The Southeast Chapter of SCCM is proud to offer the "Barbara A. McLean Contributions to Critical Care Nursing Award".  This award will be delivered to a critical care nurse who exemplifies the values of the SCCM: A model based on collaboration, contribution, evidenced based communications and collegiality.
Who can participate?

Any Critical Care Nurse that meets the following criteria:
  • in practice for at least 4 years
  • a mentor to others 
  • seeks out responsibilities that evolve the practice of critical care
  • contributes beyond the responsibilities of paid employment
  • attends critical care meetings and educational programs 
  • does not have to be a member of SE Chapter of SCCM
  • nurse practitioners do not qualify
Who can nominate?
  • any person on a critical care team 
  • must be a member of the SE chapter of SCCM
  • board members and chapter officers may not nominate


What does the award consist of?


The final candidate will receive a check for $250 and a one-year membership to both the local and national SCCM organizations. The awardee will also receive an award plaque in recognition of his/her commitment to critical care. 

How to submit the nomination?

The nominator must provide a letter detailing the nominee's contribution to critical care nursing excellence AND a team approach to managing the critically ill or injured patients. This letter should validate the nominee's clinical, educational and/or leadership contributions relevant to critical care. In addition, the contributions to health care outside of their workplace should be highlighted. 
Nominations must be received by May 1, 2018, and the winner will be announced on May 18, 2018 during National Critical Care Recognition and Awareness Month (NCCRAM). 

Nomination and a letter of support should be emailed with original signatures and letterhead (if possible) to:
Megan Van Berkel Patel, Chapter President