Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, you will pray for every country in the world each year!

Do you have a personal prayer request today? Your global Baptist family stands ready to intercede for you as well. Click the button below to share a prayer need.

3 BWA Member Bodies
Baptist Convention of Angola
  • 312 Churches
  • 33,500 Members
Baptist Evangelical Church in Angola
  • 314 Churches
  • 9,400 Members
Free Baptist Church in Angola
  • 58 Churches
  • 3,916 Members
Pictured is t he city of Lubango seen from atop the Tundavala Gap along the Serra da Leba mountain range.
Join us in thanking God for the many natural resources in this region and the growing economy.
Join us in prayer for the local Baptist Convention as they steward resources from a recent Baptist World Aid emergency grant to provide food and masks for 500 people.


1 BWA Member Body
Baptist Convention of Mozambique
  • 726 Churches
  • 108,900 Members

Mozambique is forecast to be one of the fastest growing countries in the next 10 years, helped by exports of coal and natural gas. 

This growth was impacted by the devastation caused by Cyclone Idai last year and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Pictured left to right are Pastor Manuel Moises Quembo, General Secretary of the Baptist Convention of Mozambique; Carlos Jone Centre, a BMS World Mission Worker; and Rachel Conway-Doel, Baptist World Alliance Forum for Aid and Development Facilitator, in Mozambique shortly after Cyclone Idai.
Join us in thanking God for the Gospel witness of Baptist churches in the midst of challenging circumstances.
Join us in prayer for the continued rebuilding process in the wake of Cyclone Idai and for protection from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please join us in prayer for the family of Rev. Ngaka Frédéric who served as the President of the Union of Baptist Churches in Cameroon. He passed away last week from COVID-19, leaving behind a legacy of ministry and faithfulness in Christ for all to follow.

Please also pray for the family of Rev. Joel Bekayo as they mourn his passing. He served as the President of the Baptist Evangelical Church of Chad and was instrumental in his convention, the first from Chad, joining the BWA in 2017. 
100 years ago our global Baptist family stood together by giving the first Baptist World Aid gift to communities suffering in the aftermath of the Spanish Flu pandemic. One hundred years later, we are asking you – our Baptist sisters and brothers – to respond again to a global church that is suffering.

As the Spirit moved in power at Pentecost, we invite you to stand together as a global family on Pentecost weekend: May 29-31 (Western) and June 7 (Eastern). Imagine the mountains God will move if every Baptist church in every region of the world unites together in worship, stands together in prayer, and gives together to help those in need. People from more than 45 countries have already registered, and we invite you to stand together with us. Sign up to participate at .
Join General Secretary Elijah Brown in praying for Baptist Conventions and Unions this week. Many are responding with incredible ministry and caring for the hurting and vulnerable. Pray that the Lord would continue to use Baptist conventions and unions to mobilize churches and individuals for impact and into a more unified and Spirit-filled community.
A Prayer of Hope

We sincerely thank you, O God,
for your powerful gift of hope
in the face of seemingly hopeless situations.
We thank you for your peace
in the hearts and minds of men and women
in this part of Africa
who believe you are the living God,
quick to save in time of danger.
You reign above all,
directing the course and destiny of the universe..

( Joao Makondekwa, Bible Society of Angola. WAGP p. 337 )