We are grateful for your prayers!
Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, you will be able to pray for the entire world each year!

1 Member Body
Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy
  • 120 Churches
  • 4,300 Members

Cristina Arcidiacono (pictured far right) of Italy served on the Women in Ministry Panel at the 2019 Baptist International Conference on Theological Education in Nassau, The Bahamas.
Join us in giving thanks for the long history of ministry partnership with the Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy, a member of the 1905 BWA Founders' Circle.

Join us in prayer for the ongoing witness of Italian Baptists as they share the Gospel amidst a secular society. Pray for refugees seeking to cross the Mediterranean from North Africa and for the Baptist voice and response. 


1 Member Body
Portuguese Baptist Convention
  • 72 Churches
  • 4,800 Members

General Secretary Emeritus Neville Callam visited Seminário Teológico Baptista in October 2008.
Join us in giving thanks for the freedom Portuguese Christians have to live out their faith and share it with others.

Join us in prayer for those searching for employment during this challenging economic crisis and that they may find hope through someone sharing God's love with them.


1 Member Body
Baptist Evangelical Union of Spain
  • 101 Churches
  • 11,284 Members

General Secretary Emeritus Neville Callam addresses conference attendees in 2010.
Join us in giving thanks for the constitutional changes that ended religious discrimination and opened the door for greater Gospel witness.

Pray for opportunities to minister to the millions of immigrants who are searching for community.
Andorra, Malta, San Marino, and Vatican City

Pictured is St. Paul's Bay, the site of Paul's shipwreck around 60 A.D. It is one of Malta's most frequented landmarks, drawing visitors from around the world.
Join us in giving thanks for the rich historical legacies and distinctive cultures in these countries.
Join us in prayer for the next phase of the Baptist-Catholic dialogue that will take place in Rome in December.
The coronavirus first diagnosed in China has now been identified in more than a dozen other countries, prompting the the World Health Organization to declare a global emergency last week.

Please join us in prayer for those impacted by this virus, including those who are currently battling the disease and those who are grieving the loss of loved ones.
The BWA Team greatly values your prayers and faithful partnership with us, so we have created a few simple resources for you to utilize this year within your homes, churches, ministries, unions, and conventions as you observe BWA Day.

Historically, BWA Day has been observed in the month of February. However, we understand that schedules can vary greatly, so we are simply asking you to strategically share the mission and vision of the Baptist World Alliance during a worship service, Bible study, mission meeting, or another setting or time that is most convenient in 2020. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer!
The Fire Prayer

Holy Spirit, set me on fire with your wisdom,
so that I may love only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, enlighten me with your understanding,
so that I may perceive only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, kindle in me your counsel,
so that I may see only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, inflame me with your strength,
so that I may desire only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, pour out your knowledge upon me,
so that I may do only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, give me ardent devotion,
so that I may seek only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, make me blaze in the fear of God
so that I may never again lose that which is holy.

( From the Book of Devotions, Portugal )