Sept. 1, 2024

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Political Joy Sweeps Baldwin County Blues

At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Michelle Obama called on Dems to "Do Something!" And Baldwin County Blues are answering the call.

We’re ringing phones for Shomari. We’re training up on ways to make a real difference in canvassing for Kamala. We’re reaching out to pull organizers and new voters from all communities under our tent. We’re planting yard signs, writing postcards, donning our inspirational T-shirts.

We’re getting together for super-fun watch parties where we can share our new blue elation and show “We’re here!” to Dems who thought they were all alone in our Red-ruled “Redneck Riviera.”

With Kamala-Walz at the top of our ticket and Shomari Figures gaining a national presence in the new Congressional District next door that is ours to lose, hope is sweeping across our political landscape.

Here in Baldwin County, Kamala's call to action is ringing true.

When we fight, we win!


from the Campaign Trail

The idea of making calls and knocking on doors is intimidating to novice campaigners. Even those who are stepping up to the plate admit they had to push past their comfort zone to get started.

But, once they get up the nerve to pick up the phone, tune in to the easy online training and dial their first numbers, volunteers feel reassured that they are only phoning friendly voters. They report that reaching out to Democratic voters isn't scary at all.

In fact, they say, it's an easy sell. It's fun!

“While not everyone answered the phone, those who did were consistently warm and receptive. Many stated their intention to vote for Shomari, and several even asked for yard signs," said ESD Treasurer Nancy Bolton Black.

"One gentleman from Selma recounted his memory of the march across the Edmund Pettis Bridge when he was a teenager, and how proud he was to be able to vote for Shomari.”

Another Eastern Shore phone banker tells about a man who cut her off right after she said she was calling on behalf of Shomari Figures.

"Is he a Democrat?" he asked.

Yes, he is.

"You don't need to talk anymore," the voter said. "I'm voting for him."

Yes! We Can!

Get Yard Signs

If you want a sign, please contact one of the following people:

Eastern Shore Democrats

Denise D'Oliveira

(251) 605-8777

South Baldwin Democrats

Pam Skaggs

(304) 395-2329

Joan Hill

(615) 594-0843

North Baldwin Democrats

Josh Brown

(251) 455-2748

Tyrone Thompson

(251) 751-4489

Minimum donation $10

South Baldwin Dems who turned up for our nomination party at Gelato Joe's in Foley Aug.

22, did more than share the convention euphoria. We spread the love to new voters who just happened to be in the room.

One couple stopped into Joe's for a cocktail after a long day of working on the new house they are building on Foley.

When we sat down to say hi, Michelle Achison exclaimed 

“Oh this is a gathering of Democrats! I didn’t know there were Democrats in Baldwin County!"

We hear this all the time.

She and her husband signed on with Baldwin County Dems on the spot and gave a very generous donation.

Then, sometimes, we witness the best thing of all. We get to watch someone morph from Red to Blue right before our very eyes.

A gentleman was sitting at the bar. Some Dems chatted him up just after he came in. He's an independent, he told them. He usually leans right. He was uncommitted. By the time we checked back with him at the end of the night, Harris was delivering her acceptance speech. And everything had changed.

“That’s it!” he said as he texted furiously on his phone. 

“I’m going for Harris and I’m telling all my friends! Right now!” he said. “What she stands for is what everybody wants, doesn’t matter who you are!

Beyond the Bridge:

Campaigning Across State Lines

Baldwin County Dems have been crossing western county lines to help elect Shomari Figures, who has a good shot to deliver a win in his down ballot race for the U.S. Congress.

Read about Shomari's big lead in the polls and how Kamala helped

Now, we're ready to bridge our Eastern state line to work with Escambia County Democrats in their ground campaign for Harris-Walz on the top of the ticket.

"We're seeing more enthusiasm than I've seen in many years," Derrick Scott, Chairman of Escambia County Democrats, said. "We're looking at the kind of enthusiasm we last saw for Obama in 2012."

Escambia Dems are coming across never-before numbers of non-party and even Republicans hopping on the campaign train for Kamala Harris.

"We know enthusiasm doesn't always translate to votes so we have to put in the work," Scott said. "But it's looking better than it has in a very long time."

Why are we campaigning in another county - even state - instead of working for candidates here at home in Baldwin?

Because that's where we can make the biggest impact by throwing our energy behind dynamic candidates who actually have a chance to win top seats. The momentum behind Kamala Harris has been so impressive that it could turn Florida Blue again in November.

The Democratic presidential nominee is closing the gap on the Sunshine State’s solidly red status, according to a USA Today/Suffolk University/WSVN-TV survey released mid-August. The poll shows Harris is just five percentage points behind Donald Trump—a huge bump from the 19-point advantage that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had over Democrat Charlie Crist in 2022.

And abortion is on the ballot in Florida. More than half of Floridians support overturning a state abortion ban, according to the same poll. But with 60% of voters required to approve a constitutional amendment to overturn Rob DeSantis' six-week abortion ban, the race is too close to call.

Democrats are teaming with FemmSouth, the feminist group based in Fairhope, to phone bank with Florida reproductive rights activists to help push the amendment over the finish line in November. Details upcoming.

How do Alabama Dems get an abortion referendum on the ballot? Bottom line? We don't. Not unless we unseat and replace a whole statehouse full of Republican lawmakers.

The Alabama State Legislature does not allow citizen-generated referendums. Only the legislature can put measures on the ballot as legislatively referred constitutional amendments, which require a 60 percent vote in each chamber in the same legislative session to appear on the ballot.

Jason Does the DNC

By Jason Fisher

This past week, I had the distinct honor of attending the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. This happened for many reasons, but mainly because of all the Baldwin County Democrats who supported me since I decided to officially enter the political arena in the spring of 2017.

As one of 3 delegates chosen from Congressional District 1, I was originally a pledged delegate to President Biden. When he stepped down from his campaign over a month ago, he released all his pledged delegates and asked them publicly to support Vice President Kamala Harris as she transitioned to a candidate for President of the United States.

Alabama unanimously cast their delegate votes to the Vice President a couple of weeks ago. But on Tuesday during roll call, our votes were made official. And with those 58 delegates, Alabama helped make Part 1 of history happen. Part II is up to us.

There was an energy in every room of the hotel and convention halls this past week. It’s obvious that the convention itself was electric, but it went well beyond what you saw on television. This party is united in their support of Kamala.

And the best way to describe that unity is to compare it to the momentum we all felt when Doug Jones began to overtake Roy Moore in the polls — and Democrats in this state knew we had a winning hand if we could focus and come together in our efforts.

I want to thank everyone for their support of my political journey thus far - as a candidate for U.S. Senate in ‘17, the nominee for state Senate District 32 in ‘18, State Democratic Executive Committee Rep from 2018-2021, Chair of the Baldwin County Democrats from 2018-23, staff member for Senator Jones, and now pledged delegate to Vice President Harris this past week. I’m so appreciative of you all.

Finally, we all know Baldwin County has many of the state’s best volunteers and Democratic Party members. And we can put those talents to use! Remember, we have Shomari Figures to help next door in Mobile County as he runs for Congress in CD-2, Tom Holmes for Congress here in CD-1, and we can do great things from afar to help Kamala Harris and Tim Walz make history.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon! — Jason!"

Jason Fisher is former Chair of Baldwin County Democrats and CEO of Jason Fisher Consulting Firm

Figures Volunteer Sign-Up HQ

Donate to Shomari
General Volunteer for Shomari
Make calls for Shomari
Canvass for Shomari
18-24? Join NextGen for Figures

Kamala Action HQ

Get Kamala Merch
Make Calls for Kamala
Donate to Kamala

Your Voice is Your Vote

News of the Vote

Dates to know for Election '24

Oct. 21 - Deadline to register to vote

Oct. 29 - Last day to mail an application for absentee ballots

Oct. 31 - Last day to apply for an absentee ballot in person

Nov. 4 - Last day to hand deliver a completed absentee ballot

Nov. 5 - All absentee ballots arriving by mail must arrive before noon or they will not be counted


Volunteer to greet and register voters

at the

 Baldwin County Dems Booth at the County Fair

What an awesome way for new members to meet and greet with longtime Baldwin Dems to spread the message that we're here and our vote matters!

Fri., Sept. 13 - Set up 8 -10 am

Tues. Sept 17-Fri. Sept. 20, 5-7 p.m. - booth greeters

Sat. Sept. 21, 2-4pm; 4-6p.m.; 6-8 pm - booth greeters

Please email to sign up for a shift

Join us for a fun



The Harris-Trump debate will be blasting on all the big screens!

Join Dems to cheer Kamala 7-10 pm Sept. 10 at our local Blueblood hangout.

TO RSVP please email

Phone Banking Party

for Shomari Figures

6-8 pm Wednesdays

Foley location TBA

Take the fear out of phoning

Better Together!

To RSVP and to get info updates, please email

Canvassing for Kamala

4-6 pm Saturdays starting Sept. 7

Meet at  2618 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Suite A, Pensacola, Florida 32503.

To RSVP and to get info updates, please email

Baldwin County Democrats Executive Committee Meeting

Thurs., Sept. 19

6 pm by Zoom

All Democrats welcome

Only committee members vote

Eastern Shore Dems Ready to Rock and Roll

Get-Out-the-Vote efforts are in full swing along the Eastern Shore. We plan to focus our efforts in three areas: 

LOCAL: “Canvassing for Kamala” every Sunday afternoon, beginning September 15, from 1:30-4:30 pm. (Fairhope volunteers meet at the Fairhope Public Library; Daphne volunteers meet at May Day Park). 


1) Build on the excitement of the national Harris - Walz campaign to turn out likely Democratic voters in Eastern Shore precincts where Doug Jones performed best in 2017; 

2) Urge voters to support Tom Holmes, our Democratic candidate for Alabama’s 1st Congressional District; 

3) Increase our visibility in the community; 

4) Invite like-minded neighbors to join our club. 

Canvassing for Kamala Kick-off parties/training events: 


Wednesday 9/11, 6:30 pm

Danielle Mashburn Myrick’s home, 351 Kirkman Lane


Thursday 9/12, 6:30 pm

Denise D’Oliveira’s home, 

502 McAdams Ave

REGIONAL: “Phone Banking for Shomari Figures” every Wednesday evening, September 3 - October 30, 6:30 - 8 pm. 

(Training provided during the first 30 minutes with a campaign staffer available to assist throughout the session.)

Calls will mostly be made by volunteers from home using the Figures campaign’s excellent online system. (Register to participate each week at 

However, a First Timers’ Phone Banking Session for anyone interested in making calls with others will also be held each week through the month of September at an ESD member’s home in both Fairhope and in Daphne. (Email for locations.)


1) Send Shomari to Washington to represent our neighboring 2nd Congressional District and the State of Alabama;

2) Play a role in possibly regaining a Democratic majority in Congress;

3) Mobilize members to support fellow Democrats beyond our community. 

(Additionally, planning is underway for several Saturday Canvassing Road Trips for Shomari. Details TBA.)

NATIONAL: Distribute and complete “Postcards to Swing States” for mailing in October. (5500 distributed to date.) 


1) Expand our organizational reach by participating in nationwide GOTV efforts;

2) Give members an opportunity for hands-on experience in battleground races. 

Other important upcoming dates:

ESD Annual Blood Drive

Saturday, September 28

Piggly Wiggly parking lot in Fairhope, 10 am - 6 pm. 

4th Qtr ESD General Membership Meeting

Thursday, October 14

1150 Fairhope Ave (FUF)

6:30-8 pm


is coming soon

October 26, 2024

7:00 am - 12:00 pm

22595 Wedgewood Drive, Foley

(Glen Lakes Subdivision)

Donations* can be dropped off at the Wedgewood Address

October 23-25, W-F, 1:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Questions, call Joan Hill @ 615-594-0843

Volunteers are needed to help price and set up before

the sale and work on the day of the sale

If you can help, call or text

Kay McVey (636)699-8831 or Helen Clark (251-504-6374)

*Household items, furniture, small appliances, and the like, no clothing please.

The Baldwin County Democrats Newsletter...

Comes out the first Sunday of every month in your inbox.

We encourage reader submissions and suggestions for content. Deadline for submissions of articles and event listings is the last Wednesday of the month.

Please send submissions, suggestions and comments to


Baldwin County Democrats

P.O. Box 2942

Gulf Shores, AL 36542

(251) 284-3947

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