A Publication of Bavender Custom Clothiers
August 2014



"The style of studied nonchalance is the psychological triumph of grace over order."

- G. Bruce Boyer








Born in the middle ages and refined with current textile techniques, gabardine has come of age with surprising elegance. Originally intended for outerwear such as traveling cloaks, today gabardine is a refined, elegant fabric for a variety of purposes. In more modern times, gabardine has clothed adventurers and trendsetters as they traveled to such exotic locations as Antarctica and Mount Everest.


Gabardine combines the strength and durability of a tightly-woven twill with a more supple hand than many other twills. The twisted weave that is gabardine's signature element creates micro-ridges that allow light to almost bend around it, giving it a soft, almost luminous look. The fabric's luxurious feel will complement the finer pieces in your wardrobe without looking overly formal.


This fabric is also a fantastic choice for business-casual trousers. Gabardine's durability stacks up well next to the twilled cotton that is today's most common choice for casual trousers, while retaining the style and visual appeal of wool. It is also still an excellent choice for outerwear, especially if it is waterproofed.


Avoid over-cleaning your gabardine suit to keep the luxurious surface texture intact. Occasional steaming can help extend the life of the garment by freshening the fabric while minimizing the use of harsh chemicals.


Kingford Bavender

Question: Should I press or steam my suit? Or, should I just take it to the cleaners?

Answer: Steaming is far gentler on your suit than too-frequent dry cleanings and the high-temperature commercial press. Steam it lightly just before wearing, instead of immediately after wearing it. This will allow any moisture to dry naturally and remove any wrinkles from storage. Your dress shirts should be pressed instead of steamed to smooth the fabric and give it a crisp look.

Email: kingford@bavender.com
Phone: (612) 750-9486
Web: http://www.bavender.com/