September 2020 Newsletter
From the Library Garden
For this his month’s plant description we highlight a unique native fern, the Giant Chain Fern (Woowardia fimbriata). This fern is quite rare in WA, being at the very northern edge of its range which extends down to southern CA. In northern CA it is common and impressive in the redwood forests. This large fern has ascending, arching fronds that are 4 – 8 feet long. On the underside of the fronds, the sori (a cluster of sporangia where the spores are produced) are shaped like links of a chain, thus its common name. The fern is quite beautiful of medium green color with twice divided leaflets (pinnae).  Thirty years ago when I first joined the Hardy Fern Foundation, we took a field trip to the southern Hood Canal near Tahuya, to see the then only known establishment of this fern in the state. It was growing on a wet bank near the water. It is hardy to about 20 degrees F.  We found a large clump of these ferns and measured one frond at nine feet long. Truly impressive. About 25 years ago, I found an establishment of this fern off Hansen Rd. on B.I., (the second recorded incidence in the state) on the western bank just above the beach by accident during a landscape consultation. A few years later I found another one just north of the previous find. Since then, there has been a report of it on Blake Island and a report from Vancouver Island that has not been verified. I believe if I went hunting, I would find other establishments. About 10 years ago or so Frank Stohl and I planted eight of them on the Close Property, which is part of the Gazzam Lake Preserve, and two of them have established and remain.

We have three nice specimens in the Fern Display Garden at the library. Two of them are in the small bed on the right side of the outside door that leads to the used book room, and one in the bed to the right of the stone that has a plaque dedicated to our beloved past Library Manager, Cindy Harris. Please search out and enjoy.

As seen in last month’s newsletter, the BARN has created two beautiful gates for the Japanese American Haiku Garden. Their artistry and design expertise are truly amazing. We are now awaiting the finalization of the plans for installation. Stay tuned.

~ John van den Meerendonk
Friends of the Library Book Sales - Buy a Bag of Books!
While the library is not open to the public, the Friends of the Library are unable to hold our normal book sales. However, we are going to try a "Buy a Bag of Books" idea which would work as follows:

WHAT: Books would be packed by FOL volunteers into a paper shopping bag and sealed by taping or stapling the bag closed with the genre contents written on the outside. No one except FOL volunteers will have handled these books since they arrived to our book room. The books have been quarantined for more than 96 hours.

WHEN: The bags of books will be available for pickup Monday through Saturday, 10 AM to 1 PM.

WHERE: The bags of books will be located under the awning by the Children's Library entrance. Access is from the Children's Library parking lot facing High School Rd.

HOW MUCH: Each bag of books is priced at $5. What a bargain! We also have a limited number of bags of DVDs, each filled with 20 DVD's for $10.

HOW TO PAY: You can pay for your bag(s) of books two ways. You can pay online by clicking here and making a donation to the Bainbridge Friends of the Library for the number of bags you want to purchase. Leave a note with the online donation indicating when you would like to pick up your bag(s). The bag(s) will be waiting with your name written on it. You can also just drop by and select one or more bags and pay in cash or by check.

CAN I SELECT WHAT GENRE I WANT?: Yes, if you pay online and leave a note telling us what genre you want to buy, a FOL volunteer will fill your bag(s) according to your wish. It will be waiting when you pick it up with your name on the bag. If you want to pay cash or by check when you choose one or more of the bags outside on a cart, you may be limited to the genres that are already packed and on display. (The genre contents of each bag is written on it).

If you have any questions, just send us an email at
A Lasting Legacy: Planning for the Future
Our Legacy Circle continues to expand. And here’s the best news: There’s room for you!
Faithful to the promise of tomorrow.

Offering hope to generations to come.

That’s what Legacy Circle members do.

Our financial support through planned giving is written in the future tense. Because of it, we can be assured that the Bainbridge Public Library will continue to serve this community. Islanders, even those yet to be born, will always find a home here.
With each commitment to make a legacy gift, an inscribed leaf is added to the Legacy Tree located in the library garden.

We’d like to include you, so please notify us if you’ve made provisions in your estate plan to leave a legacy gift.

But if you haven’t yet made that move and would like more information, you can leave a message at 206-866-1250 or at You can also visit the website, Click on A Lasting Legacy under the Support BPL tab to download a Legacy Leaf Form.

It would give us enormous pleasure to thank and to honor you now.
What's Up With Facilities?
  • A contract was signed to begin the work of adding the interior structural support beam. To ensure staff safety and better manage the project, it was agreed staff will not have access to the building while the construction is underway for several days and maybe as much as a week.
  • Replacement parts have been ordered to replace a water pressure/safety valve that became problematic. Repairs are scheduled for late August.
  • Because of the size of the beautiful new Japanese Garden gates provided by volunteers from BARN, a structural engineer was hired to design a secure and long-lasting mounting system. That process was completed in August. Hopefully, the gates will be installed in September or October.
  • Multiple bids are being secured for the new downstairs HVAC system. The improved system is planned for installation before the start of cooler weather.
  • Several electrical projects were completed: securing of dangling shelf lighting, removal of outdated and unused baseboard heaters, and the upgrade of an exterior receptacle. 
Have You Seen This Library (sculpture)?
Of course you have! The marble lions, Patience and Fortitude, flanking the entrance to The New York Public Library's Stephen A. Schwarzman Building are familiar and beloved icons for New Yorkers and visitors to the city. They were modeled by sculptor Edward Clark Potter and carved from pink Tennessee marble by the Piccirilli brothers in 1911, the same year the Carrère and Hastings Beaux-Arts building opened to the public. The Lions' best-known nicknames, Patience and Fortitude, are credited to Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, who told a reporter, ''The people of this city have two cardinal virtues, Patience and Fortitude.''
Books Worth Sharing!
The Order
By Daniel Silva

Gabriel Allon and his wife Chiara are in Venice on holiday when the breaking news flashes on the television that the Pope is dead. Gabriel’s phone buzzes and he is summoned to the Vatican. The press reports that the Pope died from a heart attack, but his loyal personal secretary tells Allon that he suspects murder. The young Swiss Guard assigned to the Pope on the night of his death is missing, as is the letter he had been writing …to Allon! It appears that the Pope had been researching in the archives and unearthed a suspicious and long-suppressed gospel and wanted to discuss its contents, which ostensibly question the authenticity of large portions of the New Testament. The book must be found before the Conclave begins because a shadowy Catholic society with ties to the European far right, the Order of St. Helena, is plotting to seize control of the papacy and they will stop at nothing to prevent Alon from seeing the gospel. And this is only the beginning of this meticulously detailed and breathtakingly fast passed story. From Rome to Venice, to Assisi, to Florence the chase is on to find the book and keep the bad guys from disrupting the historic passing of the Keys of St. Peter to the duly elected new Pope. It is hard to imagine this is the 20th in the Gabriel Allon series! Daniel Silva certainly has not lost his touch and Gabriel is as charming and crafty as ever!

~ Susan Braun
Did You Know?
  • Bainbridge Public Library, a separate nonprofit organization, owns, operates, and maintains the Library building and grounds through community donations and grants.
  • Kitsap Regional Library provides the library staff, collection, classes, and a virtual library at with funding from property tax revenues.
  • Together we provide the quality library our community wants and has come to expect.
Be safe... Be well!