Hi JoEllen!

School's out for Summer! Never fails to have that excited feeling when you knew there was no more homework or school uniforms. Just baseball, swimming, camps and fun friend stuff.

We hope you enjoy this edition of your newsletter. As you read through it, you'll learn about the EMKB and see pics of those crazy 4th of July days, check out the successes of our young alumni, get an update about your fabulous grade school now called The Academy at SJA, find out who was just married and sadly, who recently went to heaven, and see an invitation from SJA Uganda.

And, be sure to scroll to the bottom to learn about the future of this newsletter.

Enjoy a safe 4th of July and have a blast this summer! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Kelly Orf Trimble '03 & Elizabeth Wheeler '03

The EMKB is Back!

After a hiatus due to Covid, the Evanston Marching Kazoo Band (formed in 1975) is back for the annual Evanston 4th of July parade. Sign Up Here! And, do you recall the neighborhood kid parade (and the Leydons' loud speakers) along with games in the park. Look at all the pics of those days here - you're probably in one!

Young Alumni News

The first graduating class of The Academy at SJA in 2020 has just graduated from their respective high schools. Their academic achievements are super impressive and we are so proud of our young ASJA/SJA alumni. They graduated from Loyola Academy, ETHS and Niles North. Also included is an article about a star hockey player and what the Loyola Girls LAX did again...

Click here to read about this bright class and learn what colleges they will be attending.

Bianca Joaquin

The Academy at SJA Update

Another stellar year for your awesome grade school - robust education, opportunities for arts and sports, Science Olympiad is strong as ever and the enrollment is growing. Soon you'll receive the annual report showcasing this dynamic Catholic school we all love. For now, check out the update which includes who won the year-end awards, and about the Arts and Sports achievements. Click here.


Alumni Weddings

Congratulations to the alums who were married as of mid-March. The very best wishes to these newlyweds! πŸŽ‰. Click here to see their pics. If we missed anyone, please email us.

Who is the SJA Alum - Bride or Groom? Name? Date? Check social media for the answer....

SJA Saints in Sympathy

Saints that have gone up before us - rest in peace. πŸ™πŸ»

Carol Garrity - parent

Frank McCabe - parent

Mike Walsh - parent

John P Madden - grandparent

John J Iglar - grandparent

SJA Uganda/Arc of Hope Event

You are invited to a super fun cocktails and dinner at Evanston Golf Club with so many SJA friends who support Fr. Simon Peter's work in Uganda - providing children there an opportunity to learn, grow and realize their dreams. Fr Simon Peter sure would love to see you. Learn more about SJA Uganda and RSVP here.


We are super excited to share that beginning this Fall, the current alumni newsletter will become part of The Academy's semi-annual newsletter, emailed to all stakeholders at The Academy, including SJA/ASJA alumni, alumni families, community members and neighbors. The popular alumni sections will continue to be created by members of the Alumni Association. Watch for it this autumn.


πŸ€” Did you know there's an ALUMNI PAGE on the school's website?

If you're on LinkedIn, please note there is a private SJA group for all alums

ο»Ώfor networking purposes. Join it!

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