Be Patriotic: Isolate AND Communicate
Seldom does civic duty mean isolation, but it does today. Still, there are many ways of showing community spirit, like the people in Italy and New York singing from their balconies and the kids in Columbus who played a concert for their neighbor. It's also a great time to connect online and by phone. Find some ideas in the resource pages listed in the COVID-19 article below. 
President, National Civic League

Announcing the 2020 All-America City Award Finalists!
Each of the finalist communities demonstrated civic engagement practices that are inspirational, inclusive and promising in their ability to unite members of the community to collectively and collaboratively help solve our country's most pressing and complex issues. This year's finalists focused specifically on enhancing health and well-being through civic engagement. 
Learn more.
COVID-19: Resources for Individuals and Governments
While the civic infrastructures of many communities are revealing weaknesses during this global health crisis, there remain stories of hope and resiliency. Organizations across all sectors have been sharing experiences and innovative approaches in response to COVID-19. There are already many great resources;  we've highlighted some that may be especially useful. 
Read more.
Is it Time for Universal
Voting by Mail?
The need for social distancing to stem a global pandemic makes the idea of millions of Americans standing in crowded lines at polling stations a very scary prospect, not to mention the possibility of voter participation rates plummeting. Mail-in ballots make perfect sense given the pandemic, but long before anyone ever heard of the Coronavirus there were strong arguments in favor of voting by mail.  Read more.
Racial Healing at Tampa Housing Authority Projects
The Tampa Housing Authority (THA) is honoring the city's African-American heritage by moving a housing development built on top of Tampa's first black cemetery and replacing it with a memorial. Once the Authority discovered remains under a housing development, it began developing a memorial garden honoring those buried on the site. 
Read more.
Beyond Town Hall: Public Engagement in a Crisis
City leaders are grappling with the unimaginable--the protection of their entire community from a threat the likes of which many of us have never seen. Amid all this chaos, we continue to need robust, two-way communication with the public we serve, even if they cannot meet with us in person. Larry Schooler offers a few tips to stay connected to your community.  Read more.  
Webinar: Social Distancing Meets Public Engagement
Join us on April 15th as we co-host a webinar with the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation.  Wendy Willis, Executive Director of the Deliberative Democracy Consortium, and Larry Schooler, Director of Consensus Building and Community Engagement, CD&P will showcase strategies for virtual public engagement in this time of social isolation. Register.
Additional Information & Upcoming Events

National League of Cities: COVID-19: Local Action Tracker Preview

Living Room Conversation on Coronavirus
April 2nd at 12pm PT, 3pm ET

Cities of Service : "Local Approaches to Serving Vulnerable Populations"
April 7th at 9am PT, 12pm ET

Essential Partners: 
"Virtual Dialogues for Connection and Community" 
April 7th (Every Tuesday) at 9am PT, 12pm ET

GFOA's 114th Annual (Virtual) Conference
May 17−20, 2020 in New Orleans, LA.
Now accepting article proposals for National Civic Review
We are interested in 1,200-3,000 word articles. 
The deadline for the summer issue is June 15th. 
Contact for more information. 

Thank you to National Civic League Sustaining Member 
Cities and Towns:

Asheboro, NC
Aurora, CO
Chula Vista, CA
Decatur, GA
Denver, CO
Dublin, CA
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Gladstone, MO
Hayward, CA
Illinois Municipal League
Las Vegas, NV
Rancho Cordova, CA
Roanoke, VA
San Antonio, TX
Tallahassee, FL
Tupelo, MS
Thank you to National Civic League Partner Organizations:

American Society for Public Administration
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation
Colorado Health Foundation
Delta Dental
Government Finance Officers Association
Greenberg Traurig
International City / County Management Association
Kaiser Permanente
Kettering Foundation
National Academy of Public Administration
National Coalition on Dialogue and Deliberation
National League of Cities
National Forum for Black Public Administrators
Rawson Family Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Southwest Airlines
United States Census Bureau
United Way Worldwide
Well Being Trust
W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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