Art at the Library

Sean Carleton

Sara Tuminello

Welcome the summer into fall with an exciting group exhibition for September at your Bainbridge Public Library.   Please join us on first Friday, September 6, 5-8pm for  Art is Happening...2019 . A group of local artists including painters, printmakers, photographers, sculptors, quilters and more come together to share their work and their craft, coordinated by Patrick Gulke. This year participants include: Greta Berquist, Jamie Brouwer, Jackie Bush-Turner, Sean Carleton, Karen Cornell, Virginia Davison, Chris Demarest, Allison Garrison, Nat Godfrey, Marilynn Gottlieb, Heather Griffin, Curtis Hughes, Drew Kunz, Michael Pontieri, David Repyak, Kristin Tollefson, Sara Tuminello, Joanne and Steve Trick, Diane Walker, John Wiens, Susan Wiersma, Carl Yurdin and more...  Because this is a special event, the exhibition will "spill over" into the library for First Friday only and opening night will be extended until 8PM.  
You can visit this exhibit all of September, although some pieces may only be shown on opening night which promises to be great fun.  Images are also available at the library website,

About Patrick Gulke... Patrick will curate this exhibit. Many patrons, librarians, friends and fans of Patrick look forward to his yearly exhibit. His first curated show began in 2016, followed by two more exhibit shows. The possibility of the unusual exhibit became an annual event at BPL. Good feedback from young and old motivated the library to request more! Patrick is a Jack of all trades at the library, though the curation of this particular exhibition is all his. His primary goal is to gather established and first exhibitors for the annual event; a task that he loves to take on. Generally, he finds amazing, creative artists of all kinds and focuses on a look good, feel good outcome for the audience. 

Several years ago, he became interested in all the artistic people on the Island. He visited studios and artists who were always gracious as they talked with him and others about their art. Right now, Patrick isn't sure if he will show his own atypical work - or not. His process is lengthy and unique. Last year he showed his photographs on a table in the Small Conference Room and a niche outside of the Large Conference Room during the Refresh Project. He has long term expertise in photography. Patrick chose an unusual process, playing with and using natural dyes such as coffee and tea on different fabrics and/or transparent backgrounds. He then takes photographs of the dyes on fabrics, using Photoshop. He makes a collage, which he photographs. Next, he may photo two or three collages and often photos the two or more collages together or alone and then photo two or three of the collages and photographs them. He may continue making more collages upon collages using Photoshop. Patrick is a Librarian Associate and has been at BPL for 14 years after moving from Montana. He has been a teen librarian for two years. Now he is a shelver of books and a sub at the front desk. Clearly, he enjoys BPL, his job and his compatriots.

As always, thank you for supporting local artists and your Bainbridge Public Library.

~ Linda Meier, art coordinator
It's a Wrap - Art of Racing in the Rain BPL Benefit!

A sell-out crowd! Excitement filled the air! The 250 ticket-holders to the Garth Stein/BPL benefit event on August 14th anticipated the evening's activities and didn't seem to mind the lines. Their ticket price included admittance to the movie, a drink, popcorn, and a donation to BPL. Author Garth Stein arrived 30 minutes early to sign books. Attendees brought their own copies or were able to purchase from the Eagle Harbor Books table that sold a variety of Stein's books as well as "Go Enzo" baseball caps. Then he introduced the movie, "The Art of Racing in the Rain," with a shout out to the Bainbridge Public Library and the importance of libraries in general. Following the movie Garth answered questions from the audience for about 25 minutes, then went back to the lobby to sign more books. The entire evening was a huge success - both for the attendees who met Garth and watched the movie, and for BPL who benefitted from a portion of the ticket and book sales. Many thanks to those who participated in this event! And a special thanks to Garth Stein for including Bainbridge Island on his schedule!  
Books Worth Sharing

The Last Book Party
by karen Dukess

Eve Rosen would love to be a writer, but she's stuck in an entry level assistant job at a well-known albeit stingy publishing house. In the summer of 1987, she snags a coveted invitation to a summer party at the Cape Cod home of famed New Yorker columnist Henry Grey, who she only knows from answering her boss' phone. She's dazzled by the party and its literary who's who of attendees and Henry is charmed to meet the girl who's voice he so often hears. In fact, he's so charmed that he offers her a job as his research assistant and Eve jumps at the chance! As the summer progresses, she is drawn into the lives of Henry and his poet wife Tillie, as well as their summer crowd of literary giants. But by summer's end, life in the Cape Cod fast lane begins to lose its luster and Eve begins to reevaluate her career path. This charming coming of age story is as much an homage to the love of books and writing as it is the story of Eve. Its wonderful sense of place and depiction of life at the edges of literary greatness will captivate anyone who loves books! Read it where you can smell the salt air!

~ Susan Braun
Have You Seen This Library?


Well it's not exactly a library, it is Betty's Reading Room in Tingwell, Orkney, Scotland. Opened in April, 2012, it's a beautiful, cozy cottage filled with books and comfy places to sit. When long time Orkney resident Betty Prictor died suddenly, her friends Jane Spiers and Craig Mollison converted a derelict cottage near their home into a free reading room dedicated to the memory of Betty, a woman who loved books. The walls are filled with donated books and they are free to anyone who wishes to take them or spend a peaceful bit of time reading by Betty's fire. It is clearly well used and the kettle by the fire obviously provides tea often. It almost made me weep to think that such a wonderful spot could be so dedicated to friendship and the love of books. How perfect!

~Susan Braun
Watch for the Red Envelope!


One Call for All kicks off the 2019-20 campaign in October with the red envelope that should arrive in homes early that month. Each year BPL participates in One Call and many of our donors have found how easy it is to make their donation this way. Remember, OCFA takes $0 from your donation - there are no hidden fees or costs. Each gift of $20 or more earns BPL a share in the Community Fund. It's also an easy way to budget your giving by setting up monthly donations either through the BPL website or One Call for All. Last year the overall campaign raised a record $1.5 million. 

We appreciate and put to good use every gift received!
Friends of the Library Book Sales

The Bainbridge Island Friends of the Library book sales offer gently used books, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and magazines to support the Friends, who in turn reinvest in the library through endowment gifts, programming and special events, magazine subscriptions, the aquarium in the Children's Library and much more. Daily, scores of donated books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, and other items arrive in our book room.  A crew of volunteers work three days a week to sort, price, organize, and shelve these donations for our sales.  As a result, our stock of books and other items on display for sale is constantly renewed. Over a year's period, we receive several hundred thousand books and we are proud that we have only gently used, often new appearing books on our shelves.

Mark your calendar for book sales at Bainbridge Public Library:

Thursday, September 5th
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Saturday, September 14th 10:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday, September 24th 10:00am - 4:00pm

Did You Know?

  • Bainbridge Public Library, a separate nonprofit organization, owns, operates, and maintains the Library building and grounds through community donations and grants. 
  • Kitsap Regional Library provides the library staff, collection, classes, and a virtual library at with funding from property tax revenues.  
  • Together we provide the quality library our community wants and has come to expect.  
Thank you for your support.

sunny reading outside summer