Dear Grace Family, 

Sending out love to everyone who graciously donated items for the auction and those who took part in the bidding! It was a fun afternoon that brought in $3,766.00 for the church! Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen and brought in food for the potluck! 

We sent off 14 dresses for the Prom Princess Project! Ms. Tawana Goodwin came last week to take the dresses to add to their collection! She sends thanks for the donations!  

As we go into the summer months, let us remember our friends who do not have a cool place to be. Our next mission project is bringing in water bottles to put water in and bottled water! We will distribute bottled water and a bottle that can be filled at water fountains. There will be a box in the church to make your donations! We can bag them up after service and send you forth to help our neighbors in need! 

The summer months always bring so many folks to our campus! As we see all these new and familiar faces, remember to give them a warm Grace Welcome!  Help them find their destination if they look confused, and make sure they know that we are happy that they are here!  

On Friday, June 7th, we will have a fundraiser for our youth for UMARMY! Yes, it is that time again! Aiden Castrow and Abbi Coogle will go and represent our church this summer! We will have a train here for rides and some games to play for the children of Grace Weekday School and Language Kids World! I am looking for volunteers to help make this a successful event. It will be from 9:00 – 11:00 am at the Yale Parking Lot. Everyone is welcome to bring their children to take part in the fun. It will be $15.00 for a train ride, snow cone, and a round of games! Donations are always welcome to help send off our youth to camp as well. Please consider helping any way you can! It will be a fun day at Grace, come join us! 

Coming soon there are more fun events here at Grace! Let us continue to do good works, serve others, and serve God!  



Leonor Hernandez 

Give to Help Flood Victims

There are two ways you may offer support to those in need.


The Disaster Readiness office has put together an Amazon wish list detailing the actual items needed. Please stick to this list. It will be continually updated as more needs are communicated.


  • Donate funds to help. Please give to the Disaster Fund so we may deliver funds efficiently and directly to where help is needed the most right now.
  • You may also give by writing a check to The Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

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