Faces of Fiesta
Curt Dahlquist
Title: Warehouse Manager
Years with Balloon Fiesta: 2.5
As warehouse manager, Curt oversees the organization of Balloon Fiesta’s warehouses, receives packages and merchandise for the event and helps other team members keep track of items necessary for the day-to-day functions of the event. Curt’s history with ballooning began in 1989 when he helped crew for a balloon and continued doing so for many years. In 2022 Curt and his wife were honored as the southwest region crew persons of the year for the Balloon Federation of America.
Rapid Fire with Curt:
Time your day starts during Balloon Fiesta: 3 a.m.
Favorite spot on the field to watch the balloons: Right in the middle of the action on the launch field
Current favorite special shape balloon: Sunny Boy