Bates Technical College
Alumni & Friends Newsletter
January 2020
In this issue:
  • 80th anniversary year officially launches
  • Update on Downtown Campus construction
  • Fun fact
  • Upcoming events
Bates Technical College
Celebrates 80 th anniversary
The Tacoma institution celebrates its past and looks forward to the future.
Bates Technical College is ushering in 2020 with increased excitement this year as it celebrates its eightieth anniversary.

An ever-evolving and expanding institution, Bates Technical College has moved from humble beginnings in an elementary school basement to three campuses across Tacoma offering continuing education and technical programs.

The college now serves approximately 3,000 career training students and 5,000 community members.

As the college celebrates this milestone and moves into a new decade, President Lin Zhou is especially reflective on the institution’s impressive past and exciting future.

“Bates Technical College has provided members of the Tacoma community with a place to further their careers and make a difference for eighty years—and we will continue to do so for many more.”
The college shows no signs of slowing down as it focuses on growing its student population and investing in advanced technology to continue to fill its important role in the South Sound’s educational landscape.

“Our premier staff and faculty, coupled with our diverse and motivated student body, will allow us to enter into this anniversary year and beyond with renewed purpose and optimism,” says Dr. Zhou.

In 2021, the college is anticipating the opening of a new building at Downtown Campus on Yakima Avenue.
The Center for Allied Health Education broke ground in 2019, and will provide the in-demand allied health programs with access to much-needed high-tech facilities that will fuel the burgeoning South Sound health care landscape with skilled employees. (Read more about this project below.)

Also on the horizon is a Fire Service Training Center, currently in pre-design phase, which will allow the college to continue to offer comprehensive, quality fire service training in a larger, updated facility that accurately reflects the needs of the industry.

For more information about Bates Technical College, go to
Center for Allied Health Education
construction update
Construction is booming at the Downtown Campus. Anticipated to open in 2021, the Center for Allied Health Education is a $43.7M project that will demolish the 1970s-era West Annex to make way for a modern learning facility. The building will house the college's Allied Health programs, clinics, learning labs and student spaces.
Over the past few months, construction crews moved forward with structural demolition and rebuilding the parking ramp for access to the East Annex rooftop parking. Regaining access to those parking spaces will help alleviate the reduced parking spaces at the campus.
Structural demolition
Last month, structural demolition was completed using primarily excavators. This entailed removing structural elements, such as beams, columns, elevated slabs and shear walls. Following completion, the concrete will be processed so the material can be recycled on site.

With structural demolition complete, processing and backfill will begin. This includes re-using some concrete from the former West Annex building, which involves removing rebar and breaking the concrete into smaller pieces so it meets the sub-grade requirements.
After the concrete has been processed, the crushed concrete will be spread across the site and compacted to a suitable strength so the new Center for Allied Health Education can be built on top.
Ramp construction
Construction of the ramp progress through December and January. Following excavation, forming and reinforcement, placement for the concrete foundation and grade beams took place.
Some of the columns used in the reconstruction of the ramp are pre-existing. The next steps are placing the concrete for the beams and post tension deck, which will be done concurrently.

You can learn more about the project and read past newsletters at
Did you know?
The last time a major construction project occurred at the Downtown Campus was in 1999, when the East Wing of the main building was rebuilt?
Upcoming Events
Peace Queen
Friday, Feb. 14, 2020, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Central/Mohler Campus Studio, 2320 S 19th Street, Tacoma
Join us for a screening of the video, Peace Queen, produced by KBTC. Peace Queen tells the story of the energetic Bates alumna Miss Melannie Denise Cunningham and her quest for peace in her own community and the world.

After being named the Greater Tacoma Peace Laureate for her tireless work in community racial reconciliation, she re-brands herself the “Peace Queen.” Ms. Cunningham will be available for questions and comments after the screening.

Theater-style snacks will be provided.

Scholarship Luncheon
Thursday, March 5, 2020, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
South Campus Auditorium, 2201 S 78th Street, Tacoma
Join us as we celebrate the impact scholarships have on the success of our students, 
and gather in appreciation of the donors who generously contribute toward these programs.