September 2016  

Help yourself stay well this fall and winter! To protect yourself you need a flu shot every year. 
Flu shot clinics are drop-in (no appointment needed) and free for students with SHIP or $30 without. 

Next clinic: Mon., Sept. 26, 12-5pm at Tang. Find details the full schedule online here.  
Already sick? Here's what to do
Watch Melanie's #TangTip on choosing a method of birth control
Watch Melanie's #TangTip on choosing a method of birth control

Staff Highlight: Meet primary care clinician Melanie Deal 
Melanie Deal, MS, NP has been a primary care provider at UHS since August 2014. She sees patients for all kinds of health concerns and has a special emphasis in women's health, STDs and contraception. She loves working in college health because students inspire her daily: 'It gives me a glimpse into our future - meeting these emerging leaders, researchers, academicians."  Read Melanie's full Staff Highlight feature here, and make sure to watch her #TangTip video to get a glimpse at her personality, and to learn her tips for choosing a method of contraception.  
Go Tang!  Your Guide to Getting  Started at the Tang Center 

Our Go Tang! resource is an easy guide for new students to get started at Tang. Find out more about our services, how to get in, how much to pay, how insurance works, and, everyone's favorite: what's free! You can also reference  our Get Health Care page for all the details you need about how to access care at Tang right away. 

Q: What is the best way for college students to prevent the "Freshman 15?"
A: Ain't no such thing.  "Freshman 15" is a catchy phrase that was probably created to sell magazines. A meta-analysis of 22 studies including more than 5500 participants showed that college students gained an average of only 3 pounds. That's a normal and expected weight gain for a student in his or her late teens. Continue reading the science behind the "Freshman 15" and what our dietitian is far more concerned about

Related events: Free Workshop for Better Body Image, Fri., Sept. 16, 1:10-3pm  
How do CPS therapy sessions work?
How do CPS therapy sessions work?
CPS offers short term counseling for academic, career and personal issues. There is no charge to get started, and all registered students can access services regardless of their insurance plan.  Watch CPS psychologist Gloria Saito explain how therapy at UHS usually works

More: CPS offers a wide range of group counseling options, including skills groups, support groups, interpersonal groups, and groups specifically for graduate students. Learn more about group counseling programs.
It's no mystery how much you pay at Tang
Check out our sample fees webpage and flier for the list of our most common fees and how much things cost with/without SHIP. 
Scenario: Tang is closed. If you don't need an ER, what do you do?
When the Tang Center is closed, there are many options to seek care: 24/7 Nurseline (800) 681-4065, off-campus  Urgent Care clinics, (new!) LiveHealth Online telemedicine video appointments, and the UHS Advice Nurse line gives After Hours Assistance when Tang is closed. 
Grad Corner
Did you know if you want a medical appointment "into the future" (beyond the next day or so), please call us to schedule: (510) 642-2000. Our online Primary Care appointments only feature appointments available in the next day or so.

See the September eGrad for more graduate students news from UHS. 
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPER GONORRHEA!
Gonorrhea is a bacterial STI, meaning it can be treated with antibiotics. However, like any other bacteria, gonorrhea mutates, and over time the bacteria becomes resistant to treatment.  Continue reading how to prevent the spread of Super Gonorrhea and the creation of more super STIs.

More: Save the date!  Sexual Health Awareness Week (SHAW) is Oct. 10-13. Stay tuned to our  events page for details.

Related events:  SHEP Sexpert Education Clinic, every Friday 12-3pm 
+ Free, anonymous, rapid HIV testing once/month. Next session: Fri., Sept. 30.  

Tang Center services for the LGBTQIA community at GenEq
The Hookup upcoming events: What's Your "Relationship Orientation"? Wed., Oct. 5, 6-7:30pm, 202 Cesar Chavez.  Find details and the full fall schedule here.

LGBTQ-Talk Drop-in Counseling: one-on-one, professional, supportive drop-in sessions (free) with a counselor from Tang, designed specifically for the LGBTQIA student community at Cal. 
Wednesdays, 3-5pm, 150 Cesar Chavez
Thursdays, 11am-12pm, 150 Cesar Chavez
Fridays, 1-3pm, 487 Evans.  

More: see our new  LGBTQ Counseling Staff resource and flier to indicate which counselors identify as queer.
Love Cafe @ Cal
"The semester just started and I'm already worried that I'm going to fall behind in classes. Its super easy for me to get distracted so procrastination is becoming a problem..."

Do YOU love giving advice? The Love Cafe is seeking three volunteer advice columnists. Apply by Fri., Sept. 23 at 5pm!
How your health workers can help you!
Have you run into any Health Workers that live within your residential community? Health Workers are great resources for any questions and concerns you may have about the Tang center or any health related issues! Continue reading how your Health Worker can help you, and where to find them.
Pre-game with Party Safe!
Join us at t he first PreGame Huddle on  Saturday, September 17, at 6pm  to kick off the Cal Football 2016 Season! Beginning at  6pm  we will be posted as a hydration station in front of I-House on Piedmont offering free water, snacks, giveaways, and resources for how to intervene early for intoxication. Roll on you Bears!! 

Related events: PartySafe@Cal Student Alcohol Roundtable, Sept. 27, 7-8:30pm
Upcoming events
Next Pet Hugs: Oct. 4
Find the Pet Hugs pack on Sproul Tues., Oct. 4, 12-1pm. Pet Hugs are on campus the first Tuesday of the month - check out the full schedule on the Pet Hugs page.

Can't wait? Check out the therapy dogs in our album from the September 6 event, and during Welcome Week.
What you missed
on the blog: spreading tang wisdom
on the facebook: starting the year strong~
on the twitter: welcome, baby bears!
on the instagram: dogs are truly a gif-t
in the buzz: primary care appointments 101
Be Well @ Cal, UC Berkeley University Health Services
510-642-2000 |  2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94720 |