Click to watch the "Heimishe" version and Jewish connection to "God Bless America"

July 5, 2024

Parshat Korach

Candle lighting: 8:18pm

Maariv Motzei Shabbos: 9:13pm

Shabbos Ends: 9:18pm

Shabbas Parshas Korach, Shabbas Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

8:18pm - Candle lighting

NOTE: 7:02pm is the earliest candle lighting time

Mincha - Kabbalas Shabbas

7:00pm Beis HaMedrash; 7:30pm upstairs Shul; 8:28pm Beis HaMedrash


7:30am Beis HaMedrash; 9:15am upstairs Shul; 9:30am Beis HaMedrash


2:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:45pm, 7:30pm - all davening in the Beis HaMedrash

Maariv: 9:13pm

Havdallah: 9:18pm


4:30pm Daf HaYomi Magid Shiur: Rabbi Zev Isseroff

5:45pm Pirkei Avos—Perek 4, Guest Speaker - Rabbi Kalman Topp, who is the Senior Rabbi of the Beth Jacob Congregation of Beverly Hills, California. In his younger years Rabbi Topp spent his summers in Beaver Lake. He is the son of long time Beaver Lakers - the late Rabbi Dr. Leonard Topp and YiBadel L’Chayim Shelly Topp.

Brought to you each week by Rabbi Zevi Isseroff

View full season davening schedule

This Week's Enhancers

Beaver Lake Estates Board

welcoming back

Harry and Roz

we are so happy to have you back home

and for Harry's continued recovery and good health

Harry, we wish you a Refuah Shelaima

Ad Meah V'esrim


Shelley Topp and Morrie Stampfer and family

on the marriage of their children/grandchildren

Tzippora Topp and Ami Malek

Dr Rachelli Topp and Ari Merelmelstein

Molly Kramer and Joey Guedalia

and the birth of

2 grandchildren to

Ayelet and Yosef Arnall

Mahlia and Harry Kramer


Yael and Jon Cohen

in honor of their daughter


becoming an officer in the IDF

and to all the chayalim who

have worked tirelessly to defend our country


Rikki and Daniel Ash

A Z’chus for a refuah sheleima

for the beloved

Simeon Hook

Shimon Moshe ben Breindel


Zahava and Tzvi Goldstein

In honor of the birth of our granddaughter


to our children

Talia and Daniel

Mazel Tov to the great-grandfather

Shmuel Goldstein


Steven & Susan Orlow

on the yartzeit of Steven's

maternal grandfather

Yisrael ben Schmuel

Israel Scheinmann

may his memory be blessed


Judy and Ben Welwart


Erika Schoenfeld

on the yartzeit of Judy's father A"H

Nachman ben Shmuel Meir Schoenfeld

on Gimmel Tamuz

may his memory be blessed

To sponsor a kiddush or a L'Chaim please contact

Moishy at 917-434-5999

Or Click Here

NOT to be missed

Special July 4th weekend musical bash

Saturday night, July 6th Entertainment

in the Casino at 10:45pm

Lipa is an American singer, composer and entertainer. He is a headliner in Hasidic as well as modern Jewish communities worldwide and is "the Lady Gaga of Hasidic music."

Click to see our full line up of entertainment and more

brought to you by our Entertainment Director Alan Hirsch

Every Sunday morning at 10:00am

"Run for their Lives" comes to Beaver Lake thanks to Sori Levine

Beaver Lakers participate in a "Run (or walk) for their lives," held weekly, to bring attention to our hostages still held in Gaza.

If you would like to participate please meet in front of the casino at 10am. We will walk from Southwoods Drive to the main entrance and back to the casino where we will recite tehilim. Sori will have posters of hostages to give out.

2 diving boards and 1 high lifeguard chair 

Beaver Lake welcomes

our newest shareholders

Standing by their new BL house is our newest shareholder family, Dina and Koby Stern with children Mia who is 7, Daniella 4 and Gabe 1. The Sterns live in Marine Park in Brooklyn where Koby is a doctor of Physical Therapy. They love being able to go from city life to country life with their family, to grow together in Beaver Lake.

Visit our concession this weekend

Our Season Opening BBQ Bash

last Saturday night

This Past Shabbat

Beaver Lake was honored to have as our guest Rabbi George Silfen.

Rabbi Silfen is a noted Magid Shiur in Teaneck, New Jersey and is also a partner in the prestigious law firm, Kramer Levin.

Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak and Jennifer Prince sponsored a Shalos Seudah in celebration of their second wedding anniversary. They invited their dear friend, Rabbi Silfen to speak at the Shalosh Seudah. When Rabbi Silfen arrived in Beaver Lake he was also informed that he would be giving the Pirkei Avos Shiur and giving a Derasha at the 9:30 AM minyan..Surprise!!

Rabbi Silfen is a dynamic speaker with a wealth of Torah knowledge.The topics he discussed were varied, informative and well received by all in attendance.

We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Silfen back to Beaver lake in the future.

Beaver Lake expands our fleet of "working" vehicles

Expert driver and all around facilities professional, Billy is putting our new front end loader to work


next p/u - Monday, July 8

Please place your blue recycling bins

outside your home

no earlier than

8am Monday morning

A Trivia Quiz

Please submit all Trivia correspondence to

the editor:

It is exclusively on Beaver Lake history

Esti Ohayon is the winner of last week's questions

1) Who attended the auction to purchase Beaver Lake?

Tommy Karfunkel, Saul Feder and Moishe Puterbeutel

2) What date was the auction?

February 25, 1982

3) What was the winning bid?


Esti submits this week's quiz questions

1) What used to be in the pool but has since been removed due to safety issues?

2) What did we call the big wooden box used to house all the kickboards and lifeguard equipment?

the answers are hidden somewhere in this Bulletin

Thank you to all the photographers who participate in the

Summer photo contest. All winners get a free ice cream cone.

Please submit your photos by Wednesday noon of each week, to

this week's winner is: Daniel Bendavid

Smaller creatures find a home in Beaver Lake

the coffin

Any future bulletin suggestions or comments? Please reach out to
Roz Wiesel
189 Southwoods Drive
Monticello, NY 12701
Connect With Us: BL Instagram