Art at the Library

Summer is a comin ' and June brings artist Gigi Godfrey hosting her exhibit, "Mischief and Craft", opening reception, First Friday, June 7, 5-7PM at your Bainbridge Public Library.

Here is how Gigi describes her work.

" My artwork seems to be an expression of my inner feelings ranging from contemplation  to whimsy to just pure joy. I am drawn to subjects displaying some sort of rhythm -whether in the way the light patterns form, the shapes link together, or the  weaving of color harmony. I am happiest with my work when I stay loose with the brush  and leave unfinished work show through-creating a trail of the evolution. Color and  texture are the real appeal and I enjoy using many different tools-brushes, palette  knives, scrapers-to create interest in the work. When searching for the right color value  and temperature, I tend to leave all the marks on the final work, showing the decision  process, which I call "painting out loud". Using oil paints or gouache, I take on whatever  "speaks" to me. This might be an outdoor landscape, a still-life display, a personal  photograph, or even an octopus named Elenora. This show title is taken from a chapter in
the book Other Minds/The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness by  Peter Godfrey-Smith (no relation). He discusses the playful personality and resourceful
skill of the octopus. When it comes to my art, I have spent a lot of time learning and am  aware of the "rules" of creating a successful painting-however I do take artistic license
and have fun pushing the boundaries!

Formally trained as a cardiac nurse. Informally trained as a mom and an artist.  Instruction and guidance from several wonderful art teachers over 20 plus years at local  art centers and community colleges."

You can view Gigi's work all of June in the meeting room during regular library hours and on the library website, .  You can also listen to a podcast interview at   
As always, thank you for supporting local artists and your Bainbridge Public Library.

~ Linda Meier, art coordinator
Library Staff Profile - Denton Kiehle

Denton Kiehle is a recent recruit to the Board of BPL. A local, he was born in Seattle and grew up in Burien. His father, Marlin was an aeronautical engineer and had moved the family from Buffalo, NY to the "wild west" coast in order to work at Boeing. Marlin had a Master's degree from the University of Michigan. He married his sweetheart Claudia soon after graduation. They had three sons.

Denton's mother was a life-long volunteer, including a successful 30-year career as manager of the Children's Hospital Thrift Shop in Seattle. She was Denton's inspiration and role model. Even as a child he had the desire, determination, and kind heart to help others. While attending Seattle University as a finance major, he volunteered at the Seattle Aquarium. There he met his future wife Caroline, also a volunteer! After college, Denton led a private accounting firm specializing in not-for-profit business planning and tax issues. Caroline attended UW and received a Master of Education which enabled her to develop and lead a program that improves how STEM is taught in public schools. After they married, they bought a home in Magnolia, moving to Bainbridge in 2007.

Denton changed career paths in a rather dramatic fashion, opening an art gallery in downtown Seattle that focused on marine-life artworks by emerging and recognized artists. More than just a gallery, it became a center of community activity. The gallery had an amazing run until the retail conditions of Seattle changed severely. Denton then resumed his private finance practice. He continues actively volunteering in the city with Kiwanis and a non-profit that provides culinary arts training to homeless adults and young people.

Recently, Denton was suggested for another volunteer job as the newest member of the Bainbridge Public Library Board. He enjoys problem solving in technology, art, and finance - skills that will be helpful for Bainbridge Public Library. He is also a great communicator, relationship builder and an empathetic person.
2019 Cynthia Lord Harrison Library Scholarship Award

Beth Steinbach is the 2019 awardee of the Cynthia Lord Harrison Library Scholarship Fund. Beth is enrolled at the University of Missouri online MLIS program and has completed her first year with two more years before graduation. She loves working in libraries, has four teenage children, and is working for KRL as an assistant. Beth loves working with people and wants to continue working in the public library.

The CLHLSF was established in 2008 in honor of Cynthia "Cindy" Harrison, manager of the Bainbridge branch of the Kitsap Regional Library from 1991 to 2007.  The fund was established to provide support for those seeking to further their professional careers in librarianship.  To be eligible for the award, applicants must be either a volunteer or employee of Kitsap Regional Library and must be accepted or enrolled in an accredited, graduate-level library and information science program.

Congratulations to Beth Steinbach!
The Library Garden

Last year, a large area of the garden along Madison Avenue was struggling and we realized the soil was still contaminated from a long-ago car repair business on that spot. We sent soil samples to a company called Fungi Perfecti and they developed a specific strain of fungal components that could break down the pollutants.

How did it work? A year later we are seeing extraordinary healthy growth on all our test plants. 
If you were wondering about the little flags that were visible in that area, they were marking dormant plantings so we could evaluate the status of our soil cleanup project. We are very excited about the way this area has responded to the fungal treatment and expect to see wonderful colorful plantings thriving this summer.

~ Ann Lovejoy
Books Worth Sharing

The Knowledge
by Martha Grimes

Richard Jury, Melrose Plant and Grimes' usual cast of quirky characters team with Patty Haight and her fellow street kids to solve a double murder on the steps of Artemis, a posh casino and art gallery in London. Patty's a better detective than many from the Met, though she's not yet 10! She can insinuate herself anywhere and carries a tote bag full of disguises. Oliver Twist take note! As the search ranges from Dubai to Johannesburg to Kenya and beyond, Jury and Plant down many drams of whiskey, partake of sumptuous meals, and generally revel in the comforts of old money. They also dabble a bit in the illicit importation of gemstones and fine art. Filled with the requisite twists and turns that make Grimes' mysteries so very delightful, this may be her best story yet. You may not learn the location of The Knowledge, but you'll visit enough pubs to make the trip worthwhile!

~ Susan Braun
Have You Seen This Library?

One of the most beautiful libraries in the world, Joanina Library at the University of Coimbra, Portugal was built in 1717. Fun fact: the library employs a colony of bats who are released into the library at night to feast on the insects who would otherwise destroy the 250,000 rare books housed in this magnificent building! All of the surfaces are covered with leather each night to protect them as the bats go about their jobs.
Friends of the Library Book Sales

The Bainbridge Island Friends of the Library book sales offer gently used books, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and magazines to support the Friends, who in turn reinvest in the library through endowment gifts, programming and special events, magazine subscriptions, the aquarium in the Children's Library and much more. Daily, scores of donated books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, and other items arrive in our book room.  A crew of volunteers work three days a week to sort, price, organize, and shelve these donations for our sales.  As a result, our stock of books and other items on display for sale is constantly renewed. Over a year's period, we receive several hundred thousand books and we are proud that we have only gently used, often new appearing books on our shelves.

Mark your calendar for book sales at Bainbridge Public Library:

Saturday, June 8th 10:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday, June 13th 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Tuesday, June 25th 10:00am - 4:00pm

Did You Know?

Bainbridge Public Library, a nonprofit organization, owns, operates, and maintains the Library building and grounds through community donations and grants. Kitsap Regional Library provides the library staff, collection, classes, and a virtual library at with funding from property tax revenues. Together we provide the quality library our community wants and has come to expect. Thank you for your support!

When in Doubt Go to The Library