February 2021
Title Notes E-news
Reminder that Virginia Bankers Title
and the Circuit Courts will be closed
on Monday, February 15th
in observance of President's Day
Would You Like to Change Direction? How Attention Determines Direction
How to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative
by Dan Rockwell

You can't control negative thoughts that pop up into your head. Keep focused on your goals by creating a daily habit of checking in on your mental focus and redirecting negative thinking. Focus instead on gratitude, new opportunities or what you appreciate about your team. Clear HERE to learn three ways to monitor and manage attention.

Embrace the Suck - The Navy Seal Way to an Extraordinary Life
from LeadershipNow

Resilience is what carries us through life to reach our goals. Pain will always be with us, but if we can learn to lean into it and get comfortable with being uncomfortable, we can live a more fulfilling life. Maintaining focus on what is in our control and ignoring (or at least deprioritizing) everything else is a core tenant of the growth mindset and applies equally in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles in our personal and professional lives. Click HERE to learn more about Brent Gleeson's book with mental models and practical steps to move you forward.

The BT On-site Team Keeping You Informed and Safe! It's What We Do!
Virginia Becomes First State to Adopt Permanent COVID-19 Workplace Safety Standards
Governor Ralph Northam approved the standard adopted by the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry’s Safety and Health Codes Board. The workplace safety standards mandate PPE (personal protective equipment) as well as contact-tracing or record-keeping, sanitation and social-distancing, as well as training and emergency communications within the workplace. Click HERE to learn more.

Phone Down. It's the Law.
The new law became effective January 1, 2021, where it has become illegal to hold a handlheld personal communications device (e.g., a smart phone) while driving a moving motor vehicle on the highways in Virginia. Click HERE to get the details and learn about the exceptions.
Are You Struggling With COVID Anxiety and Stress?
by Gleb Tsipursky, CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts

Do you find yourself more upset whenever you take in news concerning COVID-19? If you've been feeling more stressed out or concerned lately, it's not unusual. Numerous other individuals are also like this. As the pandemic took hold of the country, it left a course of unpredictability in its wake -- enough to create some psychological health and wellness issues that need to be dealt with. Click HERE for steps you can take to defend yourself against stress and anxiety brought on by COVID.
Working long hours to process your client's loan applications? Our online quick quote rate calculator is available 24/7/365

You can easily access it from the home page of our website. Check it out HERE. Get your title premiums, settlement fee, and recording fees with three clicks. The quote can be saved as a PDF document and emailed to your client. Fast, simple, easy, anytime!
Will Bankers Ever Go Back to the Office Again?
by Casey Schaffer

Working from home has tremendous appeal to many of those working in the banking industry. But are financial institutions ready for this? There are dimensions many financial institution executives may not be thinking about yet. But they need to. Competition for banking talent is changing is just one. Click HERE to learn more about this and other dimensions to consider.

Big Banks Are Deposit Vacuums: How Other Institutions Can Slow the Flow
by Bill Streeter

That 'giant sucking sound' is Millennial deposits flowing into the largest banks, who are reaping more than 80% of 2020's record-breaking haul, new data confirms. Community banks and credit unions must strengthen connections with younger consumers now. Click HERE to learn about several ways they can do that.

How the Pandemic is Spurring New Financial Regulations
by Michael Magrath

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed banks and credit unions to fast-track digital transformation plans. However, the pandemic has exposed shortcomings in both security and technical infrastructure across the financial sector. Cybersecurity threats and fraud have surged during the pandemic. To enable safer digital commerce, lawmakers and financial regulators have put in place, or are seeking to put in place, a number of new policies and regulations that would significantly impact the financial sector. Click HERE to learn more.

Four Ways to Support Small Business in the New Year
by Tina Giorgio

As we put the tumultuous year that was 2020 behind us, we do so knowing payments digitization will continue to accelerate. The pandemic launched a new paradigm that will continue to transform how small businesses transact. But today, there’s one critical difference in the mix: Community bankers are now in the driver’s seat, leading the digital payments revolution. Leverage the goodwill you’ve created through your work on the Paycheck Protection Program to help counsel customers on ways to enhance their payments experience. Click HERE to learn more.
Bankers Title is Offering Drive-Through Closings for Added Safety
The Bankers Title Settlement Team is offering clients the convenience and safety of outdoor closings. We are happy to coordinate, just let your settlement processor know in advance.

Bankers Title is Currently Conducting Hybrid Closings
Many lenders are beginning to offer hybrid closings where non-notarized documents can be digitally signed in advance of or at the closing. We are able to accommodate client and lender needs.

Coming Soon: Bankers Title Will Have E-Notaries on Staff
This will enable us to complete full remote on-line notarization (RON) closings. More to come!
Contact Robyn Parker to learn more.
Why Every Buyer Needs an Owner's Policy
Owner's Policy Comparison Chart
Protect Your Clients From
Wire Fraud
Robyn C. Parker
Vice President & Agency Manager
Bankers Title, LLC
9011 Arboretum Parkway
Richmond, VA 23236
Phone: 1.800.1414 | 804.560.7202
Integrity. Security. Excellence

Bankers Title is a full-service Title and Settlement Agency that is committed to integrity and transparency in each of our transactions. Our team is made up of the best in the business and we look forward to helping you make informed decisions about your home.