Be Well Monthly Buzz  logo. Brought to you by University Health Services_ Tang Center at UC Berkeley.
November Calendar
Check out our packed month
Pet Hugs
Next Pet Hugs: Nov 6! 12-1pm on Sproul.
Staff Highlight: Jeff Chen, Physical Therapist
Read Jeff's tip and read more about what he does at Tang!
Top Five Be Well Buzz Tips for November
Boo! Happy Halloweekend!

What holiday activities bring you light and laughs as the days grow darker? If your gatherings include alcohol, keep these tips in mind:
  • Before you go out - Make a plan. Choose your squad. Set a drink limit. Eat. Charge your phone. Plan your exit.
  • Keep it world class!  Most students who drink make it an accessory, not the main event. Hard alcohol (over 15% ABV) is now banned at frat parties - chose lower alcohol beverages to keep it social not slurred.
  • Stick with your plan and your squad.  Stay in common spaces - not in private rooms - to drink.
  • Drink water! Berkeley's water is tasty and safe to drink straight out of the tap. Alternate every alcoholic drink with water to stay hydrated!
Get more PartyGoer or PartyThrower tips!
Concerned about someone's alcohol or other drug use?  Check out these Intervention Tips.
Recalibrate - Berkeley's NEW Wellness Website! 
We all have different needs to achieve our own healthy level of wellness. What resources on campus will get you there? Knowing yourself better is good thing. And knowing how to  recalibrate when necessary is even better. It's up to you, and help is here. 

Benefiting students, faculty, and staff,   dials in to wellness resources at UC Berkeley. The goal of the site is to create a community of care, while attending to our individual needs as situations dictate in our daily life on campus.
Get the flu shot not the flu!
Help yourself stay well this fall and winter. You need a flu shot every year to stay protected.  New Clinic Dates This Tuesday, Oct 30, Boalt Law School from 10am-2pm and at Doe Library, Room 180 from 2:30-5:30pm.

Physical Therapy Month
Physical Therapy is a safe alternative to opioids for pain management. 

Physical therapists treat pain through movement and exercise, helping patients improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Physical therapists also educate their patients about pain, which is known to improve outcomes. Learn more about our Physical Therapy team and what they can do for you! 
Take charge of your sexual health! 
Our Sexperts celebrated Sexual Health this past week with events and facebook lives sessions. Missed the week of events? Don't worry! You can still learn more about the sexual health services we offer at UHS.
Happy November Golden Bears! We'll see you next month!
Be Well @ Cal, UC Berkeley University Health Services
510-642-2000 |  2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94720 |