Tang Tips for February!

This week is National Condom Week! Celebrate with our Sexual Health Education Program (SHEP) Sexperts! 
 for details on Masturbation Monday, Tease Me Tuesday, Would You Like To...Wednesday, Throbbing Thursday, and Flirt with Me Friday.
In honor of Black History Month, University Health Services, Tang Center is proud to have the  Black Health Matters  resource in support of the Black community at Berkeley.
Jeanine Baillie, PsyD is a Licensed Psychologist in Counseling and Psychological Services and she has worked at Tang since Fall 2016. Watch Jeanine's #TangTip video to learn more about how to breathe deeply. Read her full 
Did you know Tang has a nutrition blog and a relationship blog?

This month on the  
Registered Dietitian, Toby Morris, discusses body image.  Read what she has to say  about combating negative talk about your body.

Catch up on relationship advice with the Love Cafe Baristas! All new blogs on:
  • Crushing hard on my...professor?!
  • I can't get past the first date, is it my personality?!
  • Being more than sex
Save the dates!
  • Feb 15 - The Hookup: Here, Queer, and Kinky! Feb 15, 6-8pm at GenEq in 202 Chavez. Food Included
  • Feb 27 -
    Feb 27, 11am-6pm, Anna Head Alumni House and Red Cross Blood Mobile at Bancroft Way and College Ave
  • March 6 - Pet Hugs on Sproul! 12-1pm at Upper Sproul 

We'll be back on March 15! Be well until next time, Bears!  

Be Well @ Cal, UC Berkeley University Health Services
510-642-2000 |  2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94720 | uhs.berkeley.edu