Third Sunday after Pentecost - June 9, 2024


Time goes by very quickly. Eighty years ago today, 156,000 young men - about half of them Americans - waded ashore along five beaches in France. They marched directly into bloody combat with 50,000 German soldiers. Before the sun set on June 6, 1944, the beaches were secure and the campaign to free Western Europe from Nazi occupation was underway.

The events on those Normandy Beaches echo to this day. Had the June 6 landings not succeeded, World War II would have certainly lasted much longer. it is even possible that the friendly, prosperous and mostly peaceful Western Europe that was formed after the war ended would never have existed either.

These are things we can be thankful for on this June 6 even as we keep in mind the thousands who died on both sides of the beachhead. To put another way: As Christians, it is appropriate to give thanks for military success. One of Christianity's first theologians, Tertullian, said it like this in his Apology explaining and defending Christian practice around 200 AD: "We pray for security to the empire... for brave armies, a faithful senate, a virtuous people, the world at rest."

That said, living our Christian faith is never dependent on national military victory, much less subordinated to it. While we as Christians sometimes use the language of battle and conflict as a shorthand to talk about how we follow Jesus, we must always do so firm in the knowledge that the ultimate and climatic battle between Good and Evil, when our hearts and souls hung in the balance, is not either ongoing or ahead of us, but behind us. That battle took place when Jesus hung on the cross. When he said "It is Finished!" it was finished. Now, whatever we face, The strife is o'er, the battle done; Now is the Victor's triumph won."

Amen and God bless,

Joy on the Phone Prayer Line

Talking with God through prayer for others brings great joy.  The Bible tells us that we are to pray for one another and also assures us that God hears and answers prayer.  Our Phone Prayer Line is in need of additional people who are committed to lifting prayers upon request regarding needs/concerns of our Church Family.

We have two groups of people lifting prayers, one in the daytime and another in the evening time. We have a basic outline to follow when taking these requests.   They are confidential.  We do not offer any counseling.  We are committed to lifting prayers.  

Please prayerfully consider if this is a call to you to be a part of our Epiphany Prayer Ministry in becoming part of the Phone Prayer Line.  Please feel free to contact Debby Morris  703-631-1687 or (  with your interest / your questions. 

Meet and Eat June 19

This summer, we will be gathering on two Wednesday nights (June 19, and July 31) at 6:00pm at the church, sharing a simple meal, and then taking some time to get to know each other.  Our goal will be to begin at 6:00 and wrap up by 7:00 every evening.  Kids are welcome!  There is a sign-up in the fellowship hall, or you can send an email to Fr. Peter (  

While the meal will be provided, we do need some help to hold these events.  Particularly, we need people to coordinate the meal, we need individuals or couples willing to be table group facilitators, and we need people willing to help with clean-up and set-up.

Quiet Day is Saturday

Mark your calendars for our next Quiet Day at the church on Saturday, June 8. We plan to start the day with Morning Prayer together at 9 am in the Chapel if you want to join us. Please sign up in the Fellowship Area. Plan now to come for portions of an hour or the whole time from 9 to noon. Parents of small children may use the nursery and switch off baby duty if that works for you. Be creative about getting solitude in your life. You will be glad you did.

Knowing Good from Evil

Summer Choir Open to All

Epiphany’s Summer Choir begins Sunday, June 2!  Rehearsals will take place every Sunday at 9:50am in the choir room.  This summer, we invite you to experience the joy of singing hymns in a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. The Summer Choir offers not only an opportunity to enhance your musical skills but also a chance to connect with fellow parishioners in a meaningful way.  If you have questions, contact Jimmy, our Director of Music and Liturgy, (, or call the Church at 703-481-8601 extension 101.  

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

June 7 - June 16

Friday, June 7

8:30am Men's Ministry in Library & via Zoom

9:00am Morning Prayer

10:00am Journaling at Melanie Miller's home

Saturday, June 8

9:00am Band of Brothers

9:00am-12:00pm Quiet Day

Sunday, June 9

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

1:15 & 2:00 Worship at Chantilly Heights

Monday, June 10

9:00am Morning Prayer

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study

Tuesday, June 11

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, June 12

12:00 Simple Eucharist

Thursday, June 13

9:00am Morning Prayer

Friday, June 14

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, June 15

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, June 16

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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