November Newsletter

What could possibly be better than dune grass, bonfires and s'mores? Enjoying it with a friend. Check out our 12/3 Beach Grass planting and join us as we improve the park!

Winston Churchill once said, "You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give." 

There are volunteer opportunities detailed below. We'd love to be even better friends! 

Friends of Island Beach State Park 
Calling all writers and photographers!

We are at the beginning stages of planning the 2017 Visitors Guide to the park. 

Do you like to write? Do you have an amazing photo you want to see published?  

We'd love to have some fresh ideas for next year's guide. Email us to get involved?

Introducing the 2017 Board...

The 2017 Board of the Friends of Island Beach State Park is as follows:
  • President - ***Position Available***
  • Vice President -Judy Merritt
  • Co-Vice President - Bill Gwyer
  • Treasurer - Rich Eberle
  • Corresponding Secretary - Gerry Finnegan
  • Recording Secretary - Bonnie Delaney
  • Marketing & Publicity - Michael Redpath
  • Membership Secretary - Sandy Bonagura
  • Administrator - Bonnie Mascola
  • Trustee - Ray Halgreen 
  • Trustee - Grace Sica 
  • Trustee - Dominick Solazzo
  • Trustee - Justin Auciello
  • Trustee - Tim Husar
  • Marketing & Branding Director  - Jenn Husar
  • Director, Barrier Island Classic - Josh Starner
  • Content Specialist, Instagram - Kristin Asay

If you would like to join our team for 2017 please email:

Science of the Shore: Anatomy of a Wave

The fifth installment of the "Science of the Shore Column" written by Bianca Charbonneau, PhD candidate. Have a science question you would like answered? Email Bianca at

Christopher Candles famously said "The sea's only gifts are harsh blows, and occasionally the chance to feel strong." Those harsh blows are waves and there are many ways to feel strong and weak in the face of them!

Waves are the propagation of energy through the water. Except for tsunamis, waves are the product of the wind ..... continue reading here.

Teach For the Beach

visit our website at 

Friends of Island Beach State Park
PO Box 406, Seaside Park, NJ 08752