We are grateful for your prayers!
Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, you will be able to pray for every part of the world each year!

1 Member Body
Cambodia Baptist Union
  • 548 Churches
  • 22,891 Members

More than 150 women gathered in Kampong Tom in March for an evangelistic celebration of International Women's Month.
Please join us in thanking God for a recently completed seminar for pastors and their spouses that provided encouragement and support to 25 ministry couples.

Please join us in prayer that Bible schools in the area will be given permission to reopen in January.

1 Member Body
Baptist Churches in Vietnam (BCV)
  • 509 Churches
  • 40,000 Members

Pictured is former BWA Director of Freedom and Justice Raimundo Barreto during a visit to Ho Chi Minh City in 2011.
Join us in thanking God for the reforms that have contributed to greater economic stability and opportunity.
Join us in praying for freedom from government repression of unregistered house churches.
Please join us also in lifting up the people of Laos.
Northwestern Albania was struck by a devastating 6.4-magnitude earthquake on November 26. More than 50 people were killed and 2,000 injured. It was the strongest earthquake to hit Albania in more than 40 years and the world's deadliest earthquake in 2019. A church building in Durres was completely destroyed, and many are sleeping outside in tents and cars with buildings on the brink of falling. Forced to evacuate his own home due to damage, President of the Baptist Union of Albania Edmond Palucaj calls upon all Baptists to join him in prayer.
 Photo Credit: BBC.com
Pray for the participants of the Baptist-Catholic Dialogue happening in Poland this week. Pray that their discussions around the theme of mission will be productive and the perspective of minority Baptists living in Catholic-majority countries will be clear.

Pray also for an encouraging time of fellowship at our BWA Team Christmas Gathering on Monday, December 9, and our BWA Open House on Tuesday, December 10. "I am grateful to minister alongside a team that is passionate about the BWA and passionate about serving the Lord," says General Secretary Elijah Brown.
A Prayer from Vietnam

We remember, O Lord,
those who suffer from any kind of discrimination,
your children, and our brothers and sisters,
who are humiliated and oppressed.
We pray for those who are denied fundamental human rights,
for those who are imprisoned,
and especially those who are tortured.
Our thoughts rest a few moments with them…
And we pray that your love and compassion may sustain them always.

Week of Prayer for World Peace. WAGP p. 203. )