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Become a Beat Breast Cancer Champion

The need for our reduced-cost or free mammograms has doubled within two years. Every life is precious, and that’s why the American Breast Cancer Foundation is working hard to raise $250,000 by Oct. 31 to bring 1,000 more mammograms to underserved individuals. We need your help to raise the necessary funds to ensure ALL eligible women and men are given access to life-saving care. Here's how you can support family, friends, colleagues and your community:

  • Donate money
  • Donate resources
  • Donate through a fundraiser
  • Donate through work

Call or email us today: | 410.730.5105

Who You're Helping:

"There have been many times that I contemplated skipping my mammogram because the extra money just was not there. Then my surgeon's office put me in touch with the American Breast Cancer Foundation and they offered me a grant for my screening mammogram. Without this funding, I may have made a quite different decision. Thank you from a survivor." - D.L., three-year survivor

*picture changed for privacy


Make a Monetary Donation

There are four meaningful ways to make an impact with a financial contribution:

1) Consider supporting someone currently fighting breast cancer by donating in their name.

2) Donate in memory of loved ones who’ve passed away from breast cancer. When you give on their behalf, you’re continuing their fight and increasing the rate of survival for others through early detection.

3) Plan to leave a legacy by making a bequest or beneficiary designation to support our mission. Enjoy tax advantages and know that your gift could save the lives of future breast cancer patients.

4) Become a Beat Breast Cancer Champion with a direct donation. A donation of $250 will cover the average cost of a mammogram.


Repurpose Your Resources

Donate your pickup to pick others up! Breast Cancer Car Donations accepts a wide variety of unwanted or non-working vehicles – including cars, motorcycles and boats – then donates a portion of the proceeds to ABCF. With free vehicle pickup and tax deductions, it’s not only easy for you, but it’s paving an easier road for those facing breast cancer.


ABCF also has a Real Estate Donation Program offering a tax-deductible and meaningful way to release real estate assets. Donate your land or residential, commercial or industrial property to make a substantial impact.

Vehicle Donation Info

Real Estate Donation Info

Fundraise Your Favorite Way

Whatever hobby you enjoy most, do it for a cause! You can integrate fundraising components into paint parties, bake sales, pickleball or golf tournaments, silent auctions and family reunions to support those who can’t afford life-saving breast cancer testing. Explore planning tools and additional fundraiser ideas on our fundraising page.

Call or email us for assistance or more information: | 410.730.5105

Get Started

Donate Through Work

Many generous employers offer matching gift programs to amplify charitable contributions from their employees. Help ABCF by asking your company if they have a similar program and would match your donation or funds from an in-office fundraiser that you host. For more information, check out our “Get Involved” page or email

Learn More
(410) 730-5105