On January 20, LvCares held an event entitled: "Soup for the Soul." The purpose was to serve the least of these in our community.

At the event, we served chili, soup, and sandwiches. We also provided resources and education on healthy living. Folks also were encouraged to take donated clothing and winter clothes.

People movement Assembly (PMA)

On January 27, Becoming participated in a democratic process to identity and form solutions to address the gaps in services.

The PMA is a grassroots movement that looks to empower and equip "we the people" to respond to the problems facing our local community.

Collectively, we identified supportable and affordable housing as our key issue that we will be working to solve.

Becoming is at the table and will continue to be heavily involved with trying to make housing more affordable in Kane and Kendall county.

Spotlight: David Luecht

Each monthly BUZZ, we want to highlight a member of Becoming.

Why? Because at Becoming, people are't a number. Every person has a name and a story.

We want to be a community where names and stories are valued, lifted up, and celebrated.

Read more about David's story.

Upcoming happenings

This past month, we were on the move.

We are excited to offer some exciting happenings in the future.

Read more about all Becoming Happenings.

Upcoming/How to get involved

If you are interested in what's happening at Becoming, LIKE us on IG and Facebook. Follow our social media posts to see all the up-to-date happenings.

If you are interested in receiving our monthly newsletter, make sure to subscribe here and you will receive any/all future communications. 

If you are interested in meeting with a member of our leadership team, contact us at

If you have a prayer request, please let us know how we can pray for you.

Please click here.

If you are interested in serving in and through Becoming, contact us at

Give to Becoming

Join us as we build something new. Be a part of Becoming from the very beginning.

Share your talents with us.

Share your voice with us.

Share your financial gifts with us. 

Your gift makes a HUGE difference in getting this new community launched.

Without your gift - big or small - we cannot dream and think BIG. 

We want to continue to build and grow. 

We cannot do that without you. 

Give to Becoming. 

Our team is calling these beginning donations : FOUNDATIONAL gifts.

10% of all proceeds from your FOUNDATIONAL gift will be set aside for outreach and mission within the community.

In an effort to make giving easy, we have two ways you can donate to Becoming:

  1. ZELLE : Use the the QR Code below and it will allow you to give to Becoming via Zelle.
  2. PAYPAL : Use this link to give to Becoming via PayPal : PayPalBECOMING

*In addition to accessibility, we also strive to have safe, secure giving. both Zelle and Paypal are trusted platforms for online giving.

Donate Today

Contact Us!!

Phone: 630-426-8273


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